CanCON is right – the IPCC climate conference in Cancun is a CON. Some are even calling it CanCOM as in climate communists. While the elitists there are trying to socially re-engineer the world without our consent here are some salient facts to keep in mind that they probably wont tell you;

1. There are more deaths in Mexico on a daily basis than there are deaths hypoth.... So while the greenies focus on a problem they have dreamt up they are surrounded by a very real appalling problem they ignore. Many have said this for years that if the money that has been flushed down the toilet on the green lie was instead spent on real causes imagine what a different world we would have.

2. Cancon is the 16th lushfest of the IPCC, each of them with carbon footprints the size of small countries. In Jokenhagen many flew in on their private jets and they ran out of limousines. The carbon footprint of an attendee from Europe

going to Cancun is estimated to be about 4 1/2 tonnes (air travel, luxury accommodation, conferences, air conditioning, luxury cars etc). Equivalent to the average footprint of a person for half a year. Cancun’s solution – they plant trees or attendees pay around $50 to offset their carbon sins. And that’s just for an ordinary traveler. However UNFCC says they are minimising their footprint while they hypocritically decide how they can get the rest of us to minimise our lives. They decided we don’t have a choice – it is their moral imperative.

3. Whilst in Copenhagen they hyped it up in Cancun they are playing it down. Don’t be fooled its just spin in another guise, and this time a more dangerous one. By playing it down they think they can fool the many who now watch them. My hunch is they are going to come out of it with something truly draconian and they hope long lasting.

4. CanCON is not about the environment – the environment is just an excuse. The global warming charade is a trojan horse attacking the foundations of our freedoms and democracies. Tucson citizen reports ; “Last week the German newspaper NZZ Online quoted German economist Ottmar Edenhofer, who is co-chair of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Working Group III on Mitigation of Climate Change, as saying, “The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War.” Edenhofer also said “climate policy is redistributing the world’s wealth” and that “it’s a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization.The Danish ambassador to China, Friis Arne Petersen SaidIn Cancun, as far as I know, there should be a fast track to financing,” and by that he means the West financing the third world. In Copenhagen the West committed to a $10 billion payment, Cancun is about translating this “fast-start” funding from pledges into allocations. In other words CanCON is about collection, and collecting billions. And be sure of it the UN will take their cut.

5. The global warming theory is yet to be proven – even the UN IPCC acknowledges that. The theory is based on computer models that are at odds with reality. Climate change dispatch reports ; Authors of a new book Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory’ claim they have debunked greenhouse gas theory of climate change. This is on top of previous claims the greenhouse theory is flawed, wrong and just not possible.

6. The future is not warm but cold. Scientists are warning of the following; Many years of cold winters lie ahead ; Brutal winters ahead ; Another cold snowy winter ; Long cold winter ahead ; With Solar Cycle 24 not far off flatlining, natural cold cycles of the PDO and AMO lining up, increased volcanism and no proof CO2 causes warming – what else are we to expect!

7. The amount of people killed by the cold outnumbers those killed by the warmth by 10:1. We have blogged on this repeatedly here. And with environmentalist policies pushing for exorbitant price increases in electricity it’s only going to get a lot worse!

8. The green worship of China exposes the green hatred of democracy. China – the worlds largest consumer of coal can do no wrong, yet America, Canada and Australia no matter how environmentally friendly they are can do no right. CanCON is about a new geopolitical framework. As Lord Christopher Monckton says new world order. The new UN catch phrase is ‘civil society‘ which means if you don’t behave as they want that’s the end of you. What they say this means for us is forced relocations, concentration camps, forced food rationing – and all for the well being of the planet. And they have decided they are the planets guardians – not you.

9. What they are doing at CanCON is making decisions on your behalf without your knowledge or approval. There is no democratic process. It is simply the eco elite trying to get binding treaties that we and future generations are not meant to be able to get out of, and in the process pay them big time. The reality is a piece of paper – and how much is a piece of paper worth?

10. Carbon emission reduction is anti nature. Carbon Emission Reduction Strategies May Undermine Tropical Biodive.... Carbon Sinks – good for investors, bad for the environment, Carbon partnership bad for the environment, etc etc CO2 is a plant food, Carbon control is making money out of hot air – what did they expect!

GE – looking to profit as much as it can from global warming ; CanCON executive summary ; Hypocrisy of the NYT

Source: TWAWKI, November 30, 2010

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Comment by Anti Oligarch on December 5, 2010 at 4:30pm
Thank you, please share with friends and family.
Comment by O.R.M.E. on December 5, 2010 at 4:21pm
Thanks for posting this - we're with you 100% on this one. The global warming scam only serves to benefit the rich. Yet still they continue to push their agenda with no proof and only the corporate media propaganda machine to back them up. Interestingly the last Bilderberg meeting had Global Cooling on the agenda. They'll be telling us our carbon footprint is the cause of the cooling next, when it becomes patently obvious that we are heading into a period of cooling/a new Maunder Minimum...

Cool post - thank you :)

Poppy and Holly


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