President Trump and Dan Scavino Confirm “The Ellipse” Before 9am January 6th, Also Plan For DC to Shut Down Metro

President Trump and Dan Scavino Confirm “The Ellipse” Before 9am Ja...

Moments ago President Trump and Dan Scavino confirmed the specific location in DC with a video from TrumpMarch.Com  – The January 6th rally in Washington DC is shaping up to be the largest ever assembly in Washington DC history.  Millions are inbound.  From what can be ascertained from social media and grassroots communication to CTH, the scale is growing exponentially now; and with it some warnings and insider tips.

Here is the video shared by President Trump and Dan Scavino:

The video confirms what we anticipated before.  The primary venue for assembly and speaker content will be focused on The Ellipse, a 52-acre park south of the White House fence and north of Constitution Avenue and the National Mall; however the recommendation is now to arrive before 9am on the date of the event. [See Map Below]

President Trump has confirmed that he will be participating at the massive event. Additionally, for those traveling to Washington DC for the rally on January 6th, here’s some insider advice and helpful tips from a person who lives in the area – SEE HERE 

Links to more information:  SEE HERE – and – SEE HERE – and SEE HERE

Also an additional warning.  Be prepared for the DC metro to be SHUT DOWN as part of a crowd control strategy.  If as many people arrive as we are currently anticipating to see, literally in the millions, you could/should expect DC Mayor Bowser to order the DC metro rail system to shut down. It would be prudent to plan for this.

If you are incapable of walking multiple miles into DC; and you anticipate the shortage of cab transport; one possible workaround might be to plan on taking Amtrak into Union Station.  Unfortunately, January 6th attendees must think of themselves as insurgent supporters arriving against the interests of the administrative state.   Have a primary, secondary and back-up plan thought-out in advance; and make your travel into DC early.

As noted below The Ellipse is mid-way (aligned with the Washington Monument) North of the National Mall. The area in-around the Capitol building might not be open due to pre-inauguration event construction. So it is best to be fluid with your plans.

John Spiropoulos is somewhere en route at the moment.  We know he is on the road conducting interviews with people heading to the event. John was traveling from California to DC via Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee and Virginia. CTH will resume sharing videos of John’s travels as soon as he files a report.

You can support John at his GoFundMe-Here, as well as GiveSendGo-Here Also any CTH member who would like the opportunity to meet up with John for his video segments can contact him via his email address:

From the TIPS – “Do not plan on having cell service. During the last 2 events, there were so many people there, I was unable to send any outgoing messages. Plan accordingly by having meetup times & locations with your group if you get separated.” (LINK)  Plan for food and drinks and plan to be self sufficient.

There are plans at most State Capitals for events in support of the DC rally. There is also a plan being developed for a national event to show support coast to coast at a specific time during the event. More details on how you can support that effort in the near future. 300w" sizes="(max-width: 634px) 100vw, 634px" /> 300w" sizes="(max-width: 638px) 100vw, 638px" />

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