Markler you are marked for much prayer and there is nada you can do about it. One day the angels in heaven will be rejoicing because you gave your life to Christ and found peace with God.
Until then you will just have to keep on fighting the NWO in your own strength.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Baby, you dont deter me, and I will still post what I want. I have to post some more religious tyranny, see ya.
Oh yeah, sunshine, you will never be lucky enough to "love" this old gal. (((smiles)))
BTW: I never said you couldn't or shouldn't post but it would be much appreciated if you used a bit of discernment and posted a couple of good things rather than mucking up the front page with 22 posts in a row of sheer drivel. Watching you flail around like a drowning victim in your efforts to be relevant may be amusing at times but some here actually have intelligent, interesting, and constructive things to post that others may actually want to see.
Decent folks who promote religious tyranny, LFMAO. Obviously you have no desire to defeat the new world order, only to replace it with your own. If I pissed you off this much it must be that the truth hurts.
And marklar, just in case you go the usual path people like you take:
I know I am not perfect, I am a biker and a damn good woman..not because I am somebody, but because I know truth and you cant sway me on it. My strength is not of myself, but of God. And he knows I make lots of mistakes, still loves me.
If I cuss you, then must have pissed me off, people that troll decent folk just dont set right with me.
Right on, and amen to Chuck and fireguy! Like minded people congregate primarily together, mostly because we are intelligent enough to know we dont KNOW everything in the damn world! We share knowledge, knowlege is wisdom, wisdom has power.
I agree with Chuck Baldwin, we have common beliefs.
The enemy WILL attack, of course, and we have to stay on course, if we dont our country will plunge down even faster than its going already. There is no hope, eventually. Until that day, we are to be watchmen on the wall. The word says, "The sheep hear my voice, and they heed my call", "You are counted as sheep to the slaughter", and its true.
The world gives you a different definition of sheep, so that it sounds like you are a follower of any old belief that comes along. Programmed. ONE thing is different about believers, we KNOW our Shepherd's voice and we have been warned of the days to come. "Seek wise council".
Hey, commie dumb ass, the Constitution may be on its knee's, but I am gonna practice free speech till the day I am forced to shut up.
This is my page and I will post what the hell I want to post, okey dokey? Now, if you dont like the subject matter, there are awesome pages all over this site...dont let the door hit ya in the ass.
A society cannot be "Christian" only individuals who accept Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior. All Governments are of this world system including the U.S.
As far as "religion" goes I stand on God's word the Bible and His definition:
James 1:26-27
26If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
We have had times when the majority of the people were Christian and we prospered beyond any other nation, yet, we are all sinners who need redemption and to be set free.
Enjoy Independance Day with your families, God Bless you all.
Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
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