College Campus the New Federal Indoctrination Camps

Image result for federal reorientation centers


We in the US have what are known as federal reorientation centers where people who have made the mistake of arguing conservative or patriotic logic with the police, some leftist in public office, or someone who has been targeted as a possible domestic terrorist can be detained and remanded to the custody of a federal government center where he will be de-programmed or convinced not to elicit his type of diatribe again. I knew of one man pulled over for a traffic violation and after having a discussion with a Richardson, Texas police officer found himself in a federal re-orientation center. Apparently, it didn’t take much.

Image result for Lesbian teachers showing children how to use condoms

Indoctrination rather than education

This kind of thing you would think could only happen in a brutal dictatorship or the old Soviet Union but, no, it’s happening here in good old America. But, it gets worse. Thanks to Jimmy Carter who began the NEA (National Education Association) we have a centralized form of classroom thought Nazi control. Leftist diatribe, socialism, transgenderism, atheism, global warming, and CRT have been injected into the minds of young people attending taxpayer funded public schools who may even have Lesbian substitute teachers showing elementary school aged children how to use condoms or even dildos. When parents, angry over pornographic trash their children are being exposed to and voicing their disapproval to schoolboard members, may find a visit from the FBI to come next.

Image result for violent collega protesters againt consservative speakers

Toxic context

If this were not bad enough we have colleges who have gone a step further. These are now leftist indoctrination centers, not schools of learning. Instead of being taught important skills needed as adults to make a responsible contribution to our society they are being fed America hating radical propaganda that has nothing to do with learning other than demonizing the values that made America exceptional. This is evident in violent college protests that even cause damage to the premises and injury to people, but those giving lectures just might find their lives being threatened if they espouse conservative or right wing philosophy even Biblical content! 

Image result for Ann Coulter at violent campus protest

You could die

Ann Coulter could tell you what it was like to have a scheduled lecture on campus only to be met with fires, violent protesters and college officials warning her that her own life was in danger if she spoke. There have been several conservative speakers such as Dinesh D’Souza and Ben Shapiro have had threats of violence while on stage at their podium by the kinder gentler leftists and transgender individuals especially. I guess the socialists and radicals only believe in the First Amendment when it applies to them. So, with all the false narratives that are being injected into the minds of impressionable and inexperienced young adults what can we expect in the future? We can most likely expect a generation of socialist, atheist, intolerant, and hostile sycophants, programmed, under cognitive dissonance, and willing to watch their country go down the tubes in order to satisfy some flawed ideology that violates all practical logic or patriotic beliefs?

Image result for violent BLM marches

The new insanity ward

So, in a new world of constant violent protests, gangs of lawless thugs beating up or murdering the white privileged guy who just got out his car because some coward hit his vehicle with a rock, we can be reassured by our faithful media that everything is relatively peaceful as the city burns in the background. The new America will be replete with drama queens, self-worshipping prima donnas, intellectually challenged electronic game addicts, substance abuse specialists, and those who feel justified in doing cruel things to anyone who doesn’t agree with their insane politics. Where such concepts as math, geography, civics, and literature were the corner stones of enlightening children and young adults we will have teachers saying that Donald Trump should be assassinated in class, Mao Zedong was a humanitarian cultural leader, Che Guevara was a hero,  or Ho Chi Minh was a liberator! Where soap operas are taught as an elective course, where radicals who hate America are invited to give speeches, and anyone espousing patriotic values is the enemy and anything that happens to them is justified not even short of murder. This is the true outcome of a toxic educational abomination brought to you by your federal government. See how your tax dollars are being spent?

Image result for America in orhcestrated decline


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