Dan Bongino Predicts Grave Revelations About Dems over FISA Memo

More Implications of the FISA MEMO

Dan Bongino, former federal investigator, policeman, and Secret Service Agent is warning people that there are going to be shocking revelations coming from the internal memo that Devin Nunez and intelligence sources within his committee having been authored in a 4 page document. According to Bongino the GOP has failed to ask an essential question during the course of the investigation into trumped up charges by Democrats and their involvement in illegal activities that they will try and misdirect as the evidence exposes them!

Fourth Amendment

According to Dan whether or not the Democrats engaged in illegally attaining a FISA Warrant using insufficient evidence and if the judge who heard the evidence could even have been a party to the Felony acts is important but not the main focus. The main focus will be the likely revelations that the Democrats are heavily involved in police state spying and have been for a long time. The 4th Amendment is definitely at stake here and just because they did not want the election of Donald Trump and actually carried on a covert operation to try and stop him from getting into the Oval Office does not mean that the all-important 4th Amendment does not apply to the nation’s top executive leader as well.

Damning implications

Bongino goes on to predict that with all the ranting and screaming of the Democrats who have been caught in so many lies during the course of intelligence committee examinations of files that contradict the testimonies of those like former FBI Director, James Comey, even President Barack Obama will be implicated. Not only will Obama be implicated, but that he will be exposed as the contemptuous and vindictive actor he really is in contradiction to the image of being a benevolent and good willed politician out to protect the best interests of the American people. If such acts as secretly negotiating a Nuke Deal with Iran the largest supporter of terrorism in the world responsible for killing and maiming US troops and US civilians all over the world as they chant “Death to America!” “Death to Israel” haven’t spelled it out enough for the brainwashed public who allow comedians and MSNBC do their thinking for them, this will do it!

Further justice to be dealt

Doctor Jerome Corsi, who once held a classified security clearance with the federal government predicts that the destruction of the Democratic Party is eminent due to the deep state corruption they are guilty of. For decades they have adopted an increasingly radical leftist stance and further and further fallen into a pro-Communist, pro-radical Islamist advocacy. In turn they have loaded a Deep State infiltration within the intelligence community, military, and diplomatic arm of the federal government. These illegal networks will inevitably be exposed and fall as well.

Decision made

When GOP leader, Peter King, cast a deciding vote to release the FISA Memo, shock waves ran through the Democrat Congress! Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters are scrambling on damage control to discredit the document and try to convince the American people that the truth is not what it appears and replace it with the lies they have purveyed in the weeks and months that transpired before the events they incriminated themselves over! Trey Gowdy is planning to bring back James Comey, Loretta Lynch, and others involved in the FISA Memo exposure for further questioning against files they have secured, statements they’ve already made, and the blatant contradictions that will not stand the light of day.

A false investigation falls apart

The pervasive evidence detailing FBI personnel who were planning on political actions to de-rail the Trump presidential campaign even with profane language included in text messages and e-mails exposes those who are precluded by law from entering into any such actions or discussions much less planning activities that would obstruct a candidate from getting elected to the presidency. FBI agent, Peter Strzok and FBI Attorney, Lisa Page, have already been removed from Robert Muller’s investigative team over alleged Russian Collusion. Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s stepping down from his position prior to release of the FISA Memo effectively freezes Mueller’s impotent probe. The teeth seem to have been removed from the tiger.

The death spiral

Dan Bongino, who served in the Secret Service during the Obama Administration before deciding to make a run for a Congressional seat in the state of Maryland once commented on the White House during his tenure there saying things were worse than people could have imagined. Bongino was referencing un-American activities that he witnessed during the performance of his duties, but being that his focus had to be on protecting the lives of Potus and Scotus he was unable to do more than that. In the days to come we can expect to see that the Democrats will grow more desperate, more accusatory, and more outlandish with their false accusations as the facts are presented to the American people.


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Comment by Doc Vega on February 1, 2018 at 7:16am

The House of Representatives have already voted to release the Memo while the Democrats want the document redacted! The question is how much of the facts and the people mentioned in the Memo will be allowed to see the light of day

Comment by david james on January 31, 2018 at 7:07pm

It seems I'm not alone in doubting the memo release.....


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