March 27, 2020

IN A real pandemic, police would be busy helping people get medical treatment, clearing bodies away, and quarantining the sick.

When a virus that overwhelmingly affects the very old and those with compromised immunities is turned into a fake pandemic, they imprison the healthy in their homes, close down playgrounds and enforce draconian “social distancing,” an unproven measure for controlling contagion among those with no signs of sickness. America is a prison without bars. (And without bars.) Prisoners in maximum security facilities get to play basketball, but not the inmates of New York:

In New York City, they’ve started dismantling basketball hoops to prevent people from gathering in parks and playing. In Lakewood, New Jersey, police broke up a wedding being held in violation of a ban on large gatherings. And in Austin, Texas, officers are encouraging people to call a hotline to snitch on violators of the city’s orders for people to stay home.

Police departments are taking a lead role in enforcing social distancing guidelines that health officials say are critical to containing COVID-19. Along with park rangers, fire inspectors and other public servants, officers more accustomed to chasing suspects and solving crimes are spending these troubled days cajoling people to stay at least 6 feet apart.

Things are especially bad it seems in New York City, an example for propaganda purposes to the rest of the nation. The city is not an epicenter of disease at this moment; it’s an epicenter of authoritarianism and lies. You used to have to make 400K a year just to walk the streets of Manhattan. Now you can’t even do that.

By the way, I’d rather risk disease than treat everyone around me like a potential murderer. If George Orwell wrote the script for an episode of The Twilight Zone, it would be like this.


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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 5, 2020 at 10:09am

"But I's just doinz meh jhob Bauseman"

"Destroying the New World Order"



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