Wesley Everest: "I'm Social Distancing from Silly People"

by Wesley Everest 
I'm social distancing myself from silly people, talking on the phone or writing to people who believe this whole pandemic bullshit. When the person on the line expresses worry, I'll say, 
" I gotta hang up." 
"Because I am practicing social distancing from silly people. I'm afraid I'm going to catch your stupid." 
I'm glad they have the X's on the floor.  It's not virus that is contagious. It's stupidity.  I want to stay away from them, too.
Six feet is good.  It's preventing me from slapping some sense into them.
I'm changing the message on my phone. "I'm socially distancing my self from stupid people.  If you think this pandemic is real, don't ever contact me again.  I don't want to catch your stupid."
Or when I'm invited to another session of digital jail -Zoom or Skype - I'll say: 
"No thanks. I prefer genuine people. Floating digital replicas of your faces scare me. I demand real people to communicate with." 
The next time some idiot with purple gloves and mask on tries to tell me something, I'll pretend not to understand him and force him to take his mask off. 
I'm listening to my neighbor's garage across the street. There must be a half dozen folks smoking a bong. Good for them. 
I pedaled my bike today by the local hospital. Real quiet over there. 
The Mayor of Houston pleading with the criminal element to "take a break until this crisis is over" was pretty hilarious. If it's one thing criminals are afraid of, it's the flu. 
The Kaiser Permanente personnel in the hospital and clinics are not allowed to wear masks. The grocery clerk is threatened by a cloth bag. Chris Cuomo conveniently catches the bug.
Under certain conditions the coronavirus may be deadly, but the stupidvirus is deadlier.
Worldwide Deaths from January 1st-March 25th, 2020
Coronavirus, 21,297 deaths. 
Seasonal flu, 113,034.
Malaria, 228,095.
Suicide, 249,904.
Traffic fatalities, 313, 903 deaths.
HIV/AIDS, 390, 908 deaths.
Alcohol related deaths, 581, 598.
Smoking-related deaths, 1,162,481.
Cancer deaths, 1,909,804 deaths.
Deaths attributed to starvation, 2,382,324 deaths.
And death by abortion, 9,913,702.

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 6, 2020 at 8:44pm

I left Food Lion 30 mins ago with my special "mask"(my 9mm Ruger), only 2 lanes open,, extended lines on both. new lexan sneeze guards and 6ft stickers in the checkouts, I ignored it all, then finally got to pay & asked the cashier (who was maskless) if the lexan was bullet proof, she said, "I wish it was, I wish they'd keep these up after it's all over"

I said,"Who says it's going to be over?, (The look on her face @ that moment was total shock) I continued, "this isn't going to be over unless We, The People make it so." This whole facade fraud is setup to see how far the sheep are going to be corralled. Just keep complying with these DC criminals playing this dumbass game and watch how fast this unfolds into complete unlawful tyranny and Gov't boots stomping on your head from now till your dead....

Thanks, & Y'all have a good evening"

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on April 6, 2020 at 2:38pm

I get looks for not 'sanitizing' my hands. It's getting bizarre....

Comment by James Roberts on April 6, 2020 at 2:27pm

Got some looks today at the local Mal Wart, wasn't wearing a mask. I wonder if it'll devolve like in the film The Mist, with some demagogue convincing a group of dullards that we need to sacrifice the strange ones... Where'd I put that box of ammo?

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on April 5, 2020 at 4:23pm
I'm not sure how to practice this. This surely would make me totally separated from my peers.... Wait a minute... this is already happening....

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