(Natural News) Under a new law that just took effect in New York, a child may be aborted up to the due date or even during the birth itself. If that child survives the attempted abortion and is born alive, that child may be murdered on sight by an abortionist to “complete” the abortion.
When the law was passed, NY Democrats applauded and cheered in the state Senate chambers, and Cuomo ordered a prominent building lit up in pink light to signify the blood of children that Democrats are ecstatic to see spilled on a daily basis.
With this decision, New York has quite literally been taken over by Satanists and demons. They are called “Demoncrats,” and they now openly applaud the legalized murder of human babies.
The obvious question now becomes this: If these Demoncrats are thrilled about murdering their own children (i.e. future Demoncrats), do you think they will hesitate one bit to start murdering Christians, conservatives, Trump supporters or white people?
Make no mistake, the Demoncrat agenda is not simply the mass censorship of conservative, pro-Christian free speech, nor even the murder of President Trump. Their true agenda is a nationwide ethnic cleansing mass murder campaign against their political opponents, carried out in a way that will make the Holocaust look tiny in comparison.
Watch my video commentary here, which explains why these New York Demoncrats will “burn in Hell” for their heinous crimes against children (and why we must stop them now as a matter of self-defense against mass murder).
I’m not the only one who has come to this realization, by the way. Columnist Kurt Schlichter has reached the same inescapable conclusion and now writes about it in a hard-hitting piece first published at TownHall.com.
Schlichter: The Left is gearing up to commit mass genocide across America, targeting white people for government executions
Below, I reprint the most important paragraphs from Schlichter’s article, which I consider a must-read piece for understanding and navigating our modern world:
The Dems are spooning with socialism, and the goal of socialism is written in blood on the pages of history. The unapproved must be liquidated, and they are making no secret that you are unapproved.
You better get your head in the game or you’ll find your head in a guillotine – definitely figuratively, maybe literally.
They hate you for not submitting, for being an obstacle to their rule.
Facts and evidence don’t matter because the trial is already over and you’ve already been condemned because of who you are. You can’t ever clear yourself with the left because they don’t hate you for what you did or will do, but for who you are. That’s where the babble about “white privilege” comes from – if you’re white and conservative you’re wrong, and if you’re not white and conservative, you’re even…wronger.
It’s not about race or gender or orientation, but about power – they want to take yours, to strip you of your sovereignty and make you kneel. Their SJW posturing is all a lie and a scam. They don’t care about ending racism, sexism, homophobia, or any of the myriad other -isms and -phobias they blather about. Those poses are just weapons to be used to capture what they really want – total power over you. They seek to shame you into submission, and if that won’t work, then they’ll do whatever it takes.
Do you think the Democrats of yesterday spent a lot of time weighing the evidence before lynching black men? Those Democrats murdered black men for two reasons – because they wanted to send a message to other black men about the price of resistance, and because they enjoyed doing it.
When the Democrats of today were on Twitter mobbing those children from Kentucky for daring not to submit, couldn’t you sense the hideous joy they felt screeching for the heads of those kids? Their souls are empty of morality and religion, and nature abhors a vacuum, so they filled that vacancy with pagan bloodlust.
Orwell wrote about the daily “Two-Minute Hate,” and how is this any different? These unloveable losers have nothing else in their lives, no connection with anything, so they find meaning by joining together with other misfit psychopaths so they can lose themselves in a frenzy of hatred where they get to play the role of righteous avengers.
Think of what they would do with real power…
And understand that they might get it. The Democrat Party is not just listening to them. It’s being transformed by them. Name the prominent Democrat politician who stood up and said, “This Covington Kid crucifixion is wrong!”
Do you think that a leftist Supreme Court majority won’t construe the First Amendment to exclude protection for “hate speech,” by which I mean any thoughts you might wish to express that they object to?
Do you think they won’t turn the federal bureaucracy – including law enforcement – against their political enemies a thousand times harder than before, having been rewarded for the last decade of doing so?
Do you think they won’t start tossing dissenters into prison? They do in England. You can go to jail for a tweet there – and do you think the left thinks that’s a bad thing, or a creative European innovation that needs to be imported?
How about the Second Amendment? Are you kidding? The idea that our citizenry maintains the ultimate veto over tyranny drives them bonkers.
Do you think they won’t use violence to make you conform? Hell, Democrat presidential candidate Eric Swalwell is willing to nuke you for not giving up your guns. We know that because he said so.
It’s time to stop pretending that people who hate our guts don’t hate our guts, and that given the chance they won’t act exactly like people who hate our guts would act.
The time to stop them is now, while we still can peacefully, before they quit tweeting about killing and start doing it beyond the occasional Bernie Bro at a ball field. We need to purge the weakhearts and Fredocons from positions of authority in our movement and be all-in for victory in 2020. In the meantime, we need to aggressively push our campaign to remake the courts. And it sure would not hurt to follow the Founders‘ advice to exercise our Second Amendment rights to reinforce the deterrent to tyranny that is an armed citizenry.
Read the full piece at TownHall.com.
Stay informed about the Democrat-led mass murder of children at Abortions.news.
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