In 2009 Eric Holder US Attorney General for the Obama Administration said that what kept him at night were domestic terrorists he claimed were ex-military veterans, Evangelic Christians, Constitutionalists, and conservatives. These categories a US Attorney General defined as threats. This would set the tone of the race baiting and needlessly spent millions in the search for racist police departments though out the US as Barack Obama used code speak and inflammatory remarks to crowds of Black Americans convincing them that the police were murdering them and violent rioting was permissible! Thus, the “Ferguson Effect” as US cities burned nightly thanks to the true domestic terrorist, President Obama, himself.
After 8 years of the Obama clown act new domestic terrorists were created with millions in Democrats donor money and consent of the Democrat Party as ANTIFA and BLM hit the ground running advocating the death and defunding of police forces and murdering people on the streets. Mayoral offices told police to stand down as squad cars were burned, store fronts were set aflame, and violent protests turned cities into war zones. All under the watch of the Democrats America has been rendered unto third world banana republic dictatorship status!
But, what about you? What part have you played in all this? Did you visit Washington DC on January 6th 2020? Maybe you’re a domestic terrorist and don’t even know it. Why? Because the Biden White House and the Merrick Garland DOJ are on full persecution mode. They are out to get you! The federal deprogramming centers are opened and waiting for applicants voluntary or not! If you have a different opinion then the federal government, you may be a no good domestic terrorist. If you buy a rifle at your local Walmart store, you may be a domestic terrorist! If you write derogatory things about this Democrat joke of an administration you could get a visit from the FBI. Recently, a man, a Trump supporter, and a gun owner raised eyebrows. The FBI received a tip that he was plotting to kill the president. According to this man’s daughter when the FBI appeared at their door her Daddy was shot and killed and he didn’t even have a gun on him! An anonymous tip, or just a made up excuse to pick on a target?
In countries like Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, and others journalists who don’t support the human rights violations they see could get jailed or even worse, dismantled by knife while still alive as Jamal Koshoggi found out. However, we in America would never do that would we? Michael Hastings, a journalist for Rolling Stone, ran afoul of General McCrystal and his failed counter insurgency program. The car bombing blew the engine of his Mercedes 200 feet away from the disintegrated car. Seth Rich shot to death by a hired MS-13 assassin for leaking evidence of Democrat wrong doing by the DNC. Nah! That third world kind of stuff doesn’t go on here in the good old US of A, right?
Some will say the true police state in the federal government got started in 1995 during the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, an inside job to destroy evidence that had been deposited there. Of course shortly after came 9-11 and the hits just kept on rolling in!
We now have a true police state that determines whether or not your actions define being a domestic terrorist, and apparently it doesn’t take much nowadays. If you go to a schoolboard meeting incensed over inappropriate sexual content, you may get a visit from the FBI or maybe just get arrested right there at the schoolboard meeting, depends on how lucky you are. Should you speak out against or get in a tussle with a BLM thug whose harassing your child or an ANTIFA punk who threatens your wife, even when you offer to cooperate with the authorities you could get a warm early morning visit from heavily armed ATF agents, courtesy of the Merrick Garland shit show.
Remember that the social media platforms are a great place to express your anger and distaste at the way your federal government is destroying America. There are police constantly monitoring the social platforms, but here’s this problem. You see the really disturbed sickos who talk about murdering their fellow students while in class don’t seem to don’t ever seem to get caught. Even though the FBI knew that 2 heavily armed Jihadists from Arizona were headed for Pamela Geller’s Allah drawing contest in downtown Garland twenty minutes before the attack, I guess the FBI just didn’t see this as a domestic terrorist threat so they did nothing to warn the 200 child and parent participants. It might have been a slaughter had not Garland City police intervened. Well, I guess the FBI just can’t screen all domestic terrorism threats even when they have the information right on hand to stop a shooting.
During the Obama Administration one black Pastor James Manning with a small chapel in Harlem made several YouTube videos calling out President Obama for being a liar and a destructive force over America. Sounds like this Christian pastor was a domestic terrorist, right? Well, he got a visit from the Secret Service! You know, he was one of those Evangelical Christians that AG Eric Holder claimed to lose sleep over! Yet, I seem to recall that both he and Hillary got the five Muslim terrorists responsible for the first bombing of the Twin Towers in NYC, acquitted. You know where that young pregnant mother was killed. I guess 5 Muslim men who made bombs in their garage and planned a deadly bombing just don’t fit the definition of “Domestic Terrorists” so remember that the Merrick Garland DOJ wants to find another 1100 people at arrest for being at J6, oh yes, still. By God, if there aren’t any more defendants we’ll fabricate them from thin air!
Here’s a reminder how “Domestic Terrorism” works in America. The two men who threw a burning Molotov cocktail into a police car on J6 were released after questioning and a short stay in jail. I guess just didn’t qualify as an act of terrorism! Gosh, than what are all the others doing time in the DC jail for who didn’t even conduct such a life threatening act? Sorry if my enquiry ruffles feathers at the Biden Administration, perhaps I am a domestic terrorist too and just don’t realize it!
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