People who have a political opinion that “represents a fairly popular point of view” also listed as extremists
Paul Joseph Watson
September 20, 2012
A leaked training manual used in the State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training (SLATT) program for law enforcement and funded by the Department of Justice lists political bumper stickers expressing opposition to the United Nations and support for the bill of rights as indications of terrorist activity.
The presentation documents, leaked to the Public Intelligence website, are entitled Terrorism Training For Law Enforcement and are marked “law enforcement sensitive.” The program is funded by grants from the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Slides for the presentation depict the kind of behavior that law enforcement officials should be wary of in spotting potential terrorists during highway patrols.
One of the slides – entitled “Fourth Amendment Issues” – notes that “a suspicious map located on the passenger seat” could warrant further investigation as a potential indicator of terrorism.
Another slide entitled “General Right Wing Extremist” – depicts suspicious bumper stickers that should warrant further investigation by cops conducting traffic stops.
The bumper stickers read, “Know Your Rights Or Lose Them,” and “If You Love Your Country, the U.N. Is Not Your Friend!,” and “Get US Out Of the United Nations”.
Under the category of “Special-Interest/Single Issue Terrorism,” the slide characterizes people who hold political opinions that “represent a fairly popular point of view” as terrorists. Anti-abortion activists are also listed as terrorists under this category.
Another slide lists people who are “antigenetic engineering” as terrorists. Presumably, that includes people who are concerned about a new study which found that rats fed with genetically-engineered Monsanto corn suffered premature deaths.
Apparently, the Department of Justice considers Americans who have a good grasp of the bill of rights, are concerned about the food they eat, those who politically oppose the United Nations, and even those who hold “fairly popular” opinions, to be likely terrorists. Perhaps the DOJ is drawing inspiration from the Department of Defense, who in 2009 characterized the First Amendment right to protest as “low level terrorism”.
These documents are by no means the only instance in which displaying political bumper stickers has been characterized as a suspicious and potentially terrorist activity by the federal government.
The infamous 2009 MIAC report, published by the Missouri Information Analysis Center and first revealed by Infowars, framed Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag, as potential terrorists.
Under the FBI’s Communities Against Terrorism program, the bulk purchase of food is also labeled as a potential indication of terrorist activity, as is using cash to pay for a cup of coffee, and showing an interest in web privacy when using the Internet in a public place.
A recent Department of Homeland Security-funded study produced by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.
Given that the DHS is now recruiting citizen spies to report “suspicious activity” via apps on their smartphones, don’t be surprised to see SWAT teams being called out to Starbucks on a regular basis to apprehend terrorists who choose to pay for their cup of joe with a few dollar bills.
One can only imagine what kind of response would be generated by someone paying cash for a cup of coffee whoalso has a political bumper sticker displayed on their car – the President would obviously have to be immediately notified in order to prepare for the enactment of emergency crisis procedures in order to safeguard national security.
View the slides from the DOJ-funded presentation below.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
Nikki,aren't they one in the same? Just how I see it. Holy crap, the US is really gone,Obamny sit's back laughing as the US go's down the tube's. We used to have a sticker that said it was a terrorists hunting license,now it might say we are the hunted.
Escape the cage.
The a**holes are scarier than the cops!
If you have bumper stickers on your car you are not only a target of law enforcement but motorists and others who don't agree with you. In fact you might park your car on the street and come back to find it vandalized.
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