“Don’t Be Alarmed”: Army Trains MPs To Drive Tanks On U.S. Streets (ST Louis, Missouri)

Sightings of vehicles provokes fears of martial law

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, June 22, 2012

St Louis City residents have been warned to not be alarmed at the sight of U.S. Army tanks rolling down residential neighborhoods after sightings of the vehicles provoked fears of martial law.

The exercise is part of a U.S. Army program run by military police from Fort Meade, Maryland focused around training MPs from St. Louis how to drive heavily armored tanks “on highways and on city streets.”

Sightings of the tanks prompted hundreds of residents to flood news channel KSDK’s Facebook page, with some expressing fears that martial law had arrived with others promising to “stop and salute” the tanks as they rolled by.

Reporting that he was told by the Army not to disclose the location of where the exercise was operating out of for “security reasons,” KSDK reporter Casey Nolan downplayed the exercise as “not such a big deal.”

U.S. Army Sergeant Cornelius Ivory discouraged citizens from taking video and photographs of the tanks and urged them not to get too close.

“They need to know to stay away from it,” Ivory told KSDK.

The exercise will run from June 21-28 in St. Louis, with the presence of the tanks being most noticeable in the area of the sixth district.

As we have exhaustively documented, the increasing shift towards domestic militarization of law enforcement is part of the acclimation process to get Americans comfortable with the idea of troops and tanks on the streets as a routine occurrence.

Earlier today we reported on how scores of paramilitary troops and soldiers appearing to be from the National Guard were deployed onto the streets of Hartford, Connecticut to break-up a recent annual Puerto Rican-American cultural event.

This is just the latest of scores of examples of how the military and National Guard is increasingly being deployed domestically to target the American people.

National Guard and U.S. Army troops are routinely involved in ‘urban warfare training’ drills. Usually such drills take place within the confines of military bases, however, more recently heavily armed troops are increasingly seenpatrolling residential neighborhoods and even the downtown areas of major US cities.

Such “invasions” are often reported on as nothing to worry about and even as “cool” by the mainstream media.

Back in 2008 the Washington Post reported how 20,000 U.S. troops returning from Iraq would be stationed inside America under Northcom for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards.

Northcom officials were forced to subsequently issue a denial after the Army Times initially reported that the troops would be used to deal “with civil unrest and crowd control.”

An article published in the May/June issue of Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece for the influential Council on Foreign Relations, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Raymond T. Odierno, advocates the army be “transitioned” into a more “flexible force” by deploying in situations normally reserved for domestic law enforcement officials. He argues that by doing so, troops will be better equipped to deal with conflict elsewhere.

Domestic deployment of troops for purposes of law enforcement is a clear violation of section 1385 of the Posse Comitatus Act, which states, “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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Comment by Sweettina2 on June 28, 2012 at 4:27pm

All the foreign troops that theyve brought here for years now have never left!  They are still here.  Blue hats mean target practice.  Training my ass!  They are here to take American's under control because they know our troops are less likely to turn on fellow American's.

Comment by Patty Volies on June 24, 2012 at 10:02pm

Well i geuss the waiting is over, that's a relief but training purposes i do not believe. Great info THANKS EVERYONE!!!

Comment by TheLasersShadow on June 24, 2012 at 7:28pm

AZRanger If you believe that my post was to celebrate the death of the Americans in those tanks you've put words in my mouth that I have never said and never would. I was demonstrating that the M1A1 Abrams tank can be disabled and or destroyed along with all other armor. Thats all but I can understand your misconception with the shitty jihadi music in the background and what not, I guess I should have taken the time to look for another compilation without the American hating overtones it was just the first video that showed what I wanted. 

Comment by AZRanger on June 24, 2012 at 1:51pm

The Lasers Shadow! Go Fuck Yourself! Those tanks contained Americans who died there, well except for the Soviet one w/ the red star! Those were our boys, you bitch-ass coward! If I would ever manage to catch you, I would beat you within an inch of your life, you traitorous bastard! I think I will call you Hanoi Jane from now on, asshole!

As far as tanks on American streets are concerned, American citizens should go to wherever they are and tell those soldiers just how wrong that behavior is! Yes, anyone with any clue aout anything knows that tanks,including ours, can be defeated in battle. Tanks on American streets is an Obamination, and when blue helmets are in them, I will shoot to kill each and every one of them, but when our boys are in them I will vehemently protest them. If they fire on Americans, then I will treat them just as if they had blue helmets, but until then, they are still American soldiers who deserve our praise and respect, as long as they operate Constitutionally. If not, well then, they will have become domestic enemies, and will pay that price.



Comment by Cryptocurrency on June 23, 2012 at 11:39am

LaserShadow, you nailed it with your comment. You couldn't be more correct. Left me with nothing to add lol.

Comment by Anthony Furciniti on June 22, 2012 at 5:48pm

oh Troy you my friend are HILARRIOUS!  :OP

Comment by TheLasersShadow on June 22, 2012 at 5:44pm

The music is crap in that video but it shows the best tank in the world isn't invincible.

Fort Mead is spookville lol this isn't for "overseas" it's for HERE and training the men that are likely going to be enforcing globalist martial law on us day one (night one?) the hard core guys who filled in the bubble next to "will shoot Americans".  This also doubles as acclimatization for the public so when this all hits they have seen these tanks before and it isn't so foreign to them. They have virtual and real world urban training areas there is ZERO need to drive these down main street.  

Comment by Anthony Furciniti on June 22, 2012 at 5:29pm

make no mistake this coming attack is going to be all too real

Comment by TheLasersShadow on June 22, 2012 at 5:21pm

Comment by Warren D Filkins on June 22, 2012 at 5:10pm




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