Friday, June 22, 2012
The U.S. Army is advising residents of St. Louis to “stay away” from military vehicles driving down highways and residential neighborhoods as part of a training program.
Youhavetoforgiveme, thank you for joggling my brain a bit. I remember my cousin writing home telling us how he was deeply shocked beyond belief when women "who looked pregnant in Vietnam were blowing themselves up just to take out a few of our Military people.
Well David :) Please remember that you/they (our men and women) are dealing with cultures radically different than our own. In short, they do not hold human life sacred as we do. At least since Vietnam and probably since the invention of warfare, women and children (innocent and otherwise) have been used as weapons.
I can't say that I would or wouldn't shoot women/children only because I've never had to shoot anyone. Only an idiot claims one way or the other until he or she has to do it (or not). Training and the situation the first time (one has to kill one's own kind) has a lot to do with it. Reinforcing that original decision only gets easier each time. Once you get "in-country", your only end-game is to come back home. If you're lucky, you get to come back at all-- many don't.
So you think about this David.... Say you've got a wife and kid(s) to think about. Is it fair to them to deprive them of your services-- let alone the mental anguish of not having a Dad come home-- by not doing whatever is necessary to get back home in one piece?
Until that day when I have to find out for real-- my opinion is: "Better them than me. If I don't stay alive, there won't even BE a psychiatrists couch to sort it all out."
David, when were you in the Military? What was your rank? Where did you serve? Were you in combat? Did you serve in the Middle East? In what capacity did you serve? Did you see combat? How long were you in combat IF you served? I take it that you didn't and you wouldn't be so cold as to point a finger of doubt at these men/women.
I have kept up closely with our Military in the Middle East. Their children are taught to wear bombs promising them they won't die...only the infidel will die. They have trusted Muslims and taken them into their secure locations only to kill the men who trusted them.
Muslims do NOT wear "I am the bad guy sign on their chests." Their women strap bombs to their bellies pretending to be pregnant.
Oh! 5Fires! Good News! Due to so many letters, phone calls,etc., they are no longer gong to send the shell casings to China. Yeah! We won!
Hey-hi Elaine -
...yeah that sounds about right... seems that "3" thing is pretty consistent throughout history,too... besides it wouldn't be a fair fight for those who don't have right on their side... I mean, when you got Right on your side... who needs a big army!
Liberty or Death
Kristina, that is what I was thinking too! Great minds do think alike.
I cannot imagine in my wildest dreams a grandma, or a mother standing there with her kids on a corner and a soldier shooting them.
He deliberately sent our troops out to four different countries in Africa (under the wire)...just like Hitler.
What he doesn't understand is that the Troops know him!!!
Ad, they will return to help us...they may very well have to face UN troops (Or Chinese...I don't know)...but I cannot see them shooting deliberately to harm innocent people just for standing there.
David, I do NOT think we will have a problem with Our Military...Obama has treated them with great disrespect. They do NOT like him:
Obama and the Military:Obama decides the Ft Hood Shooting was a case of "Work place violence"; instead of Islam infiltrating Our Military;Rips the Military Budget as he gives politicians a raise;Cancels Military Retirement;Changes the Rule of Military Combat Pay;Ships shell casings of ammunition to China.Announces to the world about the cut in Nukes;Orders the Military to lie about Afghanistan;Flags are flown at half staff when a hero dies -- allows the American Flag at half mast for a black singer;Decides NOT to give a Purple Heart to the survivors of the Ft. Hood Shooting calling it "work place violence";Fraudulent Affirmative Action Picked for Head Drill Sergeant;Slashes 1,200 National Guard to 300 along the borders for Terrorists to enter;Despite his approving of Sodomy and Bestiality -- Military Restores Ban;Disrespects Seal families;Veterans' Cemetery must ban "GOD and Jesus from Military graves."Violates the rights of Military Chaplains.Lies about bin Laden's death...won't show pictures or video of Islamic burial at sea....lies about helicopter crashNo seals were Injured during Bin Laden raid...however, those who knew died (can't remember the exact number)Repeals DADT....Wanted injured military to pay for their own medical expenses because they had volunteered to fight in the military.....(12/28) Breaks Promise to Military and keeps Troops in Afghanistan until 2014(01/12) Obama quietly signed the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act, which nullifies the Bill of Rights and declares America to be a "battleground" in which all American citizens can be arrested, imprisoned, tortured and even killed with no due process.(2/09) Obama Guts Military and gives Bureaucrats a Raise(2/10) Denies Hero(s) Purple Hearts -- calling Ft. Hood Shootings as Work Place Violence(2/14) Military Chaplains charged with sedition/Treason for teaching against sin(2/16) Military to Fake Belly, Breast to better understand how females in the Military feel;(2/25) Our Military burned Koran and Obama apologized causing the deaths of two Officers who were unarmed were shot in the back of the head in a secured location.2/26 Obama doesn't stand with Military as NATO tries to prosecute the Military men who burned Koran;(2/26) Military Refuses to take orders from him;(2/26) Takes healthcare away from Military;Triples co-pay on their insurance.(2/27) Obama mocks Military by burning a Bible(2/27) Military now responsible for their own health care (even when they come back from the Middle East without a limb, etc.)Under the Radar, he sends troops to 4 African countriesChanges Rules of EngagementForcing Troops to Lie about the Progress in AfghanistanObama threatens Chaplains: "You can't preach against me in chapel."(3/4/12) Obama threatens Chaplains: "You can't preach against me in chapel."(just following) Chaplains cannot preach against sin3/27/2012 -- Tax "our" Military to give to HIS New Military4/14 - Army Generals Plead With Obama "Bring them HOME"(4/23) - Military Rates Obama as the worst President they have served with(4/25) Seals Blast Obama for using them as Campaign tools for going after Osama Bin Laden(05/01/12) Forcing New West Point Cadets to become PC for Muslims(05/04/12) Forced Our Military to shove their butts in the air praying position to Islam(05/05/12) Cuts Military Budget "again" setting us up for defeat(05/06/12) Chip under the skin for Military Personnel(05/09/12) Backs Taliban as they Kill Our Military(05/09/12) Claims Military are fighting on "his" behalf(05/10/12) Obama Releases Taliban Terrorists while Military Man Held captive for 3 yrs(05/11/2012) Obama Suspended Classes on Islam -- The way to save the world is through Nukes (like WWII)...05/13/2012) Slashes Military Budget for healthcare to build $750,000 exercise facilities for Muslims who are incarcerated(05/13/2012) Obama Cuts $13 Billion from TriCare for Military(05/14/2012) Obama offers purple heart to the victims of terror BUT NOT those at Ft. Hood+ considered Ft. Hood "work Place Violence"05/16/2012) The Navy just fired it's 16th command officer for 2011 REPLACED w/Obama AppointeeNavy Commander Fired Over Falsified Records REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
NAVY FIRED Five Attack Submarines CO's REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointees
Navy Fires 10th CO This Year REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
Navy Relieves CO of New Ship REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
Navy Medicine CO Fired for Poor Command Climate REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
NORTHCOM Commander fired REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee
5 MARINE GENERALS FRIED REPLACED w/ OBAMA Appointee( 05/21/12) President Betrayed Troops by releasing a known terrorist killer(05/23/12) Obama Undermines Troops Putting Taliban in Power as They KILL OUR TROOPS;(05/28/12) Memorial Day: Makes the day to honor OUR Troops all about him(06/01/12) Veto promise comes because House GOP leaders are breaking faith with last summer’s budget deal by cutting overall funding for agency operating budgets by $19 billion,almost 2 percent.(06/07/12) Obama's uses Memorial Day to Campaing in Photo-Op by blocking families of Vets from D.C. Vietnam Memorial(06/07/12) Same Sex Marriage on a Military Base(06/08/12) Obama cuts back on Military causing them to have to improvise(06/10/12) More Troops Die of Suicide than from War
(06/14/12) Pentagon Bans Bibles
David, you know this how? Were you there? Did you witness it?
I also know several Military people who will disagree with you 100%.
They do NOT get to choose where they are sent. It is chosen for them.
I will be right back...After you see this, you might
I think while our troops are somewhere else regulating they might bring in UN troops or something and use them to regulate us
This is why I do NOT think OUR Military will be the ones firing on Innocent Citizens of the U.S. They'd have no reason to.
Through Homeland Security, Obama has given Command over the New Black Panther Party, HIS Private Army, he spoke about in the HCB, to this man in Dallas... His name is John Wiley Price. He sits on the Board of Commissioners for the City of Dallas. He is very corrupt. I knew him way back when. It was only last summer that the FBI investigated him. He had ALL of the voting machines in his private storage unit. What bothers me the most about him receiving the Command is that they ARE under the umbrella of the Federal Government. Can you imagine the New Black Panther Party being HIS army? DO NOT think for a moment he hasn't reached out to other large cities like Chicago, NY for the same type of Commander
Meet John Wiley Price.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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