Early Astronomical Evidence of an Alien Civilization and USAF Secrets

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According to a PBS broadcast story a very suspicious sequence of signals arrived on the radio receivers of an observatory during the 1920's from deep space. The anomalous message directed apparently at the early generation of wireless radio technology at that time was recorded and deciphered by university astronomers and scientists. A series of beeps that came in a sequence seemed to indicate the number of planets in a dying solar system and which of those planets the race that was transmitting the signals occupied.

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Not much time to live

It led more than one professor to believe that the star in the center of that solar system was about to super nova thus ending the existence of the entire planetary system and star itself. It is amazing to think that close to a hundred years ago that a university owned observatory picked up these vague broadcasts and were able to interpret them as they continued to repeat the same message over and over again which helped the scientists decipher the message. It was truly an S.O.S. message from a race that knew they were doomed.

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A prelude of things to come?

Two decades later predating the Roswell crash by a year, something strange came out of the United States Air Force, a very unlikely source. Apparently a Lieutenant in the intelligence branch had released a manuscript theorizing that another civilization may have already landed and constructed an outpost somewhere in the distance proximity of our solar system in order to operate undetected. Perhaps, he went on, upon one of the moons of Saturn or Jupiter. Although this type of speculation the USAF frowned upon as it might stir up conspiracy theories or more distrust for the military's cover up of flying disks, they amazingly allowed release of the young Lieutenant's controversial manuscript! All be it, an unofficial release for civilians to read. This can be found in Donald Keyhoe's book "Aliens in Space" circa 1973.

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Before the Apollo Mission?

Is it any wonder that in 1959 according to Philip J. Corso's book "The Day After Roswell" that the US Army made a serious proposal to construct and maintain a military base on the lunar surface under the designation "Project Horizon"? The Saturn II rocket program was up and running well which was the predecessor of the Saturn V Apollo Mission booster rocket. The proposed secret launch would have been made out of Vanderburgh Air Force Base in southern California. The army felt that it was capable of developing a manned base with several personnel who would be regularly rotated in and out of duty there on the moon's surface. Corso, a former Captain of intelligence in WWII and then relocated back to the states at war's end to Ft. Riley in Kansas would play a role in the Roswell incident.

Arthur Trudeau

Strange cargo

When a mysterious train came to Ft. Riley in the summer of 1947, Captain Corso, noted that some top secret cargo was to be guarded for an overnight layover before leaving the following morning. Philip instructed one of the sentries to allow him to open a container and see what was inside. He describes the body of a seeming Grey alien packed in a blue preservative gel. Corso said he nearly fainted from shock after viewing the bizarre contents of the secret container aboard the train car. He then resorted to his training in keeping a military secret and never mentioned a word about the incident until he was later ordered by General Trudeau to begin secretly passing off the Roswell artifacts to US defense contractors as foreign technology to be evaluated. The time sequence occurred simultaneously with the US Army's Project Horizon proposal.

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The future from somewhere else?

Does the time frame of these events make a clear and logical progression into what we know now or think we know? According to one Bell Labs professor who taught telephony and integrated circuitry after working at the Bell Telephone Labs for decades, man alone did not rapidly acquire modern electronics all by himself. Alien technology due to a crash in the New Mexico desert in 1947 was harvested and back engineered in the years to come and mankind made huge leaps and bounds that were not possible and would not have been for a long time to come. Will we ever really know the truth? From the lips of military men now dead with nothing to lose, perhaps we caught a glimpse.

Image result for roswell crash site photos

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Comment by Doc Vega on February 13, 2021 at 4:49am

It was a NASA scientist who took Ezekiel's description and transcribed it into an actual mechanical design.

Comment by cheeki kea on February 11, 2021 at 6:50am

There's Something out there. Even from ancient times there is description of modern transportations, both as we know and beyond. It seems Egypt plus the old testament have examples. Ezekiel describes seeing 4 at the same time. 

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