The Trump Effect
The “Trump Effect” as the media has called it, is basically the enhanced economic activity being felt in the US economy due to a positive market environment created by both optimism and pro-growth policies of the new White House. Already after the Carrier jobs negotiation keeping American employment stateside rather than allowing it to be exported to Mexico or elsewhere the markets are abuzz. Corporations such as General Motors and Hyundai are infusing billion into the US economy as a result of the recognition that President Trump has the savvy that will resurrect a stagnant US job and market situation that has remained that way since 2009.
Lame Duck
With President Obama on his way out and the artificially created poll numbers that were fabricated when one has to look at the final analysis. Coming to the conclusion that with such factors as a 1978 level of labor participation, the lowest since 1949, with lowest economic growth of any recovery in US history at below annual less than 2% rates, and record welfare and food stamp levels mark the telltale indicators that big government and Democrat rule do not reflect results! Add to this toxic mix the fact that the final employment numbers of the closing fiscal period had job numbers adjusted downwards from 211,000 to an actual 11,000 actual created jobs once you analyze through the smoke and mirrors of the government's labor report thanks to Business analyst John Crudele.
Forked tongues
So, why are so many pundits and media talking heads continuing to proclaim the greatness of President Obama after 8 years of continued scandals and controversies, of border security problems, pathetic job creation, poor trade deals with our international partners, gutting of the US military, a dangerous Nuke Deal with Iran, while federal agencies ran amuck such as the IRS, NSA, VA, and The ATF all breaking the law and being absolved of their violations by a compromised Department of Justice? It simply does not come down to the errors in human judgment that we label as perception it is a matter of bias and the sanctioned ideological crisis that has enveloped in this country thanks to corruption on Capitol Hill.
Cancer of Chicago
Never put an entrenched ideologue in charge of economic development it is clear President Obama was way out of his depth and so was his Chicago based consortium of vacuum packed leftist academicians whose brand of “Windy City” crooked style politics metastasized onto a nationwide level of regrettable proportions! To allow America to languish under the weight of stifling big government, excessive regulatory tyranny, and the gigantic welfare state that it created to perpetuate itself was truly criminal. Lawlessness will be the defining legacy of the Obama era in US history should the truth ever trumpeted over the airways in liberating fashion.
Blindness defined
With the election of President Trump America has been gifted a reprieve from assured disastrous implication in every foreseeable category with College students, apathetic Americans, and radical elements too ignorant to foresee the outcome of such destructive governance as we have witnessed under the Obama White House. Yet, Americans are suckers. They fall for a smooth talking, self aggrandizing, egocentric, unapologetic charlatan, who while laying waste to the country with either inept comprehension or by intentional design charms the masses into their own oblivion. This in essence is the true legacy that the President spent half of his last 4 year term attempting to erect just as much as any sculptor could have done to create a statue to himself!
Today's quagmire
Propaganda and the sheer ignorance of the people allowed this monstrosity of American history and travail to go on unimpeded through the selflessness of modern day existence alone. This is a sad commentary upon our current Godless living that atrocities are greeted with delight while the best intentions of decent folk are lampooned, censored, or beaten back by paid violent protesters. The world as we know it has changed, not for the better, but for the interests of the evil and self deluded power mongers who would tear down a nation that has shined brightly in the darkness of the world and even liberated it from fascism twice in the twentieth century. Benjamin Franklin said it best when asked just what the Continental Congress had achieved after it adjourned. He explained to a female colonist that what they had done was to have given Americans a Constitutional Republic and the question would be, could they keep it? One thing is for sure a lot of young men gave their lives so that America would remain free!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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