A petition has been started on Change.org for the US Government to release electrogravitics to the public.


Why This Is Important

My early childhood was defined by My father's excitement for His work in electrogravitics, then (1950's) being worked on openly by all major aerospace companies. My father, a CalTech graduate and one of the top electrical engineers at one of these companies, would tell Me about the successes of His experiements (gravity control and overunity (free energy)), and tell Me what the world I would grow up in would look like.

Cars would fly, cities would float, and We would have all the energy We could use.

Then, one night He came home from work late and woke Me up to tell Me We couldn't talk about the flying cars, the floating cities, the free energy anymore. "They want it secret for now."

Since My childhood, I have studied economics, coming to the conclusion (later confirmed by Jeremy Rifkin in His book, Entropy) that all money represented was meaningful energy expended. One can grasp this most easily by considering the first hunter, fisherperson, gatherer, farmer, miner. The stuff They gained/used was free: critters, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seed, sun, soil, rain, ores. It was the meaningful energy expended that gave "value" to the stuff: the killing, fishing, picking, tilling, weeding, harvesting, mining, transporting.

Add abundantly what money represents - energy - and the need for money (and the control of others it affords) in all its forms (barter, trade, work exchange, coin, bills, electronic funds...) will dissipate and what is left is free.

Add robots to do all the necessary jobs no One wants to do to free energy, and Humans will be freed to follow Their bliss - within the three Laws:

Do not willfully hurt or kill another Being
Do not willfully take or damage another Being's property
Do not willfully defraud another Being

(A Being (cap the "B") is sentient, sapient; animals are beings)

Waste would be virtually eliminated: supermarkets presently throw out hundreds of thousands of tons of food a month! Distributing by need and not profit will end this waste. Products would be made to last instead of being designed to break so as to ensure future sales. Theft-protecting packaging would be unnecessary. And so on.

Organic farming would be prized and GMO (genetically modified organisms) would be eliminated.

Motive for war will be virtually eliminated. With no profit motive for war suppliers and "infrastructure rebuilders," wars will not be instigated to ensure profits.

Poverty will not exist.

Hunger will be eliminated.

Education (at all levels) will be free for all.

Replace the work "ethic" (a slave's ethic: enrich the rich with Your Human energy) with a Betterment Ethic and the Humans who better things will be paid in appreciation, status, name-recognition and Self-satisfaction, the new "coin."

Create a central website where problems can be brought up locally and People can “vote” to bump a problem up, down, show apathy by not voting, and chime in with solutions (which can be cheered and booed). Issues will drop off after the original poster indicates that the problem has been resolved or withdrawn, or there has been no activity after, say, six months (that is not set in stone). Social responsibility will be defined as spending 15 minutes a day examining issues on this site.

Also, issues with some set number of bumps up will be considered issues that need a wider awareness and go to regional sections. From there, continental, perhaps, and then global, as more are needed to be involved in solving the problem. Problems will beget the awareness to solve them.

Without money as a motive, problems will be solved more creatively, directly, harmoniously, and within the three Laws.

Leaders of the moment will emerge from this to solve problems as they arise.

Open-source all public works programming. This allows for many to make suggestions for betterment, and ensures that no one will create outside the three Laws. It also eliminates “back doors,” and other surreptitious software segments that bog down the clean functioning of the program. Without money as a motive, programmers will be proud to offer Their work for scrutinization and use, openly and freely. Status will be gained for creating the best programs.

Though this will not create a utopia, it will be vastly better than what We now have, in this scarcity-defined system, on this planet.

Views: 330


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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on January 30, 2012 at 3:54am

Yeah, Tesla put the fear in the powers that be...

Comment by TommyD on January 28, 2012 at 11:25pm

never seen this one before....

Comment by TommyD on January 28, 2012 at 11:18pm

I have mentioned this quite a few times in the past but it bears repeating..

Have you ever noticed in many of the old cartoons, the mad scientist protagonists is usually patterned after Tesla?

This is just one example of the powers that be besmirching his good name.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on January 27, 2012 at 1:27pm


Yes, I think Nikola had a clue and was working towards this.  And I also think it is why all His work was scooped up and hidden by the FBI when He passed.


You are most welcome.  May many sign the petition!

Comment by TommyD on January 27, 2012 at 1:23pm

I believe this was Nikola Tesla's vision as well.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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