Amaterasu Solar's Blog (54)

I Need No Permission for My Rights

Is not a right something We have innately? A foundational thing that comes with being a sentient, sapient Being? Is it something We can accept being legislated away? Is there a solution to such…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on September 19, 2019 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

About This Epstein Thing...

I made a  reply on another blog and was told it had to be "approved" and I thought I would offer this in a blog of My own:

The "Epstein" character was in the script to "die," the "Hillary did it" is in the script, "suicide or sucided" is in the script, the "witness protection" idea is in the script, drawing Us into the play. Meanwhile, the actor that played "Epstein" is back stage with His buds, partying it up and laughing at how easy it is to divide and dupe the "sheep," keeping Them…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on August 11, 2019 at 7:35pm — 11 Comments

Short Story by Amaterasu Solar

I have posted a short story I would like to invite You all to read.

Please read the story, Endia, on steemit:

LINK:  …


Added by Amaterasu Solar on January 9, 2018 at 2:17pm — No Comments

Do You Have the BALLS?

Mirror, share, get the word out!

Added by Amaterasu Solar on September 1, 2017 at 12:22pm — No Comments

PizzaGate Documentary - Heads Up, Deep Space

Though a bit bibliocentric in the last two…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on March 8, 2017 at 1:25pm — No Comments

Learn About Psychopaths

In all My studies of psychopathy, this is by far the best vid I have seen on psychopathy and grasping the 1% with the psychopathic gene. It shows the affects on society that having psychopaths in control create. As You may (or may not) know, My work here is to bring about awareness of what We Humans can create on Our planet such that psychopaths are NOT promoted to power over Others as the systems We have in place now do.

To assist You, My dear reader, in seeing the signs of…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on December 18, 2016 at 11:32am — No Comments

Homeless - AGAIN?

As many of You know, for the last four years I have been living in a 16' x 16' cabin in the woods, with no transportation and no nearby neighbors. I was effectively a shut-in, getting to the store for groceries once a month when Thor, a good friend who saved Me from homelessness, would take Me. Thor paid rent and for various sundries, like toilet paper and shampoo, and food for the two cats He got Me to keep Me company in that lonely neck of the woods.

I spent My time looking for work…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on August 25, 2016 at 11:30pm — 4 Comments

My Dear Child - The Teachings of a Parent

My Dear Child

I have brought You forth. To You, obligated to nothing and no One, I reach to form a bond. I will take My responsibility to guide You well seriously, for You shine in My heart. I will teach You Ethics and those are the rules that found a society. From that I will have given You the rules that most of Us live by (they are the only Laws), but the powerful here Now don't. Amongst Us who are not powerful, but plugging Our energy into the systems that give the power to the…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on April 25, 2016 at 11:48pm — 1 Comment

Facts About Conspiracy Insanity

There is a growing epidemic of People who are succumbing to conspiracy insanity. They believe 9/11 was an inside job, that Sandy Hook was fake, that contrails are "chemtrails," that all the bombings and shootings in the news are psyops, that vaccines are damaging and toxic, and other such lunacy. There are interesting facts about the disease that set it apart from every other insanity We Humans have ever been afflicted with. Here's a list:

1. They call Their insanity "waking up." This…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on April 20, 2016 at 9:47am — No Comments

The Problems in Profit

There are two basic types of profit - the one We all think of in the material sense (money, mainly), and the profit We receive when We make One We love better for how We choose to behave. The second is a powerful motivator to pursue the first. How many go to work to support Their families? How many expend Their energy, accounting for it and getting tokens in return, so as to afford as good a situation as They can for the Ones They love? How many doing that, inputting Their energy into the…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on April 10, 2016 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Quite the Opposite - A Short Story for Change

PRE-NOTE to My dear reader: The reason I capitalize Human pronouns is that I respect every Human, every sentient, sapient Being, as a co-creator here. I give honor to Us all in this way. You will likely get used to My way of doing things, knowing at the start why I do it that way.

Quite the Opposite

by Amaterasu Solar…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on March 7, 2016 at 11:11pm — 5 Comments

What I Was Taught an American Is

I'm a fairly old lady and grew up in the late 1950's through the 60's. Back then, a stress was being placed on the principles of freedom - a choice above "liberty," because that term also carries with it the idea that a captain has allowed liberty to the crew with the expectation that the slaves (crew) will return to Their work - justice, the serving of Ethics, and pursuing happiness.

I ponder how much happiness gets pursued in Ones who must find some way to plug Their energy in to…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on February 15, 2016 at 9:04am — 12 Comments

Money = Power = Energy: Why Money Systems Enable Evil and How Free Energy is a Solution

Money = Power = Energy

Why Money Systems Enable Evil and How Free Energy is a Solution

by Amaterasu Solar

I will begin by explaining the reason I capitalize Human pronouns, for it was explained to Me when…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on January 7, 2016 at 1:18pm — 2 Comments

Wearing Black on Thursdays

I want to examine the differences in how things flow in various societal structures. I chose the relatively benign notion of the question of having everyOne wear black on Thursdays. Let Me begin:

In a monarchy, the decree-er can say, “You all will wear black on Thursdays.” Those who believe either that the decree-er has the right to make that choice for Them or have good reason to believe They will be bullied if They don’t comply choose to wear black every…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on November 2, 2015 at 8:56pm — No Comments

Ethical Anarchy vs. Psychopaths in Control

Many a reader will equate anarchy with “lawlessness” and “chaos,” while Others know quite well that the true meaning of “anarchy” is simply “anti-archon,” “anti-rulers.” In fact, with the three Laws of Ethics, also called Common Law, only…anarchy equates to complete freedom within Ethics. (And in fact, the word “chaos” does not mean “pandemonium,” which is what most seem to think it does. Chaos has an infolded or underlying structure that emerges with time. With sound seed parameters, Human…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on September 30, 2015 at 12:00am — No Comments

Do We Want Fluoride in Our Water?

We really don't want sodium fluoride added to anything!


Added by Amaterasu Solar on August 24, 2015 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Why I Advocate for Karmic Jubilee

One who knows My work (take a look around My blog if unfamiliar) knows that I am proposing We venture in a different way on this planet than the path down which We are being led. Figuring that if enough of Us knew We could create vastly better here We WILL, I have pushed for awareness of the fact that We can.1Through this process I have encountered so Many who express the desire to “punish” the useless eliters, the psychopaths in control on this planet. Here’s…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on August 10, 2015 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

The Abundance Paradigm – What’s In It for Me?

The Abundance Paradigm – What’s In It for Me?

The only thing that is asked of Me, the only expectation, is that I choose My behavior Ethically. Beyond that, I have the freedom to create as I might choose to do.

If I feel like creating pictures with any pen,…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on May 7, 2015 at 10:18am — No Comments

How to Withdraw Consent

How to Withdraw Consent


Begin with the premise that You were born without Your consent*, without You agreeing to the way things are being done around You.  Through experience, You learn that consenting to certain things gives better results than refusal, and You are conditioned to consent to many things without asking Yourself if it’s truly something You WANT to give…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on April 20, 2015 at 6:45pm — 4 Comments

How to Shift a Paradigm

In shifting paradigms, it is useful to see where key perspectives can be changed. To that end, I have compiled a short list of perspective shifts that move One into The Abundance Paradigm.

Will add more as thought of and suggested.

Added by Amaterasu Solar on March 25, 2015 at 8:15pm — No Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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