The Abundance Paradigm – What’s In It for Me?
The only thing that is asked of Me, the only expectation, is that I choose My behavior Ethically. Beyond that, I have the freedom to create as I might choose to do.
If I feel like creating pictures with any pen, pencil or brush out there, on any paper or canvas out there, I can go to the web and choose what I want and have it delivered. There is no money involved. Amongst what is offered are many items robotics produced, but also the products created by Others. Many will swear by the products of some, and I am lucky if there is any of Their work available, but even the products, often created on demand by 3D printing and robots, are created to high and loving standards. So I am never dissatisfied.
If I feel like researching something, the web is the tool to contact experts, find archived and current information, and I have transportation anywhere I might want to go, to investigate personally.
If I feel like climbing the highest mountain, the web gives Me access to experts, training, equipment, and Others who might want to do the trek with Me.
If I feel like surfing the waves, or sip margaritas on the beach, I can freely go there, with board or beach chair in hand.
If I want to play games, I can find Others to play the games I like with Me, meeting somewhere or over the web.
If I want to teach something I can try My hand at that – knowing that if I am good, My name will become known. Teaching is a highly regarded skill.
If I love to play music, My choice of instruments is unlimited. I may concentrate on one or a few, or play every instrument I can find. I offer them back on the web when I lose interest. Most of the instruments offered are by Those who were challenged to create awesome instruments, but One can have a 3D printed one quite easily. I can offer My skills on the web if I love to play with Others or in concert. Concert organizers and band organizers can contact Me.
If I want to organize a band I can find Others offering Their musical talents on the web. See who’s available. And then create music for the joy of it, and hopefully for the acclaim if We click.
If I want to go to concerts, there are bands and band organizers I do like and look for any availability at Their creations first, but there is an awesome lot to choose from and I am seldom dissatisfied.
If I feel like having a new home, there are some marvelous ones offered, designed by Ones who love to design homes, and built either by Those who love to build things or robots or both. My favorites are the skyhomes, with electrogravitic fields that keep the home up and You inside.
All the robots We use are open-source designed and produced, with Robot Designer and Coder being other highly regarded skills. Lauds to best solutions and clean code.
If I want to eat, I have been educated on best practices, but may choose for Myself, fully informed. The food that is available, listed on the web, is abundant and of best quality, farmed largely robotically, but also a fair bit offered by People who LOVE to farm. A lot is farmed in electromagnetic fields giving boost to positive qualities, and, except where confined for experiment, is bio-original, not GMO.
Or I might choose to hop over to a place offering food by Those who love to cook, making reservations over the web if need be, checking My favorite places first. All places are clean, for One loses reputation if One offers poor quality – and besides, there’s a robot for that. LOL!
If I love to cook for Others, I may pick and choose the robotic gadgets and any Others who want in on making reputation to prepare and serve My gourmet flair. All foods are high quality, and though some specific ingredient may be short in supply at any given time, the options for creating traditional and creative dishes for Others to enjoy is vastly plentiful. Put an “ad” on the web, and People will come.
If I love to quilt, the supplies and tools can be chosen from the web. And I can sit and quilt to My heart’s content most anywhere I might choose to.
If I love archaeology, I can find groups that are looking for help, teachers to teach methodology, information on interpretations, and so on. I am not motivated to “go off half-cocked” because I understand I will lose reputation greatly without learning as much as possible first so as to do the best job I can, earning reputation.
If I want to be a doctor, I can find education and opportunity on the web. I do not want to be a doctor because it will earn Me anything, but because I care. If I am one of the best doctors I will earn richly in reputation.
If I want to throw a party, I can contact friends, or open it up to the public with an “ad” on the web if I want. There’s never a shortage of parties and celebrations. As much help as I want can be robots, or friends that love to help. If I feel like partying, I can find a party.
If I love mathematics, I can congregate with Others and discuss all the finer points, in communities or meeting somewhere. Or do so over the web. Or do so alone while recording My thoughts for any who might care – or not. All My choice.
I have found that if I choose to create no problems, I do just fine, and if I uphold the Betterment Ethic in all I do, I rise in rank in the eyes of Those around Me.
Loving, caring, and betterment are valued and promoted, not ruthlessness, cunning, and psychopathy.
If I create problems, Those who care will solve them. Choosing to pass lies off as truth will cost Me respect and association. Choosing to take or damage something that belongs to anOther costs Me reputation. Choosing to hurt or kill another against Their fully informed consent costs Me My freedom.
Fact is, no One seems to have much motive to do any of these things – they’re just not a problem. Yes, there’s still the intrigue of interPersonal relationships that every so often erupts, but overall, without profit as motive, promoting psychopaths to top-down power over Us, We get along splendidly.
If I am not fond of You, I avoid You. If I like You, You are welcome to spend time with Me. Social friction is minimal. There is no profit in war, so We do not war. We do not have to subject Ourselves to jobs We’d rather not have to go to. We do not have to get bored “learning” things that are not of use to Us – if/when We need the information, it’s there. Our inquisitive nature is encouraged and strengthened.
As children, We learn reading, logic, and Ethics. Any religion offered is up to Our parents, and We may believe as We might see to do so. We are guided to information about nutrition, art, math, history, and the sciences, allowed to pursue any that interest Us. We encourage parents to engage children socially and physically for best in the interest of Our children.
I do not want for material things. I am free to travel, stay put, learn what I want, do what I want. As long as I avoid being a problem for someOne else, I am totally free.
What’s in this for Me is true freedom. Really, all the principles Americans are told Their country stands for. All those principles abandoned by the psychopath-run corporation, the controlmind (government) They call “Theirs.”
And what’s in it for Me is in it for You.
The first step:
How to Withdraw Consent
"Destroying the New World Order"
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