Ever Wondered Why all Communist Regimes Are Poverty Ridden?

In the 1970’s the US government actually subsidized American growers incentivize them to grow their wheat crop for a particular customer. That customer was the Soviet Union. Russia had been devastated by a succession of brutal winters and production had been stymied. With the wheat shortage causing starvation through-out the country, the Soviet government reached out to the US government for help. Today in Korea a large percentage of the population lives at the very edge of starvation children and adults suffer stunted growth as a result of good shortages. In China you can find photos of men who carry rats on their belts so when they get home they can skin the vermin and cook them to feed themselves or their families.

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Planned suffering

Why is shortage and starvation so prevalent in Communist countries? Why are their economies plagued with poor fiscal management and their markets so devoid of economic expansion? Few people ever stopped to consider these questions until we started to see the same things beginning to happen here in the US. Understand that the failed policies of a Democrat administration have contributed greatly to the stark shift in fortunes that have befallen America since President Trump’s “America First” policies were intentionally dismantled by Joe Biden and the Democrat Communists who are assaulting our society now.

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The self-defeatist model

If a government agenda is to make the people more dependent upon the crumbs it offers then you will see failed policies carried out by Democrat leadership in the very same fashion as is in Russia, China, North Korea, and Venezuela. You may see nations who were once prosperous because they utilized their resources properly and followed capitalistic economic processes that allowed their society to flourish. Yet, leftists will always point at the rich and blame them for poverty using class warfare to create division. Communists will promise that they will level the playing field and make sure everybody can subsist so that there is a utopian society where all is shared, but it’s all lies. The once rich capitalists who created jobs, and funded infrastructure so employers could hire more people are either driven out or murdered. The vacuum is filled by the privileged ones in the Communist Party who live off the resources stolen off the peasants.

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The poisonous formula

Communism was once described as the most blatant form of a crime syndicate that ever disguised itself as a government because it is simply an institutionalized form of theft, lies, and control of the masses through fear, intimidation, and the creation of a leader who is worshipped like a god since all religions are banned. Without an economy generated by well educated, incentive driven work forces who innovate the iron fist of big socialist government discourages the creation of prosperity and demonizes wealth. Through brainwashing of the children in Marxist run schools and a media that upholds the lies of the government there can never be vast production that serves the needs of the people who are told they can do without and that they deserve less. Today we have Democrats telling us to get used to shortages and less convenience!

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The correct formula

The very things that drive a great economy is demand and the ability to satisfy that demand with private sector generated economic savvy. The rewards for hard work, invention, and prosperity come from a free society allowed to think, express themselves, and unlock the inspiration it takes for pride in one’s own work. The dignity of a job, the ambition to succeed and improve one’s existence, all form a healthy society that strives to do better not simply survive, yet in Communist countries the opposite is true. So, the government must lie to its people, punish them for thinking outside the box, and convince them that survival is all they get or deserve, and this is the message the Democrats with all their empty accusations of racism, white privilege, equity propaganda, and intentionally interrupting the supply chain are doing!

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The Democrat Communist model

Why under President Donald Trump when we had 1% inflation are we now under the worst price increases in 30 years under Joe Biden’s diseased watch? Why would a new president take office and immediately sign 40 executive orders to dismantle all of the successful policies that President Trump used to give Americans cheap and abundant energy, a secure southern border, more jobs than at any time in history, and tax cuts that stimulated economic growth? Why? 1) To force the American people into greater dependence on big government 2) To erase all accomplishments by a competing political party who do have a better answer to governance. However, it’s even worse than that. Because, the “Deep State” all the international power brokers who want their deals to continue, their theft to succeed, their agenda to remain in power want to shut down America. They want to either completely throttle the US economy and influence down or destroy us completely so that the dark cloud of Communism can poison our great land too, and this is what is going on!

Image result for soviet gulag photos


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