With the massive indoctrination that has been going on in our schools for years, the dumbed down TV network audience IQ level they aim for, and the Democrat owned mainstream media, the American people really have no idea about what the hell is going on. From the failure of our military conduct to the uncontrolled deficit of the federal government spending, to the general lack of uncertainty, people live in a constant flux of illusionary reality. So, what will the sheep do? They will continue onward as they always have, wishing that somehow things will change or at least remain as they are. Let the mainstream media do your thinking for you are you are distracted and reassured. Let the lies of the federal government yet blame someone else for their mistakes. Don’t question why the cost of living is destroying the buying power of your currency!
When will they wake up?
The status quo is always the most reliable illusion that the government paints and that the people want, but we are rapidly departing from that false sense of security. When fewer and fewer people believe the lies of the federal government when people begin to question the false news they have been getting for years. When people begin to peek behind the curtain to see the little man who conducts the show put on by the all mighty paper wizard, then maybe something will get done. When Donald J. Trump charged that the system is rigged he wasn’t kidding, and the system didn’t like being exposed for who they are either. The non-stop attacks based upon false allegations have never subsided. Those who try and unveil the gigantic circus tent of lies and corruption they become an instant target!
Where are the wheels of justice?
Even with ex-CIA agents coming forth as whistle blowers, even with FBI agents coming to Jim Jordan at Capitol Hill, all this expert testimony and the rigged Department of Justice will not prosecute! The Deep State is in control regardless of evidence, due process of law, and the question of right or wrong. A US Attorney as a gutless Merrick Garland will refuse to do his job as long as he is a Democrat appointee who was put there to make the Democrats untouchable for their chronic criminality! The enemy from within is here and needs to be defeated and it will fight to remain. Money will be used to bribe, lies will be told by the press, live will be threatened, and traitors will resist the call of duty in order to keep the monstrosity alive!
Nothing left to graze on
The green grass of placid existence for the sheep to graze upon someday will no longer be there as the system breaks down, and the US Dollar is no longer viable! The 2nd Amendment whittled away at and whittled away at, will become a toothless tiger so that the anti-gun movement will have staged its last false flag mass shooting in order for the fools to disarm themselves! It’s so easy to manipulate the masses and get them to cave in to things that only further limit their rights and make them even more vulnerable to lawlessness. The psychology of political oppression lingers on like a cancer until it kills all the healthy cells in the body and all the patriots trying to stop the madness!
The age of the falsehood
Unless things change miraculously, America will die the gradual death of all empires due to the implosion form within when the people are too stupefied to see what is happening! We see it with the right and left paradigm. The division of political ideology due to propaganda and false narratives as the sheep just can’t use their brains to critically think. We see it every day as a feckless federal government would rather vote on naming a building on Capitol Hill after former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who if history were written as it should be, would never allow the most corrupt Speaker for the Democrats or any US political party to have a federal building named after her. With all the serious issues that need to be addressed! Yet, this is the state of affairs today. Science is no longer science, it’s whatever the narrative calls for even if it’s a falsehood like global warming. It’s all about manipulating, taxing, and restricting the sheep, and they are compliant, oh how complaint they are.
Are the darkest days looming?
America has surely been subjugated by the playbook of the Marxists who have lied, brainwashed, and intimidated their way into the destruction of the Constitutional Republic and all hope for mankind to have a peaceful and civil existence. Why can’t the collectivists, the statists, the socialists, the progressives, and the Communists simply let it be? Because they must have power. They must have control. They must be the supreme driving force that will crush whomever opposes them as they conduct their insane campaigns of destructive legislation. Human rights mean nothing to these psychopaths, the corporate “Woke” fascists who think their agenda takes priority over everything decent and good. Without God, we will face the darkest days of human existence again!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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