April 9, 2012 by POPEYE
(FEDERALJACK) A few months ago I made a video and posted it here on FJ about the government, media and their mouth pieces hyping an alien invasion titled Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance. It shows how the corporate controlled media and the government are hyping an outside threat of alien invasion and using that “threat” as a way to push the idea of a global government. This is the exact script of the movie Independence Day and the real blueprint of something called Project Blue Beam and you are seeing the foundation laid for it. Even Paul Krugman said back on August 14th 2011 that the government shou.... So with those recent pieces of evidence in mind let’s now pay attention to a mainstream news report put out on Easter Sunday 2012 in Australia. A member of the U.S. Air Command with special clearance of White House, spoke during an interview aired on Australian MSM, about the official plans of the U.S. military to fight a hostile alien invasion.
FROM: Youtube User undercoveralien
IT’S OFFICIAL: A member of the U.S. Air Command with special clearance of White House, spoke earlier this Sunday, during an interview apparently aired only by Australian MSM, about the official plans of the U.S. military to fight a hostile alien invasion. Take in mind that TPTB are building a mega radio-telescope in Australia and New Zealand, for detecting an alien invasion and also the U.S. Army is deploying thousands of Marines in Australia, what strongly suggests that a major false-flag event will take place in the land of down under.
Ask yourself, why all the hype about an alien invasion? Then pay attention to the things they are saying are the goals and it becomes clear, WORLD GOVERNMENT. Now I’m not saying I don’t believe aliens are out there, that would be an ignorant and arrogant stance to take considering the size of the universe. If they are out there they would be so advanced that to them we would be like the monkeys in the zoo who fling poop at each other. To them the Earth is probably a neat place to visit from afar but they must be careful not to get too close too often because the natives are primitive and dangerous. I also agree that working together as humankind to explore space and the oceans would be great. I agree that no more war, death, bloodshed would be great but that is not what the people pulling the strings want. They want quite the opposite. Their goal is a one world government that has the ability, power, and means to control everything on the planet and every aspect of human life for their own twisted goals. I know this all sounds crazy but it is 100% real as can be. Do the research for yourself and you will see.
And remember what Henry Kissinger said while speaking at the Bilderberg meeting in Evian, France, May 21, 1992:
“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”
Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance
Saving The Economy….. With A Fake Alien Invasion
FLASHBACK: Paul Krugman Suggests A Fake alien Invasion To Fix The Economy
PROJECT BLUE BEAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W02-e-xqQSQ
Paul Krugman Suggests A Fake alien Invasion To Fix The Economy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSChouIGfhQ
Saving The Economy….. With A Fake Alien Invasion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Qt50Ig-CA
Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ6o0-ghYRg
FALSE FLAG ALERT: The U.S. Military Is Officially Preparing For An “Alien Invasion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yldyOOJOABg
A grand unified conspiracy theory..
And Those not killed by the nerve gas will be partially brain dead and act like zombies....
Now if you were directing a theatrical, why not blame the nerve gas attack on the aliens in the black triangles?
I bugged out from inside the DC Beltway a decade ago. I am now is very rural Georgia. I will post three emails sent to a UFO researcher... (edited)
Jan 2018
UFO (OK to use, edit, whatever, with or without name)
Those black triangles, with the blindingly bright slow flashing red
light, which makes photos impossible, and two red plasma-like orbs that sometimes
accompany them, practice flight training above very rural Screven County
Georgia. Normal flight times 8:30 PM southbound, 10:30 PM northbound..
They take a north-south track a couple miles east of US 301. Wife,
neighbors, etc have all seen this. The dog used to alert me and then I go
outside... lately they have been quieter (re alerting the dog)
(Never on weekend, tues and thursday most often, 8-11 PM)
On one occasion, the triangles were accompanied by a third thing, that
in binoculars looked like an upside down aircraft carrier... or
starfleet command, with hundreds of square windows visibly lit from
within. Frankly, it looked so unusual this mind had trouble accepting
the visual clues..I assumed it to be the same black triangles testing a
holographic device, because it shimmered in an out several times... so i knew it was a projection.
Christmas day 2016, 10 PM evening, the red orbs were flying at low
altitude, lighting up the ground below with their glow. I drove to a
baseball field in the center of town, saw nothing except a black
triangle that flew from south east to north west, directly overhead.
When it was at the zenith, it made a -U- and then returned to northwest
track. All maneuvers are done without banking...
On another occasion, a neighbor told he was hunting on Ogechee Creek
(south fork), when he heard rustling in the trees on a calm day. Walking
toward the sound he came to a clearing. On the other side of the
clearing, a few feet above the tops of the trees, was a shiny silver saucer.
The sound he heard was the tree tops swirling in the gravity waves under
the center of the motionless saucer.
corresponded with William Cooper... he believed the US black budget
secret government posed a far bigger threat than Scientology (1993
conversation) I now agree
NOTE: After posting this to FB, they changed their flight paths to
either side of sylvania downtown, and now flyover at a higher altitude,
usually on a north/south path, descending towards the north as if there
is a base north of us. Thing is there is nothing north of us, except
the savannah river, swampland, and a likely hi security area being used for a base, the
Savannah River nuclear reprocessing plant.
There is now a smaller 'sport' model, (last couple of months) that
sometimes turns on three blinding bright focused beams of light aiming
in direction of flight that look like pencil beams.. beams are all parallel
Feb 15th 2018
Hi, Arnie Lerma here
Re no booms here, but... I like sitting under a tree in the darkness
with my dog. There is large open field where the state had piles of
gravel. We have a fox, an occassional coyote, packs of feral dogs and
wild hogs. This is a very small town, pop 2200... and Im at the edge of
I never commit to written form any even for which i have no witness. I
asked a neighbor about what I am about to describe and she described the
same thing, seeing the same creature.
This was after there were several bright flashes.. as if lighting struck
in the front yard next door, lighting of the trees and everything from a
central point, but there was no light source visible.. No sund, silent,
not a cloud in the sky
Later that evening I walk just a few feet past my garden gate.. my dog
alerts, lets out a snarl the likes of which i have never heard, I turn
and shine the bright flashlight in the direction, and see two glowing
eyes, - I am very concerned because the eyes are too far apart to be a
dog or a cat... and too low to the ground to be deer or a horse. and
they are charging at me.
Me and the dog hi-tail it back into the walled patio. My dog a terrier
in behind my legs, snout pressed between my legs, shivering in fear. The
creature came in the gate and stood 6 feet from me.
I looked into its eyes. It had no interest in me, it wanted to eat my
dog. It looked like a cat with a big head reddish brown hair that hung
down almost to the ground like a lama...it was dirty, ugly, I told it
with my mind to go. It left.
To this date my dog wont go out at night without me and I wear my
holster when I do.
What came to mind was skinwalker ranch. Ive seen mt lions, in the wild,
I looked t pictures on the net, but could not find anything that looked
like this creature...
I associate IT with the silent flashes seen several times
I saw this thing one other time on the crest of the hill crossing the
road under a street lamp..
re the booms..
The largest black budget triangles make a hell of a rumble... directly
below them there is a gravity anomaly that might explain the shaking.
Oh daytime, 4PM, a large black jet at altitude like a C-47 profile, then behind it "sparkle" then the black outline of a plane at altitude turned into a sky-blue outline of same jat altitude, first time Ive witnessed that, i would not believe it if I had not seen it..
Most recent few days ago 3AM dog goes nuts:
Dog is under the couch, blinds are closed, curtain is drawn, and there
is 6 ft solid fence around the back windows... he starts growling,
alerting and pointing... there is nothing to see... blinds, curtain,
fence and he was under couch....
I go out to take a look. I open back gate and see a strange looking
dog... it has too much hair, and is walking funny towards me and looked
very dirty... did not look right, so I close gate and go back inside put
on my browning and go back out but it is gone..
Your videos help me connect dots, hope this helps..
I think they are going for the alien false flag carol rosen described from Werhner Von Braun's death bed testimony
One of the big triangles had some kind of projector making the
appearance change, I had trouble figuring out what the hell I was seeing
in the binoculars...because it seemed to be projecting a sharp false
images then getting blurry as if they were aligning the device...
PS: I used to be the #1 guy on the East coast for alignments of high-end video projectors back when they were the big three tube jobs, I saw what is now google earth in a tempest secure facilty
(entrance through vault doors) in a swank hotel in georgetown dc in
1986!! I was the projector guy... (added) after I complete an alignment I ask for program material for final tweak, a general said "Give me three clicks on Saigon" A voice said "sir we have non classified present" (me) (Mumbling) Then as I watched a google earth type image of SE aisa, Click I was looking at the Saigon, like a big street map, then click I was looking at a neighborhood, trees, whatever.. then click I was looking at a fucking intersection.. marked on the map were the paths of overhead microwave links, telephone poles, service taps, it was like an infrastructure wiring diagram with underground seweres and plumbing marked... Everytime i goto google I remember that service call... Imagine what they have now....
Re: Jan 20th email re black triangles in Screven georgia
Re: Feb 15th report re skinwalkers in screven georgia
IF those black triangles use derivative tech of the nazi bell, perhaps the reports that the bell drove people insane was from the things that would squeeze through the inetialess doorway created by the spinning mercury ions...
Perhaps the things I witnessed were due to those previous presence of the Triangle's drives
Perhaps that is why they are being tested in extremely rural Georgia... people here have trouble figuring out what a 15% tip is..
If Von Braun was on the money that a fake alien invasion would be the last trick... perhaps, knowing that this rather nasty form of generating an inertialless effect, is being used with intent... as tool of terror. Perhaps that is the plan?
“The damage that psychopaths do to the global economy, and human civilization in general, is incalculable.” ― Robert D. Hare
“The covert operators that I ran with would blow up a 747 cit with 300 people to kill one person. They are total sociopaths with no conscience whatsoever.” — Former Pentagon CID Investigator Gene Wheaton
“You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.” — A defendant, from Operation Gladio
I hear you. How do you separate myth from actual accounts of supernatural events or other worldly beings?
My point is, there were no alien abductions and flying saucers recorded throughout history, UNTIL, coincidentally, we have had the technology to create these occurrences. Since the advent of man taking to the skies and government mind control programs, all of a sudden, for the first time in human history, people see UFO's and get abducted.
I love nearly all alien theories and have entertained myself with it for over a decade now, but I see nothing but speculation and a host of excellent questions.
Most top scientist that are of the globalist ilk agree that if aliens arrive they will be drone machines and they will be hostile. Isn't that convenient for their NWO ;)
Hey, I really think the alien armageddon is a plan C contingency if all else fails. If they can't get it through worldwide terrorism, a third world war and worldwide famine, then watch them roll out the Terminators from Mars.
KRYPKE, I agree that any purported 'alien invasion' is going to very much a man made event, making use of the NWO's high technology.
However I disagree regarding evidence and records of accounts, which are commonly labelled as 'alien abductions'.
Such phenomena has been reported in the past - only such experiences were labelled and explained as the work of the gods, cthonic beings such as the Tuatha Dé Danan, daoine sídhe, elves, dwarves etc or even daemons or demons (N.B there IS a difference between the two).
Mainstream UFOlogists, notably those that insist on applying the 'nuts and bolts' extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) to everything in their path, even to the point of excluding data so it fits their ETH model, are the ones that have deemed such accounts the work of non terrestrial beings from other worlds.
I don't believe such beings are ET's, but there is certainly something going on, and its based much closer to home, the question is, what?
Whatever these things are, they behave in the manner of the trickster archetype, and the one constant in accounts down the centuries, that can be associated with these beings, are absence of logic and an abundance of confusion and lies .
It brings up such questions as are such reported entities real?
If so are they in league with the PTB?
Or are the PTB making use of a real phenomena (which they themselves have no control over) to create a modern mythology with which to push their agenda?
This is an incredibly complex subject, and could be debated/ evidence cited/discussed in a forum of its own - sorry folks, not in 'Ancient Aliens'.
I personally think we are dealing with a multitude of phenomena, physical and non-physical, that has in the latter half of the 20th century, been lumped under the UFO umbrella.
Out of the small percentage of reports that really do account for true sightings, some of it may be 'man made' advanced and clandestine technology, yes - but what of the others?
I can believe that there are bigger players than the NWO, out there - the question is who or what are they? :)
I tend to lean towards more probable explanations for events and things that have yet to happen, and I think this alien invasion crap is a big farce. There were no alien abductions recorded throughout history, no monuments erected of space ships or little green men. It's all a great big fat lie just like everything else they shove down our throats. And let's face it, they SHOVE aliens down our throats.
Of that I'm well aware :)...I rarely agree with everything in ANY media (MSM or alternative) articles.
As with most material I post, I merely present articles and videos with cited sources, and leave it to the reader to research further and come to their own conclusion on matters.
Main stream media is a tool of propaganda and mass manipulation. You have to check and double check anything they say.
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