FBI & Police Caught Bang-to-Rights "lying" in San Bernardino False-Flag Shooting...

Time and again, others like me have told you and even showed you the evidence and highlighted that there are no "real" terrorists other than manufactured bogeyman so as they can shit the living daylights out of you with the continuous false flag operations that ultimately give's "them" carte blanc over the way they totally control our lives. 

In the latest San Bernardino false-flag fiasco, which in this case is one of dozens if not hundreds of false-flags operations the "police/FBI/Secret Services are behind, has been totally blown out of the water and the FBI and police have been caught bang-to-rights inventing what they said took place that day. 

Almost 400 rounds of ammunition was fired at this truck, yet we now know the couples bodies were handcuffed and found lying face-down inside it.  

Recent claims by the Farook’s family's attorney has revealed following a three hour meeting with the FBI, it was established Syed Farook and his wife "were found handcuffed, dead, and face down in the alleged truck."

This seems to suggest the alleged blood stained dead body lying on the ground by the vehicle was not either Farook or his wife, and probably the same type of "dead" body or "dummy" found on the ground at the alleged Woolwich attack in London on Drummer Lee Rigby.  Of course there's loads who believe that was true, yet probably the same brainwashed people who thought man landed on the moon in the 60s, when its long been proved an impossibility.  What you see of it on TV was done by of the greatest then living film directors, Stanley Kubrick.

Farroks attorney said 'none of it adds-up or makes any sense'.  So who handcuffed them? Who threw the alleged fake pipe bomb? Apparently there was another man in the same car that was then detained and the released.  Sounds very much like that other chap found in combat gear and fleeing the scene at Sandy Hook.  Who is he this latest “third” person and why was he released?  There's so many other unanswered questions, yet the very fact that this couple were handcuffed and shot dead in the car seems to prove they could not or did not carry out any alleged shootings prior or after them.

It means they were murdered/shot dead by someone. Likely secret service men, or this “third guy” or the police themselves - and then used like Harvey Oswald, who we all now know did not or could not have shoot JFK - as dead patsy's so as they too could take the blame and for all the lies and theatre to take place afterwards.  

According to many journalists they could not understand or believe it that within hours of the police raiding Farook’s home (above) and with the FBI claiming they had found ‘pipe-bombs’ or related equipment there; that instead of sealing off the property with the expected “Crime Scene Do Not Enter” tape across the door, it was left completely open and so the landlord and worlds media could trample on in there and all over the scene contaminating any alleged evidence that could have or would have been found there were they really guilty.  It seems to suggest the FBI knew nothing was there in the first place, so really could not care less what happened afterwards.  

Within hours of the alleged shootings the world’s media continuously bombarded us with images of a stadium full of mourners with prayers being read and hymns sung out - and all for one thing only - which is to further "their" agenda to disarm American citizens and before “they” take totally control of our lives.  

Undercover police crack down on freedom of speech in Paris

As this is happening in the UK and Europe too, though in this case it's to prevent protests and riots from breaking out.  Distraction tactics and so we can soon forget about all the paedophile scandals involving the highest in society and of course the lowest of scum.  Austerity measure with trillions of pounds, dollars and euros being directly stolen from the public’s purse following “their” own created financial crises.  The Libor scandal that again see trillions of dollars being directly robbed from members of the public, yet instead of those involved being jailed, they earned millions each in the process.  There’s meant to be no money to spend by our governments, yet “they” conveniently find trillions of dollars to send us to war, that in return those 1% are made even richer as “we” are forced to buy the very arms they sell to “us”.  A butcher needs meat eaters, theses corrupt bastards need wars.  And if there’s none going on then they simply create them with their invented “terrorists”.  We all lose, yet the 1%, politicians, our secret services, the military and police all gain from it.  

Policemen fight with activists during a protest ahead of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference at the place de la Republique, in Paris Sunday.Source: LAURENT CIPRIANI/AP Policemen fight with activists during a protest ahead of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference 

Little do people know that days prior to the false flag attacks in Paris, there were hundreds of protesters ready to cause havoc to the forth coming farce meeting of world leaders in regards to Climate Change in Paris.  The same can be seen in the above video during a protest on a "Solution 21" in Paris this week.  "They" knew the world’s media would be present and that many wished to reveal that climate change is a con and just another way to control us living on the planet, and more so to make the 1% trillions of dollars in tax revenues and buying and selling the very air we breathe.  It used to be said as a joke; "If they could tax the air we breathe, "They" would." Well that's exactly what they are proposing to do.

The Friday 13th attacks were perfect timing to place the whole of Paris and where the protesters had their camps - into lock down and martial law was declared.

It was also an excuse to declare 'war' on a another created, trained and funded "terror group" known as ISIS, after Russia had embarrassed Western leaders by showing us how easy it was to take out these so called alleged terrorists, who again are made up of secret servicemen, paid mercenaries and agent provocateurs.

Virtually everything you have been taught and continued to be told by the elite and their own paid for mainstream media outlets and their lackeys is totally fabrication and utter lies. 

So glad I can see through it all, as can many others, just a shame many more cannot seem to do the same. 

Festive greetings - as there's still many more false flags to come! Oh-oh-oh!  

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Comment by Exposure on December 7, 2015 at 9:42pm

Exactly Doc Vega.  The FBI left vital evidence and ID paperwork laying on the bed. This would never be left for the worlds media to see like that and taken away as evidence.  So desperate were they to convince the world they were not only terrorist, that they we also the actual suspects as well.  Load of BS and nothing else.  It's amazing the police and FBI can get away with such blatant corruption - and after all who is out there to stop them from doing it? 

Comment by Doc Vega on December 5, 2015 at 5:03pm

I would like to see the very moment that the truck was opened after being deluged by a hail of gunfire and see whether or not those bodies were actually handcuffed. What is bothersome is the house of the terrorist couple being left open for the media to rummage through. A crime scene should not be tampered with.

Comment by Exposure on December 5, 2015 at 2:12pm

Prior to any dead body appearing on the scene, the police and news media showed us footage of the police standing way back in some kind of stand-off and for some time after shooting almost 400 rounds into the truck, - that when finally getting to the truck two hand cuffed bodies were inside it.  So how the hell could they have been shooting at anyone?  

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