May 12, 2012
Source: Natural News
The blending of government, private industry, and academia into a single, mega-fascist entity is moving forward at an alarmingly rapid pace in the U.S. today, with the federal government now announcing its intentions to subsidize the drug-creation efforts of Big Pharma on the taxpayer dime. A recent Reuters report explains that roughly $20 million a year may soon be extorted from hardworking Americans and given to drug companies for the sole purpose of inventing phony new medical uses for failed drug compounds.
In their endless quest to develop new “blockbuster” drugs that will generate billions of dollars a year in new profits, drug companies must continually invest in new research and development (R&D) projects with the hope that an efficacious new drug will emerge. In many cases, however, potential new drugs fail to work as intended, which means hundreds, if not thousands, of patented compounds end up getting shelved in storage laboratories where they never again see the light of day.
But all this could quickly change if the Obama-led Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has its way. Rather than let these failed drug compounds go to “waste,” why not have the taxpayers fund research into discovering new uses — any new uses — so that Big Pharma can recoup its losses and gain much, much more in profits? This, of course, is the mindset of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who told reporters the goal of the project is to “teach an old drug new tricks.”
Merging of government and industry means elimination of freedom
As cute as Ms. Sebelius’ little quip might sound, apportioning taxpayer-funded cash infusions for failed drug research projects is nothing short of corporate-government fascism, and the very type of public-private partnership that has no place in a free republic. As much as these traitors in the federal government would have us all believe that such research is necessary to find new “cures” for disease, the real driving force behind such a setup is to further bilk the public for the purpose of enriching Big Pharma.
It is the same thing the federal government is trying to do with agriculture, as it capitulates to the demands of corporate food giants like Monsanto that seek none other than to control the world’s food supply. Rather than require proper safety testing of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) — or at the very least, mandate transparent labeling (– the federal government has sided with industry at the expense of the public.
Unless the American people stand up now to stop the madness, the merging of government and industry will only continue to escalate until all semblances of freedom are vanquished. And one of the main drivers of this madness is the federal income tax which, as long as Americans continue to pay it, will continue to be used to enslave them.
Sources for this article include:
"Destroying the New World Order"
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