Female genital mutilation exposed in Swedish class

Female genital mutilation exposed in Swedish class

Published: 20 Jun 2014 11:03 GMT+02:00
Updated: 20 Jun 2014 11:03 GMT+02:00

Of the 30, some 28 of the girls were found to have been subjected to the most severe form of genital mutilation, when the clitoris and labia are completely cut away and the genital area sewn together except for a small opening.
The abuse was discovered by the school health services, according to a report by Norrköpings Tidningar. Additional resources have been provided by the local social services to help the girls.
Female genital mutilation has been illegal in Sweden since 1982 and can be punished with up to four years in prison. If the offence is considered to be aggravated then the penalty can be up to ten years.

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Comment by DTOM on July 27, 2014 at 7:10pm

LP, it's amazing how much in common the spiritual beliefs of European pagans have with the Native American peoples, with respect to nature and life in general. No wonder there has been such a resurgence in pagan beliefs (not faux paganism like wicca) in recent times. People are beginning to feel the need to reconnect to the land and nature and their ancestors - and if it feels right for you, all power to you.

I've noticed in recent times increased attacks against Native Americans in the media (notably the BBC) - making out that they aren't 'noble savages' - yes, all tribes have enemies and fought wars, that said the native peoples of the US and most pagans from other nations didn't go around putting people to death if they didn't bow down and accept their spiritual beliefs.

Comment by Less Prone on July 27, 2014 at 10:50am


I agree. People are under mind control, keeping fed half truths and lies, given pathological role models, ripped of their natural instincts and means of self preservation both mental and physical, their initiative and common sense killed. As you said, fucked in the head.

Religion is but one mind control tool risen from the psychopathic leader class's greed and need to control the others. For a sake of comparison, take a look what the "savage" American Indians thought about humanity, society and the nature.

The Ten Indian Commandments

Comment by Ragnarok on July 27, 2014 at 10:07am

Yea true. But when we have societies that calls murderers and traitors for patriots we are kinda F'ed in every way from the start and people who just eats of their hands like desperate plague infested rats are in principle even worse they choose to live in ignorance and always to follow the herd who again is guided and 'protected' by the sadist sheppard who makes insane choices.

Comment by DTOM on July 27, 2014 at 9:50am

Henrik and Lana at Red Ice have quite a lot of material both posts and audio relating to life in Sweden (and other Nordic countries - http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2014/05/RIR-140505.phphttp://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2013/12/RIR-131216.phphttp://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2013/10/RIR-131028.phphttp://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2013/10/RIR-131021.phphttp://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2013/01/RIR-130122.php)    

LP, frankly anyone who believes in a deity that demands its followers to ritually hack off an intimate part of an individual's body, to sate said deity, who they also believe created the perfect human being, is fucked in the head. Whether it is the demand of some twisted demiurge being or the most deviant of men to ever record their dogma, makes no difference.

Can anyone honestly prove to me that creatures like this would be repentent for carrying out such acts of barbarity? Those barbarous enough to do such a thing without hesitation or questioning why, only understand barbarity.

Simple, impliment the following, those caught carrying out such mutilation in western nations should themselves be physically castrated without anesthetic, stripped of their wealth and assets (which will be given to their victim/s), and forced to endure hard labor wearing the most humilating of attire until they cease breathing. 

Dan, (I'm preaching to the choir here, but) as always 'follow the money' - who has gained (economically, politically, socially) from the outcome of post-911? - certainly not the average person - be they from the west or middle east.

This callous atitude towards human life, continues to be the norm.

Nobody gives a shit, until somebody dies in their neighbourhood.

Humanity needs to grow up - and empathy would be a great start, as its sincerely lacking in the world - that is the change we need.

Comment by Less Prone on July 27, 2014 at 9:50am

So true, Daniel, so true.

Comment by Ragnarok on July 27, 2014 at 9:08am

Yes very sick individuals makes up the world today the creation of religion, fake values whether it may be economic or morally, manipulated and deceitful history, weird made-up 'traditions' and 'values' the enormous wave of hypocrisy that has always has been present throughout history since people has been controlled for so many 1000's of years that they simply cant tell the difference between right or wrong without having their crooked leaders and their media henchmen to point it out how to think and to handle a situation.

Lets take latest example Iraq and Afghanistan invaded by the west and started a genocide to obtain what they wanted...which was oil, natural gas, metals, rebuilding contracts, foreign aid (nice word for just stuffing money in your own pockets and giving the sheeple a sense of righteousness at the same time), selling a lot of weapons to all sides, creating a uncontrollable economy....aka blackmarkets, getting western businesses access to more customers, satisfying share/stockholders, boardmembers, big pharma, telephone companies get rights and you could go on like forever due to the complex system.

My point here is why when between 5-7 million innocent civilians whom got killed in Iraq and Afghanistan apparently not worth mentioning but each time a 1000 Palestinians gets killed its like the worst thing ever to happen not that it isnt sickening but its a drop in the ocean compared to the lastest western consumer crusades so people still can stuff their faces with poisonous crap and go on sleeping like they do everyday. 

Comment by Less Prone on July 27, 2014 at 8:20am

Those who invented genital mutilation must have been very sick individuals who enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on others. Justifying it by religion only tries to shift the blame to their god, while in fact the practice certainly was created by the people in control. This is a prime example of the kind of forces behind religion used as a tool for abuse and control of the others.  It's a world of lies and deception to control and abuse and to fulfill the sick aspirations of the psychopathic leaders.

You can can see the parallels of the same on a much larger scale in manufacturing of wars, banking industry and debt abuse, politicians and public servants controlled by pedophilia, poisoning of air, water and food, injection of pathogens in the name of medicine, genocide camouflaged as philanthropy and other phenomenon so typical in pathocracy, the modern society.

The science that studies the nature and evolution of evil in society is called political ponerology.

Comment by Ragnarok on July 27, 2014 at 6:27am

Let me tell you like this.....If you came directly from America and said you wanted to citizenship in Sweden they would laugh in your face.

But if you were a war criminal, islamic fundamentalist, mentally unstable or just plain criminal you would be granted citizenship straight away.

Welcome to the Scandinavia aka the twillight zone the same goes for a lot of other European countries and the US/Canada for that matter. Its called creating jobs and keeping the failed system going at full speed.

Comment by DTOM on July 27, 2014 at 6:20am

WTF is 'aggravated' genital mutilation, compared to 'standard' genital mutilation?

4 or 10 years, it's a joke!

These 'practises' are an anathema to western society, but the Swedish left is more concerned with banning men urinating while standing, more than innocents having parts of their bodies hacked off - oh and slavery/ forced prostitution doesn't seem to bother the Swedish Authorities / state mandated enforcers either - http://www.thelocal.se/20140725/police-ignore-slave-trade-gothenbur... - they claim they haven't got the resources.

Obviously the selling of  traditional Swedish candy confectionary is a much bigger concern

Comment by Ragnarok on July 25, 2014 at 8:16am

As you can see not much is happening. 

Sweden, Denmark and Norway try to stop genital mutilation among immigrants at home and abroad

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