FLASHBACK - The official 2001 FBI docs on Urban Moving Systems and the 9-11-2001 Dancing Israelis incident

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"By way of deception, thou shalt do war." - former motto of the Mossad


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The official 2001 FBI docs on Urban Moving Systems and the 9-11-2001 Dancing Israelis incident


Comment #2 goes over how anyone can get their own copies of these documents on a CD from the FBI (for those skeptics who claim this is "disinfo" - as if I have any time to slug this stuff together).  Here is the boilerplate letter I received from the FBI after making the initial request and asking for a fee waiver (my personal info has been whited out).

I've saved many the trouble of getting their own documents by posting them on Scribd.com, links are in the notes area (in RED).  Article begins here:


Section 5, page 42

Above:  A snippet from the 2001 FBI files on Urban Moving Systems and the 9-11 Dancing Israelis incident.  An employee of UMS dishes on the boss (Dominik Suter?) who not only cheats customers but seems to harbor a huge grudge against the United States.  

Here are videos for those unfamiliar with the story:

The controversy around Urban Moving Systems (active as a business since approximately 1996) centers around the fact that it was a Mossad front company, and whether or not the "employees" (agents) knew what was about to go down on September 11th.  There were also, according to the FBI report, traces of explosive in the van used in the Dancing Israelis incident.  Were members of this group involved in rigging the towers for demolition?  Were they part of a Sayeret Yahalom demolition team? (Hat tip to Niqnaq on that one).

Section 1, page 35

In section 5, page 25 of the FBI report, a male eyewitness who was painting the interior of an apartment spots the Dancing Israelis on a nearby roof "less than 5 minutes" after the first plane hits the WTC.  The location of the roof, The Doric Apartments at 100 Manhattan Avenue in Union City, NJ, is a 5 minute drive from Urban Moving Systems at 3 W 18th Street in Weehauken.  This contradicts the statements of the Israelis in the 4th video (starting at 3:55), who claim they began driving to that point after the first plane hit the towers.  

Section 1, pages 36-37
There were a number of reasons I retrieved and posted the 4 pagepolice report from the East Rutherford, NJ P.D. and these FBI documents on the 9-11-2001 Dancing Israelis incident (links are below).  If any 9-11 researchers had seen them, they failed to make them available for public scrutiny.  As a consequence, some individuals have concluded that the Dancing Israelis were an "urban legend", based only on researchers' opinions and a slew of seemingly disparate facts.

Section 5, page 41

Fill out an FOIA request, or write a letter, and these public records are yours for a few dollars, or free.  So why have we not seen (until now) official documentation on these suspicious events - events that apparently never got a mention in the 9-11 Commission Report?

Section 5, pages 62-63

The FBI's investigation of the Dancing Israelis is close to 550 pages long - redacted pages (not included in the above count), had they been made available, would bring the actual report closer to 1800 pages.  Of the released pages, many are partially blanked out.  The investigation won't be completely declassified until 2030 at the earliest; however it appears that date was changed to 2035 (see above stamps that appear on most pages).
Section 5, page 30
 The report is in 6 sections. The PDF "search" option does not seem to be working.  A brief synopsis of some findings are below, section by section.
Section 1, page 33

Because of time constraints, I have not vetted everything.  Please note in the comments area any section/page of interest found in these documents.  I have posted some snippets, however, I may have missed a few things, and would appreciate any insights, help etc.

Section 5, page 47
From the official East Rutherford, New Jersey police report, page 4 - suspect claims they were in Manhattan on the West Side Highway during the attack on the WTC (stated as "the incident")
Section 1, page 65
Above:  A female witness at 100 Manhattan Avenue spots the Israelis "high fiving" each other while watching the WTC burn.  Were they really happy to see the WTC burn, or were they just fans of Seattle's "High Five'n White Guys"?:

The first 9 links below this article under "Related posts" are my own independent research.  Some of these articles contain evidence that some actors in this group are still active in the US.

The Doric Apartments, 100 Manhattan Ave, Union City, NJ - "...the Doric stands on the cliffs of Union City offering non-obstructed breathtaking views of the New York City's skyline" - quote from Doric's website

One view of Manhattan from the Doric Apartments - from Panaramio.com and Google Maps

The Doric Apartments' garage rooftop parking area where the Dancing Israelis were spotted on 9-11-01.  Below, a promo video for the Doric Apartments


FBI documents on Urban Moving Systems and the Dancing Israelis (these notes will be updated as time permits)

Regarding the Dancing Israelis connection to the Mossad, here's an article from the Jewish Daily Forward. 

For an interesting analysis of the information in these documents, please first see this brief intro, then the following article:

The "Dancing Israelis" FBI Report - Debunked. 

A concise video of the same analysis is here on YouTube.

UPDATE:  On Scribd, the documents are available for reading, however Scribd is now charging for downloads.  Free downloads are available via this blog. 

Section 1 (full text at this link)

Section 1, page 7

Section 1, page 12.  Flyer found for party at the Garage on 99 7th Avenue in Manhattan.  The date "7-11" (exactly 2 months before 9-11) is prominent.  Is the address (99 7th Avenue - 99 = 9x11) significant?  Keren is a common Israeli women's name. What is being covered up on the right side of the flyer?   Below a snippet from a Google search for DJ VanJee that refers to Jaffa, a city located in Israel.

Section 1, page 23.  An "unscheduled" UMS van is spotted in Plymouth, MA on 9-11-2001 at 6:45 a.m.

Section 1, page 30. AA flight 11 was scheduled to depart Boston's Logan Airport at 7:45 a.m.

 p. 36 and p. 52-53 - An "unscheduled" Urban Moving Systems van is stopped by Pennsylvania State Police as it is traveling toward the Shanksville, PA hijacked flight 93 crash site:
Section 1, page 36

Section 1, page 30

p. 36 - An "unscheduled" Urban Moving Systems van is found in Nashua, NH on 9-11: 

Section 1, page 36

Section 1, page 34  Airline tickets with immediate travel dates found in NJ van.

Section 1, page 39

p. 61-77 - Tenants at 100 Manhattan Avenue apartments are questioned about sightings of Israelis prior to 9-11.

Section 1, page 61.  One of the 5 Dancing Israelis was spotted at 100 Manhattan Ave. on 9-10-01.  Was he helping the mysterious couple (below) move out of their apartment?

Section 1, page 71 - Manager at 100 Manhattan Ave.
regarding tenants moving out using a UMC truck on 9-10-01

Section 1, page 73 - Urban Moving sighted at 100 Manhattan Ave. 9-10-01

Section 1, page 73.  Did the mysterious tenant who moved on 9-10-01 "work" at the WTC?      

Hoboken PATH Station
1 Hudson Place, Hoboken, NJ 07030.
Served by Newark-World Trade Center, Hoboken - 33rd Street, and Hoboken-Worl...

Section 1, page 96 - a few of the odd photos found

Section 1, page 100 - flight itinerary - 12 Sept departure

Section 1, page 112 - Letter posted from Charlotte, NC.  The Fox News video below at the 1:26 mark reports the presence of Israeli Mossad in North Carolina.

Are the numbers 6 and 8 significant (68 cents postage, sticker with 8 legged figure juggling 6 balls)? 

Do some research on the zip + 4 number ("28210-5700") and you might find it links back to Union City, NJ.

pages 128-129 - addresses in Missouri and Texas

Section 2 (full text at this link)

Section 2 covers insurance papers for Urban Moving Systems.
p. 35 includes VIN numbers for all UMS vehicles, including the famous white van.

p. 77 is a report of said van at Liberty State Park, NJ.

Section 3 (full text at this link)

Section 3, page 28.  A 9-16-01 memo details a new UMS warehouse location at 73-75 Gould Street in Bayonne, NJ.  I exposed this warehouse and the UMS connection to Israeli mall sales of Zoomcopters in an article in 2009
9-11, Mossad Mall Spies, Zoomcopters and Dominik Suter

Section 4 (full text at this link)

Section 5 (full text at this link)

P 21:  female employee of UMS arrives at work at 8:58 am (shown on punched time card). A co-worker brings her some cookies - she estimates this happened about 5 minutes after she clocked in (9:03)  She talks with co-worker for "a few more minutes" and then hears someone in the building shout "Oh my God a plane just hit the World Trade Center."   She then heads into the dispatch room of Urban Moving Systems (where the shout came from) and sees "a still picture on a computer screen of a plane hitting one tower". 
p. 25:  A painter at the Doric Towers, 100 Manhattan Ave, Union City, NJ is informed by a partner of the disaster "less than 5 minutes" after the first plane hits the north tower".  He "stands up from painting the baseboard, looks out of the window, and notices 3 young men taking video and still photographs from atop the roof of the parking garage adjoining Doric Towers. (ed. note:  Urban Moving Systems is a 5 minute drive from 100 Manhattan Ave.)

Section 5, page 27 - cigarette butts as evidence
Section 6 (full text at this link)

p 8:  foreign names and names of obscure towns in India and Nepal.

p 30:  report on Israeli art vendor arrested in Mercer county.  Found traveling in the vicinity of the FAA center in Pomona, NJ and also taking pictures of bridges and freeways:
Section 6, page 30


Below, video on Israeli "art sales": 


p 33: four Israeli nationals arrested by Mt. Holly Police dept on 8 14 2001

p 38:  FBI declares Israelis innocent

p 40:  phone number found in notes connected to individual in S. America with "ties to Islamic militants in the ME"
P 41:  another phone number is connected to a hash dealer in NY - this info is considered moot.

p 43:  FBI admits wide discrepancies in suspects stories

Section 6, page 45 - witness describes video camera

Section 6, page 47  Dancing Israelis, Classic International Movers and the 19 hijackers

Section 6, page 48 - Dancing Israelis heading to NJ at 7:48 a.m. on 9-11-01.  From Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel (A) to Urban Moving (B) - an 18 minute commute that passes by the WTC and also uses the Lincoln Tunnel (map below).

Or did they go directly to the Doric apartments, a 16 minute drive, arrival time 8:04 a.m.?  The van was spotted at the Doric at about 8 a.m. by a witness interviewed by the FBI.

p 63: FBI references antiwar.com

p 89:  items not claimed by suspects destroyed

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