During WWII in the midst of intense bombing and air battles UFO’s were observed by both Allied and Axis Forces. They were unidentified and assumed to be top secret flying machines made by the other adversary so what did the call them? “Foo Fighters”. In 1947 when the 509th Bomb Wing, the only atomic arsenal delivery unit in the world recovers a crashed disk. Word goes out to the world from Roswell Air Field in New Mexico. What did they end up calling it? A “Weather Balloon!” In 1952 on several warm nights that summer UFO’s they made their ubiquitous appearance and where chased by F-94C jet interceptors who at 650 mph couldn’t touch them. Even after Captain William Patterson found his jet surrounded by UFO’s who were closing in on his aircraft and radioed the radar station what were his orders now? In the midst of the 1952 UFO flap and then on several nights in July they violated forbidden White House air space they called them “Thermal Inversions”.
Continued official denial
In 1953 as the Robertson Panel, a collection of intelligence officers, generals, astronomers, rocket scientists, and the Project Blue Book staff, came to a very unpopular conclusion that Project Blue Book be transformed into a public relations agency and all serious sightings with a question of technical problems be handed off up the ladder to Wright Patterson Air base for further study. This infuriated Captain Edward Ruppelt, Major Dewey Fournet, and media spokesperson Al Chop. Who immediately put in for transfers to other units. Conclusions drawn by the panel ignoring the evidence they has reviewed was that UFO’s were simply “Misunderstood Aerial Phenomenon” and presented no threat to national security. Although UFO’s refused to go away and almost caused mid-air collisions with passenger flights, swooped down and caused law enforcement personnel to duck and cover, and were even fired upon by a number of Naval and Air Force pilots, Project Blue Book covered up, stonewalled, or used astrophysicist Doctor J. Allen Hynek as their official debunker, who stayed on at Blue Book after the other main officials requested reassignment.
Media grew tired of mundane explanations
Even when General Nathan F. Twining acknowledged that UFO’s were real and not hoaxes or misidentified conventional aircraft that flew with great speed and maneuverability, still the US military hid the evidence and growing opinion of high ranking officers that the extraterrestrial explanation was fast becoming the only explanation, the public was kept in the dark. Even the mainstream media began making sarcastic comments criticizing the official statements made whenever another major UFO event occurred. Even cartoons appeared in newspapers ridiculing some of the ridiculous explanations that the compromised Project Blue Book scientific debunker Dr. J. Allen Hynek came up with such as the planet Venus or swamp gas.
Why is the truth suddenly “Out There”?
So, in today’s world of propaganda and misinformation why does the US military under people like Luis Elizondo, claiming the lack of interest in UAP’s could be the biggest US intelligence failure in history. Steven Greer and his “Disclosure Project” claiming a truth embargo existed over UAP’s and finally just recently Dave Grusch, an intelligence officer claiming that he knows of alien craft recoveries along with non-human bodies who piloted these crafts. Why all the sudden after decades of stonewalling and denial has the federal government become transparent over the controversial subject. Could it be the physics of these objects observed by US Naval fighter pilots off the coast of San Diego that attest to gravity defying maneuvers unexplainable by today’s technology?
The ulterior motive-a false flag?
Could this all be leading to a setup of the world population? Project “Blue Beam” a proposed faked extraterrestrial invasion that would invoke government martial law upon the world’s nations as a reaction to a “War of the Worlds” scenario? Could this be time travelers from the future who have ventured into our realm accidently or on purpose? That UAP’s have demonstrated gravity waves and speeds that would crush a high tech military aircraft of today must have the Pentagon concerned. What if a foreign power did have access to this power? There are many people who suspect that Nazi Germany was privy to advanced technical data that could not have been obtained by any conventional sources pre-World War II. Thinking that they cut a deal with extraterrestrials.
Known UFO research projects
David Grusch testifies in front of Congress
"Destroying the New World Order"
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