Former Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer Fears Direct China War in 18 Months

Tony Shaffer

His Qualifications

Highly experienced operative with extensive leadership in the full spectrum of intelligence operations, special operations and the use of disruptive and advanced technology to achieve specific national objectives. A NYTs bestselling author, media expert and spokesperson for a leading national security think-tank. My objectives are simple: do good things to protect the nation from all current and developing threats.

Image result for Tony Shaffer Colonel

A compromised Pentagon

While Lieutenant Colonel Shaffer was serving he met general Mark Milley in the Pentagon who personally told Tony that a direct war with China would be inevitable in the next 10 years involving the Communists ambition to dislodge America as the leading super power as well as over the control of resources. Shaffer says that in recent months Milley contradicted himself and told the American public that there was no threat at all of a war with China, not even as incursions into Taiwan’s ADIZ have increased becoming bolder since the gutless withdrawal of US support for Afghanistan last year.

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Looming invasion

Shaffer, a highly experienced officer in the development of Intel, both human resources as well as electronic says that China is planning on taking Taiwan within the next 18 months. Unless the US responds with a number of asymmetric strategies to hobble Chinese intentions, the likelihood of China being emboldened by the Biden Administration’s weakness will likely make the worst scenario possible.

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Potential For Communist actions to paralyze US industry

According to Tony Shaffer, with Taiwan making 80% of the microprocessors used in the US car industry, a move on Taiwan by the Chinese could put US auto production in a complete standstill. This is an example of what the US needs to do to China, finding some way of compromising their economy making it impossible for them to sustain a war effort. Shaffer recommends that the US immediately make itself independent of foreign energy and to begin manufacturing retail consumer good for the American public here, at home, rather than allowing the trade deficit that the Chinese enjoy as they have for decades. The so-called global economy has actually been an example of the US compromising its industrial edge and allowing our jobs and infrastructure to be utilized overseas. This is one of the main reasons that the US is now vulnerable in its foreign policy as Democrat spending and weakening of the US military has only encouraged our enemies.

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A matter of keeping the regional alliance together


Presently, Shaffer fears that the current weak kneed and indecisive actions of the Biden White House will not take the proper action to exploit options that would disable Chinese interests and develop opposing intelligence sources that would better anticipate China’s intentions so as to interdict any aggression that could surprise US interests or lead to military pressure that would put America in a compromising position. We have the capability and were using it under President Trump, Tony advises, but the actions of the Biden administration have sent signals of weakness to our enemies and allies alike. In order to counter Communist China’s aggression America needs its allies such as Japan, Australia, the Philippines, and South Korea unified and under the confidence that it will take to discourage threats. One might recall that China has threatened Japan, Australia, the Philippines, and South Korea should they enter the fray in the event of a Chinese attack on Taiwan. An attack on Taiwan would be an existential threat to the United States as well. These facts need to be heavily entered into the Pentagon’s plan for defense in the region, according to Former Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer, who also heads the London Policy For Research, along with Wright State University.

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Comment by Doc Vega on April 11, 2022 at 3:32am

Les no doubt it's all intentional.

Comment by Less Prone on April 10, 2022 at 7:18pm

The BRICS are rising, China leading. This is just what the globalists want, WW3, big chaos, destruction of the west. Haven't we all realized how our leaders have been destroying us economically, culturally, demographically, morally, and spiritually. For decades.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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