The Fox News War On Conservatives

I would have to say that personally I have lost a lot of respect for Fox News as of lately as it seems the network has been conducting a war on conservative politicians. It began with Chris Wallace as he practically humiliated Michele Bachman and Rick Perry as an intro to each of their interviews. Chris Wallace has proven himself to be anything but a staunch conservative as he has shown his establishment bias time and again during his career at Fox sniping at the more conservative candidates whenever he gets a chance to show his journalistic fangs.


It seems that Fox News has established itself as an extension of the GOP establishment on Capitol Hill. Many of us has mistaken them as the last bastion of conservative reporting on TV news networks because they leaned far closer to the right and reported news without the liberal bias of the other White House lap dog networks. Unfortunately, since a large portion of Fox stocks were purchased by Saudi investors the much feared moderation of the conservative editorial edge of the network has been compromised. Now CEO Roger Ailes makes threats to right wing candidates and decides which ones will be ignored or get air time. Isn't this all about electing someone to straighten out Washington and get America back on track? Whoever said the media had a right to determine that? Yet, the leftist mainstream media has been doing this for years unopposed prior to the Clinton White House before there ever was an organized conservative movement to offset the liberal insanity that has had US society within its destructive grasp.

First shots

When Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly had a spat that erupted during the first GOP presidential debate due to what many interpreted as the attractive Fox journalist exercising her agenda while others felt that Trump had been a little too thin skinned, began a war. That war is the GOP establishment bias of Fox News imposing their influence over conservative candidates who have the audacity to really get at the issues as opposed to he Jeb Bushes who merely want to continue the status quo that Boehner and McConnell have presided over on Capitol Hill as President Obama seems to get everything he wants while continuing to blame Republicans for the shortcomings of his own flawed policies. After Trump made remarks that were completely misquoted and only vial misinterpretations were used to fill in the blanks the first official shots in the war on conservatives were fired!

Dismissing reality

While George Wills And Charles Krauthammer view Donald Trump as a "Carnival Barker" the billionaire continues to extend his lead at the polls. Gosh, I wonder why? Even Frank Luntz who has also tried to dispel Trump has lamented that his hand picked groups of varying demographics have shown a preference for Trump even when they introduce something  negative about the brash billionaire. Strangely, Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas, a true conservative, who has not had to evolve at all, as a matter of fact, he is a constitutionalist, has been under attack too. From guess who, that's right Megyn Kelly. In a recent exchange with Cruz, Megyn Kelly went on the attack over "Anchor Babies"  and immigration reform. Like Bill O'Reilly who sees fit to try to tell a billionaire running for president of the US that he can't use an executive order to send illegal aliens back to Mexico or wherever they come from, during his interview with "The Donald" Megyn Kelly seemed to be grilling Ted Cruz. You might recall that Cruz and Bobby Jindal are about the only GOP hopefuls who have not attacked Trump.

A lone voice

Only Sean Hannity, one of the few true conservatives at Fox, has given Donald Trump the benefit of a doubt and has allowed the outspoken billionaire to clarify his statements while explaining some of his ideas on how to deal with the out of control situation created by Democratic Party policy. It seems the only grudging respect afforded Donald Trump from Fox has been the fact that his poll numbers are so far ahead of his contemporaries that they cannot simply lie, but all the time they will be predicting that as time goes on the GOP establishment will regain control and Trump will simply be a fond memory of those who know something in America needs to change and damn soon!

Wrong tactic

When the Republican strategy seems to be to capture the Latino vote which is not significant enough to hurt their cause if they will simply remain on task and appeal to their traditional middle class base they would be fine and win the votes they need, but that won't happen as they once again use self defeating tactics and stab their constituency in the back by intentionally failing to defeat Democratic Party idiocy! It seems all in the designs of the true ruling class as they orchestrate their puppet show on Capitol Hill and destroy America regardless of who is in office as in the end it doesn't seem to matter anymore. The two party system seems to be an illusion and the next election seems rigged more illegal aliens allowed to infiltrate our borders and partake of taxpayer funded services in order to give the Democratic Party the votes in needs to remain in power despite the fact that at least some of the electorate has woken up and sees the grand illusion being waged for the sheep who rely upon the leftist media to think for them and wonder why nothing changes and even keeps getting worse!

The eternal lie

When the Democrats waged their stupidly proposed argument that voter ID's were discriminatory the floodgates of voter fraud were thrust open. Despite evidence widespread voter tampering during the last election of 2012 the DOJ made no move to enforce voter ID laws as Valerie Jarret had already proclaimed there would be no prosecution! People, the US presidential elections are about as rigged as a Las Vegas crap game, and all of us who are waiting for another Ronald Reagan to step up to the plate and do what needs to be done stand to be bitterly disappointed! Watching Fox News reduced to the level of MSNBC propaganda tactics when it come to sabotaging those like Trump and Cruz is about as grim as it gets. Our federal government has grown so bold as to not even bother to hide its blatant corruption anymore while releasing false unemployment figures, telling us that our teetering economy is in recovery, refusing to protect our borders, and getting ready to make the worst nuclear anti proliferation agreement in history! The lies are more transparent than the policies that are supposed to serve the people.

The real carnival barker

Here is the man who compared radical Jihadists in Iran shouting "Death To America" as being the same as those who opposed his faulty Nuke Deal as well as calling anyone who doesn't support this recipe for disaster as "Crazies"! The truth is that President Barack Obama is the carnival barker full of lies and false promises every time he opens his mouth or emerges from another one of his timely vacations and announces that he's felling a little feisty! The press puts it out there like pancakes at I-Hop, the sheep graze on it like alfalfa, and American decline can be as assured as snowfall in the Rockies this coming winter and I can guarantee you it will be a bitterly cold one! Thanks to those who are profiting over the fall of our nation just as surely as our coal industry will go bankrupt and our energy costs will sky rocket. Once again, thank you Mister President and thank you Fox News Network!

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