freedom or the illusion of freedom you choose your truth


As long as Humanity keeps surrendering its power over to BODY of people called a government... that government will always take more than you allow.... You give then that the power to do what ever they want to against you when you hand over your power to them to control your lives..... without you giving them that power they have no power at all...If humanity really wants to be free. Then humanity must remove the illusion of the shackles that binds them to you...... get rid of the pacifer so to speak you dont need it ....Govern your own lives be free... You gave them the power over you .... And you are the ones who can take your power back.... What are you so afraid of a baby with a security blanket.. everything that has gone wrong with this world from day one was caused by people in political power fighting over power and money ... the problems did not come from the ones who have no power it started with the ones we gave it to...and boy have they really fucked things up....LOOK AT OUR WORLD LOOK WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO HUMANITY AND EARTH>....When will we take back the power you gave them and live with the freedom you were suppose to have cos that is the only way you ever will be free ... break the ties that bind you ... govern your own lives... they no longer care about Humanity if they ever did... Its always been political it has always been about money power and respect... Well you have nothing they have the money and power and only the idiots of the world could respect anything they have and are doing to you... Never settle for less then you deserve... You will always end up with less then you settled for.If humanity wants its freedom then humanity must unite as one and take back the power they so voluntarily gave away.... Your power is your freedom... Just an outsider looking in .... You laugh at the ones who are different and we laugh at the ones who are all the same..And frankly What you have done to yourselves by letting otherr human beings control your lives saddens me.... when you wont do anything to stop then.... that tells me you like being their slaves ... and if thats the case you can go work for them being their servants in their homes once they come down... Free yourselves Unite as one human race .... unlock the shackles of your mind that makes you believe you need to be controlled... Take back the power you gave away from within you and be free...cos until you do you will never be free will only live in the illusion that you are

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Comment by cheryl on July 25, 2012 at 9:35pm

thank you all for your very nice comments

Comment by Tara on June 12, 2012 at 7:32pm

Beautifully stated Cheryl. The worst kind of shackles are the ones that stranglehold our hearts and minds. True freedom begins within and outward manifests. It all begins with each and everyone us of taking back control and power over our lives in more ways than one.

Comment by Nathan on June 12, 2012 at 6:44pm

Good post, Cheryl.

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