From NAFTA to SPP-NAU Would Canadians be same if they know the truth I don’t think so

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From NAFTA to SPP-NAU Would Canadians be same if they know the truth I don’t think so

Do Canadians know what’s what today? It seems that’s not bloody likely. And why not? Apart from contributory public ignorance, a lack of willingness to undertake research, and a general disinterest in political reform, the answer lies in the fact that we do not have a free and independent press.

If they knew what was going on, they would not be running around miss-informed and demonstrating for a traitor, they would be demanding prosecution for his treason along with any of his collaborators.

And when that happens democracy goes out the window. The United States has become a corporate fascist police state although most Americans won’t admit it. We have to stop the slop-over that is accelerating into Canada.

It is sadly true today – one has to go searching on the internet and in the small independent press for whatever it is you want to know; and it is a cheerless experience to find out that Canada is being demolished without a murmur of protest from the mass media who should know better. What are some of the things of critical interest to Canadians about which you will hear sweet essence of Fanny Adams from the fourth estate?

Things of exceeding importance to our nationhood, sovereignty, rule of law, to our social well-being; things that our corporate owned and controlled press journalists refuse to investigate and consciously fail to report to the public.

Six corporations, tightly controlled, own 95% of all the media in North America, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, television, radio, the movies, Hollywood, etc.. (Example – Canwest owns the Sun, the National Post, the Global TV network, Vancouver Courier, and ten other metropolitan newspapers across Canada).

If these media giants do not want their reporters and editors to publicize certain subject matters then those matters get diddly squat coverage. Things such as the following:


The Canadian Scheme to Kill Internet Freedom, aka’Death of the Internet’ – Bill C-552 -- major internet providers are plotting to reap massive profits by cleverly denying public access to all but the biggest news unless you pay big bucks for any other access – basically the internet will become considerably less accessible for most of us and only available to the rich elite.


The big boys like Telus and Bell Canada plan to control the last bastion of uncensored information and new ideas.

(3) This scheme is well past the planning stage and intended to go global by 2012. The charging of per-site fees on most internet sites amounts to killing the largest system of free expression and freedom of speech that has ever existed. Net Neutrality is seriously endangered.

Why? Apart from the obvious bonanza that will accrue to the big corporations, this action is the brain-child of the New World Order to keep vital information out of public hands and minds.

The mainstream media will be called upon to help institute this plan through deceptive marketing and fear tactics; i.e. the internet is full of child pornography, it harbours the illegal activity of terrorists. We must restrict the internet and make it ‘safer’ in the name of national security.

The Canada Post Corporation Strategic Review (CPCSR) – this is an inquiry into whether Canada Post should continue to have an exclusive privilege to handle addressed letters – which is the mechanism that pays for and provides universal postal service to all Canadians in very remote places at standard cost. Should the letter market be open to competition, to deregulation and privatization for corporate profit by American companies that are subject to the terms of the deplorable USA Patriot Act?

The neo-con Stephen Harper government has appointed a three person advisory panel that will undoubtedly be led by Robert Campbell who has already published two books on postal services in which he has advocated the end of postal monopolies. Are there to be any public hearings on this? No. And there is a tight time-frame on public submissions.
Harper wants this to be a done deal before anyone hears about it and you can beg all you want to your MPs but you’ll likely hear zippo in the standard press while the Harper government tells you to shove your submissions where the sun doesn’t shine.

Afghanistan – well you do read a lot about that war, but never much about why Canada allowed our military to be set-up as the major fighting force (9/11 was the alleged casus belli) in a war to help create an oil pipeline across Afghanistan and provide material support to the immoral and illegal wars of occupation and natural resource theft started by the United Stated in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Look out Iran, here they come, their bloodshot eyes aflame Prime Minister Harper tells us we are at war in Afghanistan because 24 Canadians were killed on 9/11. Why has there been no independent Canadian investigation into the 9/11 murders, and why is there almost nothing in the corporate media about the de facto situation. There’s a good idea - let’s have our own investigation of the facts, find out the who, the why, the how and the wherefore.

The reality behind the 9/11 Disaster which facilitated the U.S. War on Terror – the Events of September 11th, 2001 – the root cause of our foreign policy in the last seven years. This is the story the mass media reporters don’t dare touch for fear of dismissal by the corporate owners of their organs.

You know the made up fairytale story I mean.

Led by an ex CIA asset named Osama, on dialysis and using a computer in an Afghanistan cave, commander of nineteen Arab terrorists (the alleged hijackers’ names appearing in none of the flight passenger lists) who learned to fly single engine Piper trainers under the watchful eye of the CIA and the FBI. These patsies boarded and commandeered four commercial airliners with no more than box-cutters as weapons, and flew around the north-eastern U.S. for ninety minutes completely undetected by NORAD, the most sophisticated security system on Earth.

The owned mass media never reports what most of the rest of the world knows – that the oft published “facts” of the official Bush 9/11 story have been proven by experts to be impossible and are a pack of lies.

Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement (SPP) – a continuation of free trade and NAFTA, enabling corporate fascists to gain a stranglehold over all aspects of Canadian autonomy, dismantling our sovereignty piecemeal. SPP is a corporate sponsored plan to integrate the economies of Canada, the United States and Mexico into one economic block to be known as the North American Union (similar to the European Union - establishing, in secret, a corporate controlled AMERIMEXICANADO between one very large and two smaller populations). It is being implemented quietly by all three Federal Governments, through piecemeal amendments by committee of all relevant Acts. It has never been debated in Parliament and the mass media mention it as little as possible.

The plan and work of the committees are never discussed in Parliament, and never, ever, made available for discussion or review by the public through the corporate controlled media. Despite the fact that all MPs know about it and thousands of bureaucrats are beavering away on the documentation there’re are only maybe two MPs, Peter Julian and Denise Savoie of the NDP, and Connie Fogal of the Canadian Action Party (no members elected) who have the guts to try and expose the necessary information in the public domain. They get little if any help from the mass media, even though this essentially establishes a de facto "NORTH AMERICAN UNION" (NAU) and the end of Canada as we know it.

There is great fragility in the United States economy and it is thought by some that the a SPP is an attempt to spread their astronomical war debt, the sub-prime mortgage mess, the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debt, over a larger base by including the resources of Canada and Mexico in a North American GDP, facilitated by the introduction of a common currency, the "AMERO".

It is a frightening moment when one realizes that this is the best our present politicians can do or are willing to do. How did this happen? Is this what you want? Did you vote for this? Did the mass media press tell you about this? Not!
Canadians should stop slavishly arguing that it is too late to investigate any of these fiascos, or that it is inappropriate to take action and demand a reversal of the absurdities in our political life and question the policies of our leaders.

Under our present parliamentary party political system Canadians have virtually no control over government once Election Day passes.

The office holders have gained their prize and have complete power for their full term. Unless you are one of the perpetual hacks and hangers-on or have contributed big bucks, you or your wishes will be paid little or no heed whatsoever except on his or her terms. That’s it, you’ve had it.

The New World Order, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergs, the special interest groups who put your PM in power and exercise control from behind the magic screen call their shots while ignoring the law and the interests of the Canadian public

The House of Commons can be likened to sex - it is not the size of the caucus which is important… it is how effectively it is used. At least the Emperor Calligua had the courage to appoint the whole horse to the Senate. As for the mass media how many of you can remember back far enough to the time when the mass media reported the news instead of regurgitating government releases and propaganda and deciding what we should or should not be told.

There is something slippery-slimy about the Bush-Harper lovefest with its sneaky and illegal approach to implementation of these so-called “agreements” of critical interest to Canada; all the while ignoring normal Canadian procedures. We now have fascist rule by Executive Order, eliminating both parliamentary debate or public referendum. Here’s an example – it seems the American military can now enter Canada any time they wish, on the basis of an agreement signed by some Canadian Lieutenant-General in February of 2008.

As Prime Minister Harper is responsible for correcting this infringement on Canadian sovereignty you would think his best approach would be to fire the Lieutenant-Governor who signed the false agreement and or that he resign himself.
Don’t hold your breath till that happens. Another false agreement was signed by Stockwell Day, with Israel, in March. We are now committed to enhancing Israel’s security as well as our own.

Way to go Stockboy! If this is allowed to stand, we would have established bias against 200 million touchy Arabs instead of remaining neutral in a very complex Middle East situation.

Did I just hear that David Orchard double-crosser Peter MacKay wants 500 billion over the next few years to help our military fight all the wars we are contemplating in the future in conjunction with our pals the United States and Israel. Oh, I forgot, you are not supposed to mention Israel or their actions in connection with anything – they are a lot touchier than the Arabs.

Here’s the topper and they don’t report it. The Harper government, afraid of the public reaction to the agreements they have secretly made, is currently fast-tracking them in order to strip Canadians of their rights. (see Bills C-51 and 52).They are very determined to pass any and all of their legislative agenda but have a strong aversion to debate or public knowledge of same. So, my strong suspicion (more specific information is hard to obtain) is that the game plan is to do an end-run around Parliament. They go on summer recess leaving these important matters to be discussed and decided in Committee. It is then moved that the will of the Committee is the will of the House of Commons, thus eliminating the need for first and second readings of the legislation. Fast forward to third reading – the Bill now having been presumed to have been adequately discussed, it automatically passes. Voila!

The newspapers never mention this, the public has hardly ever even heard of it, and you have the new law of the land without same ever having been exposed to debate, criticism or defeat.

Well, as I said to start with – will the Canadian public know what’s what and do anything about it. Not bloody likely. But if you want to save democracy then you had better do something about these travesties - NOW. If you are not outraged by what’s happening you do not know your rights, and if you do not know your rights – you have none.

What to do? Give the United States their six months notice and get the hell out of NAFTA, kill the SPP, reinstall the Bank of Canada as the primary source of funding to all levels of Government. Stop the fourth estate from becoming a fifth column. Outlaw the party system and get rid of every incompetent liar and political hack in Ottawa and start afresh.

Contact your MP maybe? Oh, I forgot – the election is over so don’t expect to get any action from them as they toe the party line and play follow the leader. Election promises are not made to keep but made to get elected. We gradually learn how little ability most of our politicians have but oh! how we wish they’d be more modest about it.

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