Below is a sample letter I made to send to Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada.

Below is a sample letter I made to send to Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada. Her e-mail is: and her fax is (613) 998-8760. Please read this letter and pass it on. Express your opinion, to save our sovereignty.

Hello, Michaelle Jean

I am writing to you to tell you to uphold Canada’s Parliamentary system by allowing the new Liberal-NDP coalition to form the government.

The Conservatives under Stephen Harper have failed, as a result the economic crisis now facing Canadians is crucial for our country to go forward in a positive direction.

Canadians have just been through their third general election in four years at a cost of more than $300 million. We do not want or need another election, which would only add greater instability in this time of economic crisis.

Given that a viable Parliamentary majority has been offered by a Liberal-NDP coalition with the support on confidence votes of the Bloc Québécois, I urge you to give the coalition an opportunity to govern.

If Canadian's were even remotely informed to the actual events going on behind closed doors in secret meetings, they would be demanding change.

As a result of the secrecy involved many Canadian have been left in the dark as to the truth of what is happening to their country; this misinformed public often result of misleading polls, and demonstrations that fail to represent the actual threat to our autonomy.

The facts must be brought to the Canadian attention for this nation or Canada to exist.

Real agenda is the integration of the NAFTA\NAU\SPP, removed once and for all for Canada to move on as Nation.

The selling of Canadian assets, has to stop, renegotiation of NAFTA is of the utmost important to protect our resources and our sovereignty.

Harper has sold us out to Elite Corporations, and it must be brought to the public attention with a State of an Emergency Broadcast with all facts about secret meetings, and hidden agendas.

Secretive meetings with the Elite consensus for deep integration is done in absolute secrecy or very privately, away from the prying eyes of the media.

SPP itself, constitute a parallel governing structure unaccountable to any democratic institution or the public.

Bye, bye Canadian dollar? A single currency for North America (the Amero), would see Canadian sovereignty and the ability to guide the economy through policy go out the window

I also urge you to resist any attempt by the Conservatives to prorogue Parliament. Such a move would serve no other purpose than to deny Parliament its constitutional right to vote non-confidence in the Conservative government.

You have been entrusted with the great responsibility of upholding Canada’s Parliamentary system of government, and I expect you to take this duty very seriously.


Dallas Hills

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