On Thursday the 2nd of April, the G20 are holding a summit in Great Britain. The G20’s own website (
http://www.g20.org/) states that the Summit of the global financial elite (or at least their visible stooges) will focus on
“driving forward work between advanced and emerging economies to tackle the international financial and economic crisis, restore worldwide financial stability, lead the international economic recovery and secure a sustainable future for all countries”
Re-reading that, taking into account the propaganda ‘spin’ utilised by the masters of the lie, it can be seen that the G20 Summit is nothing less than a meeting to further consolidate global finacial integration under the control of the banking dynasties. The financial crisis is a wholly staged manipulation of international finance, which the G20 will use as an excuse to bring about their ‘solution’ to the contrived ‘problem’ – removal of financial power from sovereign nations with power passing to Global bodies such as the World Bank, IMF etc.
The propaganda piece continues
“The financial markets and the world economy continue to face serious global challenges and the severity of the crisis and ongoing uncertainties demonstrate the need for urgent action. During the United Kingdoms Chair, the immediate priority will be to gain further agreements for a concerted, co-ordinated international response.”
What could that ‘co-ordinated international response’ possibly be? Could it be the completion of the North American Union with the merging of the US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, and Mexican Peso into the Amero? Maybe it will be the merging of the fledgling NAU with the EU into the Transatlantic Union? You can gurantee that loss of sovereignty will be involved and centralisation of finacial power into the hands of the fathers of usury will result. All this will naturally be presented as being for the good of the people.
To continue
“The G-20 will need to send a strong signal that it is prepared to take whatever further actions are necessary to stabilise the financial system and to provide further macroeconomic support.” (World Bank, Global Common Currency to pave the way for the abolition of all currencies)…
“At the same time, the G-20 must commit to maintaining open trade and investment, to avoid a retreat to protectionism, and direct necessary additional support to emerging markets and developing countries.” (ie eroding National Law in favour of International Law to hand over taxation to the embryonic Global Government, and giving the emerging Global Army (NATO) authority to crush Nations which attempt to protect their people by controlling trade tariffs)
“The G-20 should also lay the foundations to move beyond the crisis to a sustainable recovery.” (more Globalist propaganda) “In 2009, it will be important to understand the roots of the international financial crisis and identify the lessons that we can learn to ensure that a crisis of this kind does not happen again.” (Sadly this doesn’t mean scrapping the Speculative Stock Markets and punishing the International Banking Mafia for Crimes against Humanity – it means rewarding these despots. Hows that for Orwellian Newspeak?)
“The G-20 should develop proposals that will restore global growth in the medium term, including the unwinding of emergency measures taken in response to the crisis. In addition, we should also make progress on long-term issues such as climate change and international development.”
Aha! Climate Change! Now there we have the justification for Global Taxation to deal with the hoax problem of man-made Global Warming. Apart from the military weather manipulation via the spraying known as
Chemtrails and the
HAARP project, as used against the victims in
New Orleans and
Thailand, Climate Change is NOT man-made. The whole point of the Climate Change scare is to justify a Global Tax, administered by a Global Government/Police/Army/Bank etc. Hey ho, New World Order, here we go!
“In line with usual practice, the organisation of the G-20 events during the year will be shared between the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank. We are looking forward to working closely and drawing on the valuable experience of our Troika colleagues, Brazil and South Korea, and the other G-20 members.” (And again more Globalist claptrap)
This is just a brief analysis of the propaganda of the G-20. It is to be expected that the controlled opposition will riot, thus justifying further militarising and de-Bobby-fying the British Police, but that is for another piece…
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