Warning: G-20 violence will be used to usher in the Police State

Tomorrow, the 2nd April 2009 will see representatives of the financial controllers of the world meet in London for the G-20 Summit. These representatives of Global Usury hide behind the façade of democracy, but the proof of how ‘democratic’ they are can be seen in the security measures they have put in place to keep the enraged public at bay.

The British Police, who are portrayed to the world as unarmed Bobbies, have over the years been transformed into the Brutish Police. Tomorrow will see them at their paramilitary worst. Rather than the fabled lovable Coppers who help little old ladies to cross the road, they will be more like the stuff of nightmares. The stereotypical image, which used to be the reality of British Policing, is sadly now pure fantasy. The Police now more closely resemble a mercenary army, enforcing tyrannical order not protecting the people they claim to serve.

According to the Times of London,

“SCOTLAND YARD is to deploy officers armed with 50,000-volt Taser stun guns to deal with violent demonstrators planning to disrupt this week’s G20 summit in London.

The centrepiece of the security plan will be hundreds of officers from the Metropolitan police territorial support group, who are routinely armed with speedcuffs, extended batons and CS gas spray…they will be supported by officers equipped with Tasers…“There will be an armed response vehicle element to this operation and [those officers] will be carrying Tasers,” said a spokeswoman…All police leave has been cancelled and 10,500 officers, including reinforcements from other forces, will be deployed in the biggest policing operation undertaken in London.“

For those unfamiliar with the Territorial Support Group, this branch of the Police was used in the 1980s to physically beat the Coal Miners, in order to destroy the Unions and the Coal mining industry in Great Britain. This was part of the Globalist agenda to destroy British self-sufficiency in manufacturing and production, thus making the country reliant on imports. Internationalism cannot tolerate Nationhood and Self-Sufficiency.

The G-20 Summit is just a stage in the process to a One World Government. The fact that so much Police manpower is being called in, alongside the vast private apparatus which is being employed, highlights that the Internationalist agenda is not yet complete. Protesters are also mobilising to campaign against the plutocratic depots of the G-20. That is a good thing isn’t it? Well, sadly, looking at the organisations massing in London, the answer is no.

According to the Times, Protest Groups include:

“London Anarchists: (who) have appealed for people to join in “direct action” similar to that seen at previous anti-globalisation protests

Whitechapel Anarchists: London group which praised the attack on the home of Sir Fred Goodwin, the disgraced bank boss

Class War: veteran anarchists who are encouraging supporters to “burn a banker”

G20 Meltdown: A new organisation which will host a carnival at the Bank of England

Climate Camp: environmentalists behind direct action at Heathrow airport and power stations in North Yorkshire and Kent

Climate Rush: group against airport expansion who have “rushed” parliament

People and Planet: student network campaigning to end world poverty, defend human rights and protect the environment

Stop the War Coalition and CND: anti-war protesters against Iraq and Afghanistan wars “

This collection of Environmentalists and Anarchists is actually a faux opposition. The Environmentalist Movement has been hijacked by Internationalists who are actually campaigning FOR a Global Tax to deal with Climate Change. They are pushing the lying propaganda of Al Gore and other Internationalist gangsters. Doubtelss many of them are sincere, but they are sincerely wrong!

The Anarchists in London are just there to cause mayhem. Most, if not all of the ‘leaders’ (sic) of these Anarchist Groups will be MI5 operatives. Class War in particular, are a group who, although they call themselves Anarchists, are really Anarcho-Communists, or to be more precise, well-to-do students playing at rebellion until such time as their Daddies gets them jobs in the City as Bankers and Solicitors. They are sad, pathetic rich kids who like to play at street heroes but don't have a clue that the real enemy is controlling them. I doubt whether any of these Class Warriors has realised that the State want destruction and death on the streets of the capital in order to justify harsh repression, classify protest as terrorism, and complete the Police State. But, of course, to these people, that doesn't matter because they can then slip back into the establishment workplace and officially join the oppressors they feign to oppose.

The strategy of creating an opposition against visible instruments of power has been used the world over. Tomorrow, the only people who will gain from the chaos caused by the controlled opposition, will be the State and the International elite. Anyone tempted to go to London must be aware of the trap being laid. Tomorrow has been orchestrated to create an excuse to usher in the Police Sate our rulers have long dreamt of. If we fall for this trick, it will be a guaranteed victory of Internationalism over Freedom. If you are going, be very, very, careful indeed.

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