Windows Sucks and its going to get worse. I just experienced an attack on my netbook
after PC Pitstop wanted me to update the drivers for the HD audio software. After that I
just got a nasty error that I cannot reboot at all. The dreaded missing hal.dll missing error got my netbook. So as of now if this desktop starts acting up and I cannot fix it its going to have Ubuntu installed on it. The new net book has Ubuntu 9.04 installed and this will keep me from getting attacked with nasty bugs and viruses. I have spent hard earned money on a netbook, and I am not going to let Windows disable my netbook. Linux is here and is welcome in the GCC! I am hoping that I can find some Linux Radio Station DJ software soon. In fact Linux has free DJ software its located in the treasure
chest called the " Synaptic Program Manager" Most DJ programs cost a fortune, this
one is FREE! Things are different here. 1. No nasties, no cookies, no donuts, no spyware, no snoopware. Since I used Linux vs Windows, I think Microsleuth made spyware, and adware, and cookies, and crumbs and thats when we say that’s it I give up, I am installing Linux! We all need to take the time and educate ourselves and learn this OS language. One day I will get the hang of this. I just have to get to the library and read up on it. We all need to get prepared for new things coming out that would be worse than cookies called donuts. A data piece that would be like a cookie even worse, it would spys on you through “the donut hole”. Linux indeed saved my netbook from complete damage due to the computer bug ever called the missing windows root/system32/hal.dll bug. That one was created by Microsoft. This malware keeps windows from booting up and also disables the DOS prompt feature. Microsofts sucks, and they are showing their truth about Bill Scrapes supporting the Engenics program.
About the error that I received that broke the window was something that even my
Virus protection should of warned me about, but Avast busy falling asleep. The
/system32/hal.dll error should have been prevented from most anti virus, anti malware, software.
UPDATE 9/10/2009 : I have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 Remix the netbook version and thank god I have my WiFI back on the netbook while the desktop version didn't have
WiFi which really sucked. One thing about Linux that really bugs me is that the word
software is actually renamed packages. The the file formats are totally different from
Windows and Mac. The file names are .deb which this format installs just like XP does.
The other 3 that are hard to install and require lots of practice, hacking and experience
is tar.gz2, and .bin files. Best that you use the Package Manager when you want to add software without going online. The good thing is that there is enough for the hobbyist,
scientist, and music buff. Even the DJ software is free! When you first start with getting
online your version of Firefox is 3.0 because of some funny reason that the developers
don't trust new or beta versions because of the bugs. I know now that this software great
for computer programmers. And its a great alternative to Windows and Mac.
Ok Here is a chance for you to get Ubuntu on CD-ISO :
The secret is that if you want to keep good ol Windows or Mac you need to back
up your software and files, then you need to reformat the C Drive and then you need
a Windows CD or DVD and then set your partitions on each operating system installation when you install Windows and Linux Only one at a time can be installed. 1. Install Windows first 2. Then install Linux Ubuntu 2nd. I will be doing that on my SR2010 NX. FOLLOW AND READ THE DIRECTIONS! You can try Ubuntu out in the Live CD or DVD mode before installation! Don't Worry its always going to be free. So if your Windows crashes and you need to get online still get Linux Ubuntu 9.04 for your desktop, laptop and remix for your netbook!
Adam E. Ubuntu 9.04 Remix user since 9/7/2009
UPDATE : All PC's in sector 1 has linux ubuntu installed on all desktops. So we are protected from cyber attacks.