militaryflag.gif (169057 bytes)

John Standtmiller reads the document below in full in the course of two days. His guest Peter Neise is responsible for making it available.  I have posted the radio programing link below if you would like to listen not only to the document read but listen to the commentary by John Standtmiller on the RBN program. In my opinion it is vitally important for us to understand how our freedoms were stolen by deception and fraud in order to fight back with the true law of the land which they MUST OBEY. The illusion we are under is a trick to bring us into second class citizenship and surf /slave status but they cannot do it without our permission ..

Archived Shows in March of 2013 - ARCHIVED PODCAST ( RSS )

MP3 Files: Hour 1, Hour 2
Playlist Files: PLS M3U

Guest: Peter Niese

Peter Niese rejoins the Intel Report in a seminal broadcast today that is aimed directly at exposing exactly how our rights and liberties are being infringed, plans to cull the earth's population as well as various examples of using the law to one's own advantage.

MP3 Files: Hour 1, Hour 2
Playlist Files: PLS M3U

Guest: Peter Niese

Part II with Peter Niese on the Intel Report in a seminal broadcast that is aimed directly at exposing exactly how our rights and liberties are being infringed, plans to cull the earth's population as well as various examples of using the law to one's own advantage.


read entire document at link below ..






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Comment by Sweettina2 on March 30, 2013 at 1:43am

And those flags are everywhere, too!  Most ppl have no clue.   I love that SchoolHouse Rock video!!  I remember watching it.

Comment by suzie on March 27, 2013 at 10:59am

my brain exploded at first but breaking through the wall of ignorance of my government school education is illuminating.  remember when we were kids there was a show on the TV that said education is Power .. school house rocks .. Its is still true KNOWLEDGE IS POWER .. Our Power and i believe we are all getting closer to our remedy .. i just hope we all "Get it" before its too late

Comment by suzie on March 27, 2013 at 10:07am

Daily One 3/5/2013
The Two United States and the Law
by Howard Freeman and modified by Peter, Neise.
Modifications were made for better understanding. Revised 11/2/2011, 3/7/2013.
Our forefathers, weary of the oppressive measures that King George III's government forced upon them, in common, declared their independence from England in 1776. They were not expected to be successful in that resistance. The moneyed European banker’s agents and elites had backed England efforts to control the colonies in vice admiralty law for two major reasons.
First, our forefathers wanted a rigid, written Constitution "set in concrete." This means the laws were strictly construed word for word. They were familiar with the so-called quasi colorable Constitution of England King which consisted largely of customs, precedents, traditions, and understandings, often vague and always flexible exercised by the Kings liberal custom and usage. Our founding fathers, wanted the Christian biblical laws principles to be the laws of the American people, like “an act done by any official person or lawmaking body beyond his or its legal competence was simply void.”
Second, the thirteen colonial/states desired to base their new union’s currency on biblical substance (gold and silver) -- real cash. They well knew how the despotic governments of Europe, were mortgaged to the hilt -- lock, stock, and barrel, the land, the people, everything -- to certain wealthy European banker elites who controlled the Kings policy and the lending of money and all extensions of credit, and who lends credit but did not allow loans of gold and silver!
The quasi de jure United States of America before 1930; was made up of a union of sovereign States, within each a four branch republic (legislative, executive, and judicial and the people’s common law jury’s control of the other three branches). A National Republic known as The united States of America, or as termed in this article, the Continental United States. Its citizenry live in one of the colonial/States, and its laws are based on the “states” supreme common laws and state’s Constitution, which is enforced by the Citizen state Peoples’ American de jure Common Law Juries. See 7th Amendment national Constitution. Under the Republic the people were sovereigns not the administration of state or the national/federal government.
Yesterdays’ peoples Republics’ laws were replaced by a territorial federal congressional martial law rule and martial law UNITED STATES territorial District of Columbia corporate codes with the suspension of the Civil War, 1868, and the U.S.A bankruptcy of the untied States of America in 1933, and enforced reconstruction acts mandating the adoption of the 14th amendment, by all states to re-enter a newly foreign civil martial law rule union of the private international District of Columbia corporation; Columbia meaning another “The Untied States”, and succeeding agreements with an emerging administrative (bureaucratic) defacto federal legislative democracy of the District of Columbia corporation via the obligation of third party contracts (third party is the government codes and its paper money controlling legal colorable contracts see U.C.C. 1105) being extended by duplicity and deception by corporations and personhood characters existence by way of the supreme court cases on corporations that followed the 14th amendment of 1868. Over 90% of 14th amendment civil cases were to turn corporation charters into artificial person’s status where the corporation could have the quasi activities of sovereign people except the STATE WAS the final corporation RULER and the political officers of the STATE were it’s TRUSTEES, 3 branches of government and the trustees would rule the territorial trust corporation D.C. by federal codes and statutes laws determined by a defacto federal Supreme Court, not compared to the once 4th branch’s of the Republic using American common law juries as final determinations of the peoples’ Republic laws.
Less than one hundred years after we became a de jure Nation, a loophole was discovered in the National de jure Constitution by cunning lawyers in league with the international bankers of Europe and its agents for control of this new American Republic experiments. They realized that a separate federal international corporate nation existed, by the same name, that Congress had created in Article I, Section 8, and Clause 17. This other "United States" is a Legislative Democracy territorial Federal United States corporation of the District of Columbia. It has exclusive, unlimited rule over its own federal U.S. citizenry after 1868, the residents of the District of Colombia, the federal territories and enclaves (Guam, Midway Islands, Wake Island, Puerto Rico, etc.), and anyone who is a U.S. citizen by way of the 14th Amendment (naturalized citizens) or by way of an application for Social Security card.
Both United States of America and the territorial UNITED STATES of Columbia have the same Congressman, who makes rules in both nations RELATIONSHIP TO CONGRESS.
One "united States of America," the Republic of fifty States, has the "stars and stripes" as its flag, but without any yellow fringe on its three sides, thus the peoples Republic by common law juries with unalienable rights, privileges’ and immunities’ of the people. This Republic lost its elements of the people’s government when it was bankrupted in the late 1930 by the District of Columbia territorial private international congress of the U.S. of Columbia, not the U.S. congress of the untied States of America de jure.
The Federal TERRITORIAL United States' corporation with a U.S. flag with a yellow fringe three sided, seen in all the legislative municipal court systems of the District of Columbia and its territorial STATES, The abbreviations of the federal defacto STATES of the Federal TERRITORIAL United States District of Columbia are, with or without the zip codes but abbreviated as, Ala., Alas., Ariz., Ark., Cal., etc. The abbreviations of the defacto STATES under the jurisdiction of the defacto Federal TERRITORIAL United States District of Columbia, the Legislative territories, are AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, etc. (without any periods).
Under the de jure National U.S. of America Constitution, based on state American Common Laws supreme, the Republic of the Continental United States provides for legal cases per Article III Sec. 2:
1. at Law,
2. in Equity, and
3. in Admiralty:
(l) Law is the collective organization of the individual unalienable right to lawful defense. It is the will of the majority, the organization of the natural right of lawful defense. It is the substitution of a common force for individual forces, to do only what the individual forces have a natural and lawful right to do: to protect persons, liberties, and properties; to maintain the right of each, and to cause justice to reign over us all as sovereign people not debtor people. Since an individual cannot lawfully use force against the person, liberty, or property of another individual, then the common force -- for the same reason -- cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, liberty, or property of individuals or groups. Law allows you to do anything you want to, as long as you don't infringe upon the life, liberty or property of anyone else. Law does not compel performance. Today's so-called laws (ordinances, statutes, acts, regulations, orders, precepts, etc.) are often erroneously perceived as law, but just because something is called a "law" does not necessarily make it a law. [There is a difference between "legal" and "lawful." Anything the government does is legal, but it may not be lawful.]
(2) Equity is the jurisdiction of compelled performance (for any contract you are a party to) and is based on what is fair in a particular situation. The term "equity" denotes the spirit and habit of fairness, justness, and right dealing which would regulate the intercourse of men with men in American common law states. You have no rights other than what is specified in your contract. Equity has no criminal aspects to it. It follows the common law where the American common law lacks remedy.
(3) Admiralty is compelled performance plus a criminal penalty, a civil contract with a criminal penalty.
By 1938 the gradual merger procedurally between federal D.C. law and equity actions (i.e., the same court has jurisdiction over legal, equitable, and admiralty matters) was recognized. The U.S. of America was bankrupt and was owned by its creditors (the international bankers) who now owned everything -- the Congress, the Executive, the courts, all the States and their legislatures and executives, all the land, and all the people. Everything was mortgaged in the quasi national debt trust. We had gone from being sovereigns over government to subjects under a foreign D.C. government corporation, through the use of third party private negotiable instruments (Federal Reserve notes and Credit) and treasonous acts of a territorial congress; to discharge our debts with limited liability, instead of paying our debts at common law with gold or silver coin. Remember our leaders changed our court system to legislative D.C. corporation codes instead of the people’s common laws; they also changed our land titles and money systems outside the controls of the people’s common law, by placing our lands and moveable property into a U.S. Columbia corporate trust; and used national emergencies to separate the American people from their American common laws and in their place they gave us perpetual martial law rule and martial codes outside the limitation of our peoples common laws for control of our posterity. But the most important fact to consider is we accepted it voluntarily by signing our naked names to the federal D.C. corporate contract, federal registration, or federal applications offered that contained the artful legal terms to change our lawful sovereign status by us not conditioning our signatures (U.C.C. (new)1-308(old) 1-207) because of change, we were betrayed by our own kind and left without recourse other than war against our stupidity and vigilance of deception at the hands of our elected representatives (state and federal) of a bankrupted democracy under emergency laws rather then the Republic of the sovereign people of the de jure states of the union. We took the bait and hooked ourselves, tied to a line of deception that will continue to control us until that line is broken.
The remainder of this article explains how this happened, where we are today, and what remedy we have to protect ourselves from this system.
Our Present Commercial System of "Law/codes" and the REMEDY Provided for Our Protection, but remember we are at WAR with the District of Columbia under martial law rule and rule of necessity, so in reality there is no rule of law when suing the federal District of Columbia and its organizations there is only administrative law proceeding.
The present commercial system of "law/codes" has replaced the old and familiar Common Law- American juries upon which our Republic nation was founded. The following is the legal thread which brought us from individual sovereigns over our government to subjects under D.C. federal international government, by use of duplicity and deception and negotiable instruments (Federal Reserve Notes backed by promise not gold or silver) to discharge our debts with limited liability instead of paying our debts at common law with gold or silver coin.
The change in our system of law from American public law to private domestic international D.C. commercial equity/admiralty laws was recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States in the Erie Railroad vs. Tompkins case of 1938 where the defacto federal U.S. government unhooked itself from the peoples supreme common laws of the united States of America Republic state governments, in the same year, the procedures of Law were officially blended with the procedures of private international D.C. congressional Equity/admiralty to create our defacto bankrupted democracy ruled by martial law rule and rule of necessity by District of Columbia courts foreign to our system.
Prior to 1938, all U.S. Supreme Court decisions were based upon public laws-common law of the republics’ -- or that system of law that was controlled by de jure National American common law Constitutional limitations Swift v. Tyson, 16 Pet. (41 US 1) 1842 . Was replaced with Erie R.Co. v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64,1938, all U.S. Supreme Court decisions are based upon what is termed defacto Equity martial law code rule and martial law code statutes of public D.C. policy from 1939 on.
Public policy concerns quasi colorable commercial transactions adopted under the Negotiable Instrument's Law codes, which is a branch of the international Law Merchant. This has been codified into what is now known as the Uniform Commercial Code, which system of codes was made uniform throughout the fifty States through the cunning defacto territorial United States D.C. congress; which "The United States" has its origin in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the de jure American National Constitution of the united state of America, as distinguished from the " defacto colorable territorial United States federal D.C. democratic congress. In offering grants of negotiable paper (Federal Reserve Notes) which the defacto federal D.C. democratic Congress gave to the fifty States of the Union for education, highways, health, and other purposes, Congress bonded all the States of the Union into a territorial federal commercial agreements with the Federal territorial D.C. United States democratic congress (as distinguished from the Continental de jure National United States of America). The fifty States representatives and State governors’ accepted the "quasi territorial D.C. benefits" offered by the defacto territorial Federal democratic United States congress as the consideration of a commercial agreement between the defacto Federal territorial martial law rule of the federal D.C. United States congress and each of the now none corporate defacto federal D.C. States, by federal agreements with the District of Columbia “The United States” not the united States of America. The new non- corporate defacto federal States, were then obligated to obey the territorial defacto federal D.C. democratic Congress because of their resident 14th amendment citizens of the defacto territorial Federal democratic United States and also to assume their portion of the equitable debts of the defacto territorial democratic Federal United States of the District of Columbia to the private international banking corporations, for the credit loaned! The credit which each Defacto State received, in the form of defacto federal D.C. territorial grants, was predicated upon federal equitable paper of the District of Columbia not the united States of America. In short the state governors’ sold out the United States of America Republic States (you) of the old dejure union without even a call to arms to defend our unalienable rights.
This perpetual emergency system of negotiable paper promises binds all federal corporate agencies and private federal corporation into defacto federal statute entities of the U.S. government of the District of Columbia together in a vast system of federal commercial agreements, private international in nature, and is what has altered our de jure National/state common law court system from one under the American common Law rule of laws, 7th amendment, to a Legislative Article I Court, or Tribunal, a colorable private international system of federal defacto District of Columbia commercial/civil code agreements and treaties with the United Nations. Those federal D.C. “fictious persons” brought before legislative federal/state courts are held to the letter of every defacto statute of the territorial federal D.C. government on the federal, state, county, or municipal levels unless they have exercised the REMEDY provided for them within that system of Commercial codes whereby, when forced to use a so-called "corporate benefit" offered, or available, to them, from a corporate government (defacto UNITED STATES or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC.), they may reserve their former rights, under the American Common Law guarantee of same, not to be bound by any legislative contract, or defacto colorable third party commercial agreement, that they did not enter knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.
This is exactly how the defacto non-corporate state entities like, county, and municipal defacto governments got entangled with the defacto Legislative federal D.C. perpetual emergency democratic scheme, created by new interpretation of this article under democracy status, not the Republic or the de jure United States of America Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution, and called here “The defacto Federal United States OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA”, to distinguish it from the Continental Republic United States of America and it de jure States of the American union , whose origin was the Sovereign American peoples of the de jure States.
The same national federal territorial emergency, Congress rules the X-Continental Republic United States of America pursuant to its territorial statutory limits upon its authority, while congress enjoys exclusive statutory rule, , as it legislates for the defacto Federal United States/territories’ and its statutory U.S. D.C. citizens.
With the above information, we may ask: "How did we, the free Preamble citizenry of the Sovereign States of America, lose our common law guaranteed unalienable rights, privileges’, immunities’ and be forced into acceptance of the emergency equitable debt obligations of privileges of the foreign Federal territorial District of Columbia United States congress and also become subject to that U.S. entity of colorable federal defacto District of Columbia international government agencies, and divorced from our de jure Sovereign States in the American Republic, which we call here the Continental United States or The United States of America ?"
Well we volunteered by our individual signatures’. Today, without our knowledge, we do reside, work, or have income from defacto federal foreign D.C. territories commercial subjects (most all business entities) to the direct jurisdiction of the defacto Federal democratic United States martial law rule and martial law of congress assembled as the “UNITED STATES” of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.
The answer follows:
Our national federal D.C. defacto representatives’ Congress did works for two nations. Each foreign to each other and by legal cunning both are called The United States. One is the Union of Sovereign States, under the de jure Constitution, termed in this article the Continental United States (bankrupted in the 1930’s).
The other is a Legislative Democracy (congress District of Columbia) which has its origin in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution, here termed the defacto foreign Federal D.C. territorial democratic United States. Very few people, when they see some "law" passed by Congress, ask themselves, "Which nation was Congress working for when it passed this statute code law?" Or, few ask, "Does this particular law apply to the Continental state citizenry of the Republic, or does this particular law apply only to U.S. territorial citizen residents of the District of Columbia, enclaves, or territories, of the defacto congressional Democracy called the defacto Federal District of Columbia United States/territories?"
Since these questions are seldom asked by the uninformed people of America, it was an open invitation for "cunning" political congressional leadership to seek more power and authority over the entire citizenry of the defacto democracy through the medium of "legalese." Congress deliberately failed in its duty to provide a medium of exchange for the citizenry of the Republic (gold/silver), in harmony with its de jure Constitutional mandates of duties. Instead to complete the D.C. private international take over, it created an abundance of federal commercial credit money (Federal Reserve notes backed by promise not gold) for the defacto territorial colorable Legislative congressional Columbia Democracy, where it was not bound or limited by de jure “of America” Constitutional limitations of the American people. Then, after having created a National federal emergency situation on the problem of unemployment as the enemy by a depression created by the elite bankers constricting the money supply. Congress used its quasi war time emergency District of Columbia authority to remove the remaining substance (gold and silver) from the medium of exchange belonging to the de jure Republic people, and made the negotiable instrument paper of the colorable Legislative congressional Columbia Democracy private notes (Federal territorial United States notes) as legal tender for Continental United States citizenry to use in the discharge of debts, a privilege under the UNITED STATES TERRITORIAL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GOVERNEMNT changing their status to subjects of the defacto federal United States Democracy of Columbia, again not the united States of America.
At the same time, Congress granted the entire citizenry of the two nations the "government created benefit" of limited liability in the discharge of all debts by telling the citizenry that the gold and silver coins of the Republic were out of date and cumbersome. The propagandize citizens were told that gold and silver (substance) was no longer needed to pay their debts, which they (the American people) were now GIVEN CORPORATE "privileges" to discharge obligations of debt with this more "convenient" currency, issued by the colorable defacto Federal territorial United States corporation with the Federal Reserve system. Consequently, everyone was forced to "go modern D.C. corporate status," The people were to turn in their gold as a patriotic gesture because the American people were uneducated in the changes made to their national and local colorable governments, one territorial District of Columbia and the other American States of the united States of America. The entire school systems and news media complex went along with the elites scam to capture the peoples’, and declared it to be a forward step for their colorable territorial defacto District of Columbia democracy, no longer referring to de jure America as a Republic of The united States of America sense 1938.
From that time on, it was a falling light for the Republic of 1776 and a rising light for Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal congressional District of Columbia Democracy, which overcame the depression by another war called the II world war, which was caused by a staged act of war between the Jumpiness and the D.C. presidency international staged event, and the banking cartel created shortage of real money (gold and silver). There was created an abundance of debt paper money, so-called, in the form of interest-bearing private international negotiable instrument paper called Federal Reserve Notes/bonds, and other forms of paperwork credit instruments to support the build up of this II world war.

Since all contracts from Roosevelt's time have the colorable consideration of Federal Reserve Notes promise to pay, instead of a genuine consideration of silver and gold coin (cash), all contracts are colorable contracts, and not genuine two party private contracts without government. [According to Black's Law Dictionary (1990), colorable means "That which is in appearance only, and not in reality, what it purports to be, hence counterfeit, feigned, having the appearance of truth."]
Consequently, a new colorable jurisdiction, called a federal District of Columbia statutory equity jurisdiction, had to be created to enforce the new third party colorable contracts. Soon the term colorable contract was changed to the term commercial agreement to fit circumstances of the new defacto statutory federal D.C. democratic jurisdiction, which is defacto legislative, rather than de jure judicial(common law), in nature. This defacto jurisdiction enforces commercial agreements upon implied consent, rather than full knowledge of content as it is with the enforcement of lawful two party contracts under the Common Law without government.
Most all of our courts today sit as defacto foreign legislative Tribunals, and the so-called "statutes" of legislative bodies being enforced in these Legislative Tribunals are not " de jure statutes" passed by the legislative branch of our four-branch Republic, but as "commercial obligations" to the Federal foreign territorial D.C. democratic defacto United States for anyone who has used the equitable currency of the Federal United States and who has accepted the corporate "benefit," or "privilege," of discharging his debts with the limited liability "benefit" offered to him by the Federal territorial defacto United States ... EXCEPT those who availed themselves of the remedy within this commercial system of law, which remedy is today found in Book 1 of the Uniform Commercial Code at Section 207 or new numbering 1-308.
When used in conjunction with one's signature, a stamp or writing stating "Without Prejudice” is sufficient to indicate to the magistrate of any of our present Legislative District of Columbia private Tribunals (called "courts") that the signer of the document has reserved his Common Law right. He is not to be bound to the statute, or commercial obligation, of any commercial agreement that he did not enter knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally, as would be the case in any Common Law contract.
Furthermore, pursuant to U.C.C. 1-103, the statute, being enforced as a commercial obligation of a commercial agreement, must now be construed in harmony with the old de jure Common Law of America, where the tribunal/court must rule that the statute does not apply to the de jure fiduciary individual who is wise enough and informed enough to exercise the remedy provided in this commercial system. He retains his former de jure status in the Republic and fully enjoys his unalienable rights, guaranteed to him by the Constitution of the de jure Republic, while those about him "curse the darkness" of Commercial Law government, lacking the truth needed to free themselves from a slave status under the Federal territorial defacto United States congress, even while inhabiting de jure state territory foreign to its defacto territorial military venue.
Editor's note: the following excerpts are from letters in which Mr. Freeman further clarifies the REMEDY, as given to us in UCC 1-207, now UCC 1-308, and the distinctions between Public Policy and Public Law:

"There is an important "right" available to you. The name of the right is "Allocution". It is presumed to have been waived if it is not requested! The purpose in demanding it is to preserve the "legal issues" brought up in the case, and overruled by the trial court. Otherwise, one's appeal from a criminal conviction to a higher Court will only be a review of the "Fact Issues" decided in the lower Court, the Law Issues of the case are presumed to have been waived by the accused, unless those issues have been preserved though the right of "allocution."
There is more that can follow one's exercise of that right, and I will cover that, but first, let me explain what allocution is.
Once the Court, or a Jury, has found you guilty of disobedience to a commercial statute demanding, or prohibiting, performance in a specified manner, you, the accused, have the right of "Allocution", which right, consists of having the Court (Judge) ask you on the record of the case (be sure that the Court Reporter is including this in the case transcript) "Is there any reason why this Court should not sentence you at this time?"
Being asked that question by the Court, in the Court Record is all there is to your right of Allocution, but a proper response upon the Court Record by the accused shows that same has not waived dispute upon the legal issues of the case, which were overruled by the trial Court, and now those issues may be brought up on appeal. The proper response of the accused upon being confronted with this question from the Judge, which allocution requires of him, is "Your Honor, the accused, in this criminal case, coming as it does from a colorable jurisdiction over his person and property, does object to being sentenced by this court at this time, because conviction in this case has been base upon The Facts of the case, while the Law Issues are still in dispute - namely - the Courts' Colorable Jurisdiction in this Criminal charge, which lacks the essence of a substantial claim by a damaged party."
At this point, your right of Allocution has preserved for you your right to bring de jure Law Issues into your Appeal. Now, I will bring to your attention an additional benefit of exercising your right of Allocution, which I alluded to earlier in this letter: After you have placed the above response to the Judge's question in the record, I would suggest that you continue on in the following manner: "Your Honor, the accused in this case would like to put this Court ON NOTICE, that if it DOES pronounce sentence at this time, over the OBJECTIONS of the accused, that the accused will formulate his objection, before a higher Court, IN THE NATURE OF A WRIT OF ERROR (see Supervisory Control in Black's 5th Law Dictionary)."
The reason for the remark above is that the Court will tell you that WRITS OF ERROR have been done away with in modern Courts. In that situation, point out to the Judge that you do NOT intend to file a GENUINE WRIT OF ERROR, which is not recognized in colorable Jurisdictions, but that you stated on the record of the court that your OBJECTION to being sentenced at this time on FACT ISSUES while the LAW ISSUES of the case are still in dispute would be: IN THE NATURE OF A WRIT OF ERROR which is a Colorable Objection recognized under the name of Supervisory Control in Black's 5th.
The advantage of an objection in the nature of a writ of error is that the Judge (not you) must bring forth the Transcript, or Record, of the case to the higher panel of Judges, and, the burden of proof is upon that Judge to show that the Jurisdiction that he exercised over your person and property existed AS A FACT OF LAW, and further, he must show the legal basis for EACH RULING ON ISSUES OF LAW that the Transcript shows that an objection thereto was made by the accused.
Now you know the benefit of stating your objection in the nature of a Writ of Error, over making an appeal, wherein the expense of bringing forth the transcript is on you, as well as, the burden of proof on all the law issues in dispute."
Howard Freeman

"What has public policy to do with Commercial Law? To grasp that you must understand that the US Constitution being based upon the Common Law and the Common Law being based upon substance (silver & gold) made it impossible for Congress when working for the 3-branch government created by the Union of States to borrow anything but silver or gold for what I will call the Continental United States , but Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution gave the same Congress exclusive rule of the District of Columbia, and other territories and enclaves mentioned in Clause 17. This entity I will call for our purposes here Federal territorial United States. With that exclusive rule of that legislative democracy, called here Federal territorial United States, Congress was able to borrow non-substance (bank credit) from International Banking Houses in the name of Federal territorial United States which loans began in Civil War times and continues today to the point that the paper debt exceeds 14 Trillion in loans of bank credit. Federal territorial United States was long ago a bankrupt nation so it’s no longer legislated "public law" pursuant to the interests of the people it served, but since 1938 it legislates U.S. "public policy" in the interests of the Nation’s creditors'. It is not in the interest of the people for Congress to give billions to Russia or Israel so that becomes "public policy" in the interest of the nation's creditors. Now the Commercial Code comes into play when the Congress of the bankrupt Federal territorial United States, in its duty to pass public policy statutes in the interest of the creditors of Federal territorial United States, failed in its duty to coin gold or silver as a medium of exchange for Continental de jure United States creating a depression therein, through a shortage of real money (silver dollars). Then Franklin Roosevelt declared gold a barbaric metal, and with territorial emergency powers given to him, brought America "up to date" by making colorable Federal Reserve Notes legal tender throughout defacto Continental territorial United States. Since colorable dollars, based upon the defacto colorable debt obligations of Federal territorial United States, are now employed as a medium of exchange for defacto Continental United States through the neglect of Congress in its duty to de jure Continental United States, and the so called "blessings" of executive orders of FDR under his emergency powers, Continental United States is in a contract relationship with Federal territorial defacto United States and the debts of Federal territorial defacto United States are now equally, the debts of de jure Continental United States and all of the inhabitants thereof UNLESS the inhabitants thereof in doing business in colorable dollars (commercial paper) reserve their de jure Common Law Rights under the REMEDY provided for them in that system of Commercial Law called: The Uniform Commercial Code. I hope this brief summary of events answers your questions.
Most cordially yours,
Howard Freeman.

U.C.C. 1-207:4 Sufficiency of reservation.
Any expression indicating any intention to preserve rights is sufficient, such as "without prejudice," "under protest," "under reservation," or "with reservation of all our rights."
The Code states an "explicit" reservation must be made. "Explicit" undoubtedly is used in place of "express" to indicate that the reservation must not only be "expressed" but it must also be "clear" that such a reservation was intended.
The term "explicit" as used in U.C.C. 1-207 means "that which is so clearly stated or distinctively set forth that there is no doubt as to its meaning." ....
U.C.C. 1-207:7 Effect of reservation of rights.
The making of a valid reservation of rights preserves whatever rights the person then possesses and prevents the loss of such right by application of concepts of waiver or esstoppel....
U.C.C. 1-207:9 Failure to make reservation.
When a wave able right or claim is involved, the failure to make a reservation thereof causes a loss of the right and bars its assertion at a later date....
U.C.C. 1-103:6 Common law.
The Code is "Complementary" to the common law which remains in force except where displaced by the Code....
A statute should be construed in harmony with the common law unless there is a clear legislative intent to abrogate the common law.... "The Code cannot be read to preclude a common law action."
Your Honor, my use of "Without Prejudice UCC 1-207" above my signature on this document indicates that I have exercised the "Remedy" provided for me in the Uniform Commercial Code in Book 1 at Section 207, whereby I may reserve my Common Law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract, or agreement, that I have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. And, that reservation serves notice upon all administrative agencies of government -- national, state and local -- that I do not, and will not, accept the liability associated with the "compelled" benefit of any unrevealed commercial agreement.
The Three United States!
Back to Political Corrections

Please look up words like defacto and de jure and others. Remember words have meanings, those meaning are called terms and those terms can be connotative or denotative to the original word depending on its use. Remember the word “Columbia” in an ordinary dictionary means “The United States”. Thus the united states of America is no, again, is not the United States of the federal District of Columbia! They are separate nations see, Title 28 Sec. 1746-1 and 1746-2. Also read Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244, 251 (1901).

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on March 10, 2013 at 12:54pm

those are considered "Maritime Flags"

look up what that actually means ;)

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