In 1945, while this day was dawning, Hiroshima lost its life. The atomic bomb’s first appearance incinerated this city and its people in an instant.

The few survivors, mutilated sleepwalkers, wandered among the smoking ruins. The burns on their naked bodies carried the stamp of the clothing they were wearing when the explosion hit. On what remained of the walls, the atom bomb’s flash left silhouettes of what had been: a woman with her arms raised, a man, a tethered horse.

Three days later, President Harry Truman spoke about the bomb over the radio.

He said: “We thank God that it has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that He may guide us to use it in His ways and for His purposes.


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Comment by Tara on July 29, 2013 at 1:19am

God's Bomb... isn't that nice? It's like calling it the Devil's seed. It is like that when you are living in an upside down world; where love becomes hate, peace becomes war, etcetera. It's a lot like '1984' actually. 

But I guess if you subscribe to the wrathful, testy, you better say as I do or else 'God of the Old Testament; you may have tendencies to believe in the nonsense and inhumanity of killing some other race or group for not being 'Godly' enough or not being the 'Chosen Ones'.

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