Haarp weapon heading for North Korea now left a few days ago approximately April 8 Israel's independence day April 15th could be war and even North Korea has made preparations for this date April 15th

Update April 14th =

Obama and Netanyahu

had said 3 more months on 322 and that will bring us to 622 keep watching.

Obama, Netanyahu grant Iran another 3 months' grace - Mar 22

None of the signs in the Sun are seen today April 14th says nothing will happen again tomorrow and again the Propaganda news has baited us Christians into believing something was about to happen. They warned us about the physiological warfare they would be using on the net. Keep Watching but it looks like they faked it again. Watch the next video to renew your strength in the Lord's Words and see more proof this war is unfolding .

He states the date for the Iranian presidential election wrong. It will be June 14th and it will be their 11th . His credits are to Jesus alone. Praise God - Lharmen


Daniel 11:33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.

Think about Chris Dorner and how the wicked ones burned this man alive and then Waco as well = falling by the flame. We can not count how many of us who stand against evil with our words have died VIA Cancer/ radiation in recent years. By this we know Jesus words = scripture is being fulfilled.

2 more months until 6 22 as Obama and Netanyahu said it.

Updated April 12 2013 DefCon 3 now duplicates the Cuban Missile crisis to a "T" = North Korean Missile crisis                    

North Korea reportedly warns Tokyo would be first target of nuclear attack Missile Launch possible April 15th - Lharmen 

They are warning today April 12th 2013 that China's Military is backing North with their Military build up beside North Korea's Missile Launchers not trying to deter them. 

Repeat of the Cuban missile crisis to a "T" as today they raised the alert level to Defcon 3 exactly the same as Oct 15th 1962. Many news outlets globally are warning of April 15th which is israel's independence day - Lharmen

This Haarp weapon being on it's way could also explain why North Korea has prepared for war before it arrives possibly scheduled for 622 Obama's 3 month extension date he gave on 322 in Israel.

Obama, Netanyahu grant Iran another 3 months' grace - Mar 22

Independence day movie shot of global disasters prepared for that day and it could be April 15th 2013

They always warn us in movies what is about to happen.

Israel's Independence day April 15th = 65th

In numerology which the Illuminati live by 6+5 = 11 and they love that number as it ='s disaster.

North Korea is preparing to fire 3 rockets any day and this could start the war earlier than the Zionists want

North Korea ready for up to 3 missile Launches U.S. and Japan ready to knock them down.

Haarp weapon heading for North Korea now!

Luke 21 = Great Earthquakes are 8 or greater and when they begin to happen right as nations rise against nations and the Collapse of the Global markets begins we lift up our heads as our redemption draws near in the day when the whole World is darkened in the clear day as the Lord comes as a thief in the Night = in the darkness and here we see this weapon that has been on the scenes of many recent earthquakes and weather anomalies around the World is headed for North Korea. Possibly getting set for the 3 month extension date Obama has given on 322 to 622 which seem to fit with this large HAARP platform and the distance it will have to travel to get in position.

Keep Watching and warning as the Watchmen are with the Lord.

Jesus loves you.

We see here North Korea is taking all the pre-war steps today =

 Boxes are loaded into a shipping container at the North Korean Embassy in London                  

They may be preparing for war on April 15th so says many articles even Debkafiles is warning of all Out war with Israel on this exact same day April 15th = 3 intafada . Illuminati and their 3

In this article it says:It is speculated the launch could take place on April 15 – the birthday of North Korea's founder – historically a time when it seeks to draw the world's attention with dramatic displays of military power.

Same news linked above North readies 3 .....

Abbas schedules Palestinian “civil Intifada” for April 15, to peak during peace talks - April 7

Watch for a fake One week peace deal to unfold jut prior to war . It does not need to happen but watch for it. By Peace he destroys many - Lharmen

Kerry heads back to Mideast for fresh peace push - April 7

Read this article all of it as it is very telling as to what could happen in days even North Korea warned April 10th deadline after that no guarantees of your safety = preparing also for April 15th

When he visits Ramallah Monday, April 8, US Secretary of State John Kerry will try and talk Mahmoud Abbas) out of launching his “civil Intifada (uprising)” against Israel without guns on April 15,  the eve of Israel’s national Day of Remembrance for its War Dead and Independence celebrations.

These are some scary words on the 70 anniversary April 19th of the Jews slaughter =

Abbas will maintain that his “intifada” is nonviolent – consisting “only” of mass protest marches, burning Israeli flags, pelting its security forces with rocks and Molotov cocktails, blocking West Bank highways, and staging collective hunger strikes.

DEBKAFILE reports that for the past two weeks, on one pretext or another, Abbas and his lieutenants have been fanning popular Palestinian unrest toward a climax planned to build up as an accompaniment to the first Israeli-Palestinian meeting which the US Secretary is trying to set up for mid-May in Turkey.

Kerry will no doubt warn him that even a civil disturbance may quickly get out of hand in the tense climate pervading the Middle East and benefit radical Syria, Hizballah and Hamas rather than the Palestinians’ own interests.
Abbas will counter that he can no longer keep the Palestinians in check
when the rest of the Arab world is on the march – either protesting against or battling its rulers – and his job is to keep his people in the Arab flow - not on the sidelines (not to mention diverting them from protests against his own rule).

But in fact, as DEBKA-Net-Weekly's Middle East sources reported in its latest issue, Abbas has decided to take a leaf out of the shooting-while-talking textbook which brought his predecessor Yasser Arafat fame, fortune and power 13 years ago.
In August 2000, when Arafat was invited  to Camp David by President Bill Clinton for talks with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, US and Israeli intelligence both knew he was ready to go with Intifida No. 2, the first ever suicide jihad dedicated to killing civilians.

Nevertheless, Clinton and Barak painted the Camp David meeting to their respective publics as peace negotiations - not an attempt to stave off the Palestinian leader’s belligerent intent - which is what it really was.

Abu Mazen hopes to pull off a similar dual-track stratagem.

Isaiah 28:15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:

Isaiah 28:18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

They clearly know this war is coming and they feel they are safe when God said they will get destroyed by the uprising = 3rd Intifada - the Time of the Gentiles.

13 British bloodlines rule this World and the Jesuit Catholic (Think Pope is a Jesuit ) created Illuminati created the Masons to fight with the Zionists during the 3rd World war and we are about to see this unfold . Obama wears his Mason ring daily and he absolutely hates Netenyahu (<-Zionists) and for good reasons for sure.

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Comment by Lawrence Harmen on April 14, 2013 at 6:01pm

Updated June 14th 2013

Comment by Sweettina2 on April 12, 2013 at 10:20pm

Amen brother  I am surely in good company.  God bless you Lawrence.

Comment by Lawrence Harmen on April 11, 2013 at 9:04pm

Independance day and project blue beam could go hand in hand.

Project Blue Beam is clearly unfolding .....

This war does not come upon us unaware but the blind World it comes upon them as a snare.

Thanks Tina!

Comment by Lawrence Harmen on April 11, 2013 at 8:59pm

Please do Tina as much as you can. North Korea is all set and who knows when but to stay silent in the face of danger is not to be a watchman/Woman. Jesus loves you keep up the fight. We will save many.

Comment by Sweettina2 on April 11, 2013 at 8:21pm

Great post Lawrence!  Sharing this.

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