Here In The Long Solemn Dark: An Examination Of Global Elitism

Here In The Long Solemn Dark: An Examination Of Global Elitism
By Giordano Bruno

Neithercorp Press - 1/02/2010

Inherent in every human being lurk the qualities that make us capable of indelible and enduring good, or astounding and catastrophic evil. Many of us struggle with these natural inborn psychological dualities every day of our lives. With the help of conscience; the ever present voice of the unconscious which guides us towards balance, many of us survive the internal battle without inflicting too much damage on the innocent bystanders around us.

I used to believe that all people endured this same struggle equally, that everyone wanted to eventually achieve that ever elusive self awareness that cuts through the fog of life and makes us feel whole. I believed that all men who committed terrible crimes and injustices against others did so out of ignorance and blindness. Surely, they had lost their way, and did not fully understand the implications of their actions. This did not make them any less responsible, but could they not be redeemed? Had they not let their own shadows run wild in the daylight without knowing the consequences? Weren’t all of us, even the worst of us, deep down still striving to do what was right?

In this belief I must now admit, if I am to remain true to my conscience, I was terribly mistaken…

What I did not comprehend when I was younger was that not all men struggle against the dark corners of their own hearts. Some men revel in them. Some men embrace their failings, their hatred and their envy, their vicious desire for control over their environment and those in it, and they do it deliberately, completely aware of the imbalance and pain they are inflicting on others. Where I see weakness of character, they see untapped strength; the strength of cold and unrestrained malevolence. They were not “victims” of their own ignorance. These men had traversed the River Styx and glimpsed the mythological gates of hell, the psychological barrier between saints and madmen. They stood at the edge of reason and truth, looked out into the nightmarish abyss at the back of their own psyches, and liked what they saw!

If there was ever anything closer to the definition of “evil,” I have not heard of it.

This methodology, this philosophy of embracing one’s darker nature, is ever present in an organized group of people we have come to label “Global Elites.” They have existed in various forms for centuries but their goals have always been the same. In this article, we will examine some of the early influences that gave birth to the elitist philosophy, as well as some possible explanations as to why they do what they do.

Plato: Catalyst For Elitism

Elitism has existed perhaps as long as man has existed, but was not implemented on a broad social scale until the formation of empires such as Babylon. It later blossomed into a full fledged brand of “spiritualism” under the watchful eyes of the Greek aristocracy and the tutelage of Plato, or as elitists sometimes dub him, “The Divine Plato.”

It is hard to say so many centuries later what the real intention of Plato’s Dialogues were. Did he mean them to stand only as metaphorical sociological examinations, as questions designed to promote healthy debate? Or, did he write them as a blueprint for society expecting them to be translated literally and then implemented in the real world? Whatever he originally intended, his views on social structure became the underlying foundation for the monstrous organized brand of Global Elitism we now know today. These views are most prominent in Plato’s “Republic,” however, they are present in nearly all of his works.

Plato had a very low opinion of the majority of the human populace, often stating that the concept of Democracy; rule by the common man, was far less than ideal. In one of Plato’s famous arguments, he proposes that it is better to be ruled by a bad tyrant, than be a part of a bad democracy, since in a bad democracy, all the people would be responsible for the terrible deeds of a nation, rather than one individual (of course, Plato fails to realize that by letting a “bad tyrant” come to power in the first place, the people are still ALL responsible for any terrible act that tyrant commits). Instead, he believed, there were several levels in which society could form itself, and he listed them in order of significance:

Aristocracy (rule by the best)
Timocracy (rule by the honorable)
Oligarchy (rule by the few)
Democracy (rule by the people)
Tyranny (rule by one person, rule by a tyrant)

Plato seems to see no threat in the idea of Aristocracy, and the possibility of a group of men labeled “best” reverting to tyranny appears to have never dawned on him. This is even more evident in his idea of the “Philosopher Kings”; a “guardian class” who are so steeped in knowledge and wisdom as to be nearly infallible and ideally suited to rule over the lives of others. The elites of today salivate over such concepts, because they provide an easy avenue for the justification of their own political ideals of feudal rulership. In fact, Plato and his Philosopher King scenario were often expounded by University of Chicago professor Leo Strauss. Strauss’ teachings went on to become the political linchpin for what we now call “Neo-Conservatism:”

Strauss promoted many of Plato’s more questionable tenets, including the idea of the “Noble Lie.” In his book “Persecution and the Art of Writing”, Strauss outlines why secrecy is necessary. He argues that the wise must conceal their views for two reasons – to spare the people’s feelings and to protect the elite from possible reprisals (reprisals they likely deserve). He also believed that the only true balance in human nature was the will of the strong; the idea that morality is built upon the views of those who are strongest. The weak had no choice but to adopt the implicit morality of the strong.

Strauss often talked of the need for a moral imperative and even a benevolent God, but interestingly, Strauss was not only an atheist (according to some of his own colleagues), but also a moral relativist. Young and naïve students of Neo-Conservatism often argue that Strauss was a promoter of high morals because he mentions them so often in his books, but they do not seem to understand the context in which he uses them. Strauss felt that a moral framework was a useful tool in manipulating the masses, and nothing more. He was in no way a man of conscience. Religion or any other system that focused on the development of conscience was meant for the lowly serfs, while the elite “Philosopher Kings” would rule with their own set of virtues, virtues to which the commoners were supposedly not equipped to mentally grasp.

What Plato accomplished, and Strauss later expanded on, was the mutation of elitism from a mere political movement with many undesirable consequences, into a full fledged philosophy bordering on cultism. Elitists were no longer simply an overprivileged class of tyrants and sadists making the lives of common men miserable, now, they were “necessary” to the very mechanics of society. They were “guardians” with the godlike responsibility of molding and directing the course of all humanity. Without them, we would be “lost.”

The weaknesses of this methodology are numerous and obvious. It promotes the concept of “equality as illusion,” which may have some legitimacy since all people are born with inherent and unique qualities. However, men like Strauss take this fact and twist it, claiming that because we are all different, this means that some of us must be naturally “better” than others, and therefore, elite. This is an extremely childish interpretation of inborn dynamics.

According to the archetypal discoveries of Carl Jung, we are all born with the same psychological constructs, however, each person has a unique relationship to these constructs, meaning, the way in which we embody the archetypes we are born with is particular to each individual. This means that while every person may develop a different brand of intelligence, unless there is a physical brain impairment, we are ALL capable of being intelligent. The elitist philosophy extolled by Plato and Strauss claims that some people are simply born far more intelligent than others, and that these people, being so naturally advanced, should be given free reign to make our decisions for us.

Who is qualified to categorize human beings into such narrow labels? Who decides what intelligence truly is? While one group may focus more on intellect and critical thought, prizing logic above all else, another may see intuition and emotional advancement as true brilliance. How can one determine if a person is hindered rationally and emotionally to the point of being incapable of progress? Does the theory of Plato not limit all men into static states of being? Have people not proven century after century, generation after generation, that we have the ability to change, adapt, and grow?

Some may argue that the lack of intelligence in the average man is blindingly apparent if one only looks around himself. But this way of thinking is based on an invalid assumption; the assumption that because a man acts unintelligent, he is therefore incapable of ever being intelligent. One contradiction I find most interesting about elitists is that they often preach about the natural stupidity of common people, yet, they place most of their massive resources into keeping the public unaware and “out of the loop.” If the average man is so “naturally inept,” then why have elitists put so much energy into trying to keep us stupid? Why do they keep information, data, the truth of the world, to themselves? Are we not so mentally handicapped that we would not understand the truth even if we knew it?

The fact is, they KNOW we are intelligent, why else would they feel the need for secrecy and lies?

While given the appearance or the dressings of wisdom, the elitist ideal is actually a mish-mash of highly flawed theories and biases flung together so that they may absolve themselves of their crimes against conscience and against mankind. By the standards of logic alone, they have proven themselves to be far less intelligent than they wish others to believe.

Machiavelli: The Methods Of Control

If any historical figure wholly embodies the elitist ethic, it would have to be Niccolo Machiavelli. Most famous for his political treatise entitled The Prince, Machiavelli was an aristocrat extraordinaire, counseling numerous monarchies on the best methods for controlling their respective populace. He was also a military advisor and writer of strategies on war, giving his ideas for social manipulation a cold and violent edge.

Some historians argue that Machiavelli’s works on political subversion and tyranny are actually a form of satire, because no one would reveal his secrets of control in the way Machiavelli did unless he was trying to expose the horror of elitism. I find this theory highly unlikely. Machiavelli was an advisor to kings, not a revolutionary with any desire to rock the boat he had been sitting in his whole life. I think it much more likely that he was simply an egomaniac, perfectly willing to speak openly about his disdain for the masses, as many elites are.

The most important (and dangerous) philosophy Machiavelli put forward was his view on good results accomplished by evil deeds. Machiavelli lived at the edge of the Renaissance, and perhaps saw before many that the world was changing. In the past, elites could easily abuse the people through force of arms, and there was no need to paint a kinder picture on their own despotism. However, a sense of revolution, a hatred of monarchy was growing in the populace. The need to manipulate the public through rhetoric instead of only violence was becoming more evident. The people now had to be tricked into going along with their slavery, and Machiavelli was perfectly willing to devise strategies for this eventuality.

He did this by promoting the idea of “the end justifies the means.” That is to say, if elites wanted to remain in control of the public, they had to convince the public that evil deeds were necessary in order to achieve a “greater good.” This was the first truly cognizant formation of what would be later called “Moral Relativism,” although, Machiavelli was more of the opinion that rather than being amoral, all men were inherently bad. Here are some quotes from Machiavelli on these points:

“Men never do good unless necessity drives them to it; but when they are free to choose and can do just as they please, confusion and disorder become rampant.”

“As all those have shown who have discussed civil institutions, and as every history is full of examples, it is necessary to whoever arranges to found a Republic and establish laws in it, to presuppose that all men are bad and that they will use their malignity of mind every time they have the opportunity; and if such malignity is hidden for a time, it proceeds from the unknown reason that would not be known because the experience of the contrary had not been seen, but time, which is said to be the father of every truth, will cause it to be discovered.”

“The people resemble a wild beast, which, naturally fierce and accustomed to live in the woods, has been brought up, as it were, in a prison and in servitude, and having by accident got its liberty, not being accustomed to search for its food, and not knowing where to conceal itself, easily becomes the prey of the first who seeks to incarcerate it again.”

Among other things, Machiavelli taught that a tyrannical ruler must offer up a proxy, a sacrificial lamb to the public in order to maintain their complicity. In his time, rulers would execute former leaders, councilmen, advisors, and others who were expendable in order to satisfy the public’s need for justice, while at the same time maintaining control over them. This strategy has been honed to perfection in the U.S. political system, in which the elites control both major parties. By sacrificing the public image of George W. Bush, the elites were able to stave off the growing discontent among Americans over the government. They then replaced him with Barack Obama, a man whose policies are nearly identical to Bush’s. In this way, Machiavelli has influenced the cultures of today.

The problem with the “ends justify the means” argument is that it treats the “means” as a sine qua non.

Say my goal is world peace, but I use lies, war, genocide, and oppression to achieve it. Then, I make the claim afterwards that all this death and destruction is vindicated because world peace was in fact achieved. My assumption here is that world peace could not have been achieved without the destruction. What grounds do I have for this assumption? The answer is none, because no other method was attempted to achieve peace. I have also assumed that there are no new methods for achieving peace, methods which I had not thought of. Therefore, the “ends” DO NOT justify the “means,” because there are many means to an end, some far more honorable than others.

So, what point of reference do we have to determine whether means are justifiable? The answer is conscience, something we will discuss greatly in the next section.

The Marquis de Sade: Do What Thou Wilt

Many people have a tendency to become preoccupied with the elements of sexual perversion when examining the work of the Marquis de Sade, but this is really a side note to the bigger issues at hand. The real root of the Marquis’ message is one of corruption, dominance, and amorality. His sexual escapades were merely a means by which he expressed these “values.” He said:

“There is nothing either fundamentally good, nor anything fundamentally evil; Everything is relative, relative to our point of view.”

From this single rationalization, all the horrors of Global Elitism can be attributed. Through the philosophy of Moral Relativism, any crime, any injustice, any infliction of pain or death on others, can be easily placated as “natural” to the specific viewpoint or circumstance of the man committing the terrible act. The Marquis de Sade’s nihilist worldview can be summed up as follows:

(1) God’s nonexistence reduces the universe to a purely materialist Nature, a self-running mechanism; “the perpetual motion of matter explains everything.”

(2) People are determinist machines, which annuls moral responsibility. You cannot help it, then, if you are sexually perverse or depraved.

(3) There is no afterlife, so your conduct does not matter.

(4) Merely the child of local custom, morality is relative to culture and geography, and therefore fictive.

(5) Nature is our only ethical guide; humans are no more significant to Nature than insects. And since Nature uses matter from dead life forms to create new ones, crime, destruction, and death are necessary and pleasing to her. Therefore murder is good, and the mass murderer is the highest human type.

(6) Born isolated, the individual is solely important, with obligations to nobody and only selfish motivations. Each individual is pitted against all others. His only maxim is to “Enjoy myself, at no matter whose expense.”

(7) Man tends naturally to dominate others and inflict pain, which he enjoys.

(8) Ordinary people are utilitarian objects, the playthings of the wealthy, powerful and godlike libertines, who are utterly unloving.

(9) Beauty and innocence inspire only diabolical cruelty. Since materialism makes pleasure proportional to stimulus, the greater your cruelty, the greater your pleasure.

(10) Maximum selfishness and cruelty are therefore the proper course.

The key to the entirety of Moral Relativism is the belief that we are born as “blank slates,” and therefore our belief in right and wrong is completely dependent upon our environment, meaning, morality is an empty product of cultural taboo. This is, of course, entirely false, and has been proven incorrect by numerous scientists and psychologists. Watch the film linked below for an in-depth analysis of the failings of Blank Slate Theory:

Setting the debate over the existence of God aside, the psychological reality is, all human beings have an inherent archetypal sense of what we call good and evil, and this sense is common to every culture regardless of environmental conditions, proving The Marquis de Sade’s conclusions false. Conscience is the messenger, or the interpreter if you will, of the archetypal sense of balance.

Although the Marquis’ philosophy is logically impractical not to mention psychotic, it does illustrate very well the elitist mindset.

A rapist, for instance, often does not derive much pleasure from the sexual act itself, but the control involved over others. Thinking of elitists in such a way helps in understanding the warped reasoning behind their actions. Like the Marquis de Sade, elites are so possessed by their unlimited desire for power and control that they themselves fall into their own pattern of self created determinism. Finding that they will never have enough control to satiate their desires, and discovering that such power over the environment is unreachable, they turn towards thoughts of complete destruction. For them, destruction is the pinnacle of control.

What we also find is that the egotism of elites causes them to strive for what they feel is “true individualism.” They see conscience as psychological bondage, a will imposed on them by society, or the universe itself. By breaking free of conscience, they believe they have achieved ultimate freedom, and elevated themselves to a plane beyond the common man. This is called “transcendence through evil.”

But by disowning their inborn qualities, they have actually lost everything that gives them individuality, as well as humanity. They have essentially made themselves inwardly dead, soulless dolls driven by nothing but base desire. Instead of self-destructing under the weight of such ambition, they have focused it all into a single collective goal….

The New World Order: Destined For Failure

The New World Order which the Global Elites speak of so often is not just a political shift, or a social reformation; it is an attempt to subvert the human psyche. It is an attempt to defy nature. Controlling the lives of the masses is not enough. What they want most, is to transmute the human heart and bend it in any manner they wish until all traces of conscience and individualism have vanished from the species. Such an act could take centuries, perhaps millennia, and even then it may still be impossible.

When examining the shift towards the NWO, I often take into account the elitist fascination with the game of chess. Zbigniew Brzezinski makes this fascination laughably obvious in his book “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives.” I am an avid chess player myself, and I understand the game well.

In order to win consistently in chess, one must above all things become exceedingly ruthless. There can be no momentary lapses of compassion. This is something the elites strive for. You must also be willing to sacrifice any piece in order to meet the greater objective; another elitist trait.

In the game of chess, the greatest players do not win so much by attacking their opponent; they win by forcing their opponent to move in the way they want, until, in effect, the opponent defeats himself. This is a fulcrum point for the strategy of Globalism. They set the noose upon our necks, but it is our aimless struggling that tightens it until we suffocate.

The problem is, life is NOT a chess game. People do not follow straightforward patterns laid out beforehand. Some of us walk off the board entirely. Some of us make our own rules. Sometimes, the pawns change the entire dynamic of the game, and this is why the elites will fail. We aren’t playing anymore.

The elites often boast of possessing an unparalleled wisdom, an awareness that supercedes all others. If they had attained any wisdom, however, they would have already realized the futility in attempting to control the destinies of other men. Such power is in itself an illusion, for the only power over us is that which we give away. Therefore, the elites only have power over us in so much as we give them explicit consent. All it takes is for one man to say “no,” and the entire web begins to unravel. Control of the world is a fantasy, a cartoon, a cabaret, a childish whimsy that those with legitimate wisdom grow out of. The farce can only continue so long as everyone submits to deception.

Here humanity waits, standing still in the long solemn dark, poised to step from the cold cast shadow into daylight. The great threat to elitism has been and always will be the so called “common man.” We are the honest and faithful explorers of the soul, unhindered by presumptions of superiority or fixations of malice. We are the antithesis, the counterweight, the opposing force, for we seek no power, no dominance, no control over the world; only understanding. We are the future, not the elites. Their time is nearly over, and with their passing, may we see all the horrors they have wrought undone, until life can be lived the way it desperately needs to be lived; with wide eyes, with honor, with sincerity.

Strength, real strength, comes not from the exile of conscience, or surrender to the murky waters of amorality; it comes from trust in one’s own heart. It comes from that intuitive knowing, knowing without calculation or observation. It comes from the utter invincibility of truth; a force against which even the most depraved of elites cannot stand.

Posted on Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 at 1:47 pm in the category:All Posts. Comment RSS 2.0 feed. Comment it , or trackback this post.

40 Responses to “Here In The Long Solemn Dark: An Examination Of Global Elitism”

1.Clay Barham says:

January 2nd, 2010 at 5:28 pm
Is it self-centered greed or legitimate self-interest that is the main concern with those who do not understand Ayn Rand? Those who admire and criticize Ayn Rand’s beliefs about people who stand on their own feet often say she promoted selfishness, thereby greed, which is self-centered and anti-individual creativity. That is anti-Rand. Rand admired the creative individual, people like railroad builder James Jerome Hill, on whom she was reputed to have based her character Nathaniel Taggart in Atlas Shrugged. Independent “I’m OK, you’re OK” people are OK with Rand, not the criminal takers. If we look at Howard Roark’s summation to the jury, from Fountainhead, we do not see a self-centered individual destroying his work. If he was greedy he would have simply accepted his payment. We see an other- and outer-centered individual in love with his own dreams and creations, as one would love a spouse, child or family and refuse to allow them to be assaulted. That is the kind of self-interest that built America. Though love for anything spiritual may be missing, a great idea or vision also measures up to that which is spiritual, beyond self, and that view is not even inconsistent with Christianity.

2.D.T. says:

January 2nd, 2010 at 5:36 pm
Very insightful article written here. Amid all of the sheer evil that is presently running the world today I still find a way to love, live and laugh day in and day out. Perception is a key to a door the elites know nothing about.

I really like the encouraging message. Many commoners seem overwhelmed by atrocities committed by the globalists. Everyone seems like they are sleeping while the elites are out to play. But I trust in the pure love of the common people.

Interesting find on the copy cat structure of these madmen. If these guys were so superior to the mob, you would think they wouldn’t have nothing but a bunch of regurgitated ideas being put forward. Maybe its just me but a society built around love and harmony sounds much more revolutionary than the shit these guys spew repeatedly.

3.OliverNorthwoods says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 3:03 am
I enjoyed reading this article. I appreciate the depth of Bruno’s appraisal. However, I cannot unfortunately share in his hopefulness. I believe when one takes into consideration the incredible onslaught of silent weapons already in use against the populous including; chronic aerial spraying (Chemtrails are known to contain barium salts, aluminum oxide, and desiccated [freeze dried] blood), the poisoning/medicating of the municipal water supplies under the umbrella of fluoridation, toxins and especially neurotoxins added into processed foods, vaccines laced with, mercury, squalene (An adjuvant associated with Gulf War Syndrome), live cancer viruses, and the neurotoxin MSG along with a number of psychotronic weapons already being deployed against an unsuspecting, heavily brainwashed American public spells real trouble.

4.NetRanger says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 9:05 am

Please tell me tell me that this is SD/SL Part Two???

I just hear that pleasant but authoritative voice narrating this article to me.

I’ve circum-studied this for 20 years. When you do deep UFO research you come across this stuff repeatedly. Also, many years of Bible study and attempted “Pacifist Christian Indoctrination” that didn’t take make me see many things. After I read the title, I sat for several minutes gathering my thoughts and then allowed you to lead me through the article. Amazing piece!

I often feel like a failure if I cannot argue a point or two that I find doesn’t go along with my knowledge or experience. Your articles dumbfound me. As I’ve mentioned before, I need to talk to our mother about our separation at birth, AGAIN!

I find that the indoctrination of the Christian church has become so incredibly disgusting to me.

Jesus may not have used strong language but he did a bang up job of acting it out. And he left people behind to teach us. Peter. Paul. John. The early elites hated them with a passion. The elites had co-opted the faith in the creator and had yoked it for greed and control. Jesus, his followers rebelled. They basically said, “We’re not playing anymore.”

Now, centuries later things like “turn the other cheek” and “if they ask for you cloak, give them you tunic also” have become re-defined into acts of submission. NO! Study the history. They were acts of “Fuck You! I won’t do what you tell me!”

In fact, if you look at the Bible in a purist fashion without all the modern re-translated psychobabble, you will find, that, essentially, the Bible is the “I won’t do what you tell me!” manual. But, like all things pure and good, the pressures of society have made it conform.

I believe rebellion against these morally bankrupt people is not only desirable, its our duty as human beings and is divine.

In fact the self destructive nature of many young people (and not so young people) is a subconscious effort, though faulty, to defy and overthrow the elites. They are lied to through public schooling. They are manipulated through the social and legal system. So much unnatural pressure is put upon them that they crack, and essentially, bang their heads against the wall finding that the suffering and pain they inflict upon themselves to be almost like a glimmer of truth. This is why, even a glimmer of truth that can be scraped from modern Biblical teachings often straightens people out. Unfortunately, it usually makes them more submissive. That is seen as good. It is not. It is bad.

Do your duty! Resist and rebel against that which you know is wrong. When they tell you its against God, know they are deluded.

How can a good Christian man say what I’ve just said? Because, the Christianity that most people know is the elitist version that allows people to be conquered. We all need to be Jesus in the temple, clearing out the money changers!

“You have turned my Fathers house into a den of thieves!”

Don’t confuse rebellion for rebellions sake. But, how will you say, “I won’t do what you tell me!” today?

5.Michael says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 12:40 pm
I believe Jesus symbolizes the next dimension of the mind that we are to ascend to, and we are born and reborn into this dimension of time until we transmutate our mentality, as mentioned in the kyballion. Love is key, there is a divine ego that is represented by what one would consider as the “me”, which is the person we see in the mirror. the “me” is a reflection of our consciousness based on data from external stimuli. This external stimuli is acquired from our five senses. There are 3 manifested energies: physical, spiritual, and emotional. We must tap into these, all three, and simultaneously they will combine into energy of awareness. this takes place in the mind. the game is mental.

6.James says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 4:17 pm
Great Article, you did a wonderful job putting alot of pieces together. I also enjoyed reading the comments.

I believe that with the availability of information like never before in history we do have the ability to break the strangle hold the elites have had on humanity for so long. If we can use the internet and create a global freedom party/movement we can awake the masses and cast the demons out.

7.Davor Glasnovich says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 4:22 pm
I see no cause for optimism,indeed, Im of the opinion that night is falling fast and hard.The reality is that at the very least 90 percent of humanity is unaware that we dont see the key players globally on TV.The man on the streets perception of reality has been dictated and defined from childhood by the corporate media,a subverted educational system,ther film industry,etc.As the movie says,these people are not ready to be unplugged from the Matrix.The sheeple,blind as ever,are rushing to their doom.

8.Les Visible says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 4:53 pm
Well done and your conclusions line up with my own (which is not why I think it well done- grin).

I thank you for giving me several moments of real reflection

9.Kayttt2000 says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 4:59 pm
This is very,very good…

Once in awhile you read something that is a work of art,,a masterpiece,,

Good job Giordano Bruno.

10.nink says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 5:21 pm
Net Ranger is spot on with his/her view of common Christian indoctrination.

Here are some of the things that get contorted and dangerously in several cases.

* Thou shalt not *murder*
— Many ignorantly say “kill”, and some newer translations (in Hebrew the 10 commmandments say “not murder”). Also, Numbers and Deuteronomy are filled with how to deal with 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree murder, and kill the perpetrator is one of the options of choice.

* The existence of Hell.
— This is a direct contradiction of what God represents. God loves *all* of Creation. If hell exists and one is to suffer for eternity there then Christ did *not* pay the full penalty for our sins on The Cross. John 3:16 states that whomever believes in Him shall not perish (and it is Greek for perish). The evil will simply cease to exist. The evil burn up (until there is no fuel left in them to burn) in the lake of fire of Revelation 20 in the second death (the eternal separation from God).

* After death you go to Heaven or Hell
— If this were true, then why the time of Judgement in Revelation? Christ continually stated that death was a “sleep”. In essence you die and either you are raised in the resurrection of life or the resurrection of the wicked. The time from your death to resurrection will be fleeting, it will be as if you closed your eyes one second and the next you are resurrected regardless of when you sleep in peace. This notion of the dead going on leads to dangerous notions of ghosts, paranormal, sorcery, cultism, seances and all the mumbo jumbo the elite dabble in such as worshipping Moloch, effigy (at least we hope it is faked) sacrificing of humans. You might ask, “Well then who are the ghosts and dead people to appear to the living?”. Simple, demons. God and Christ warn of these demons and spiritism in several places of the bible. So the evil that this outstanding essay speaks of is true evil and the human elites knowingly and foolishly dabble in it. Satan hates ALL of God’s Creation, even the wicked. Either you are Satan’s entertainment, a useful pawn or a liability.

* You live forever without Christ (you die and live in hell for eternity or are reincarnated)
— This is the FIRST lie spoken by Satan to mankind depicted in the book of Genesis, “you shall surely not die”. There are many non Christian and Christian religions that teach this lie and the Christians should know better if they simply read the Bible.

* The Secret Rapture
— Many Christians are in for a severe wake up call concerning this. Christ states himself several times that when He comes again, the 2nd Advent, EVERY living human will know and all at the same time. Pretty hard to keep it secret when all the mountains and islands are displaced. Christ specifically warns in Matthew 24 that if someone tells you that Christ is in the secret chambers or the desert, DO NOT GO, for when Christ comes all will know. Also, Christ will not set foot on the earth. I would say that a massive percentage of Christians are going to be greatly disappointed then feel abandoned and then hate and finally turn their back on God because they are going through the time of tribulation rather than being raptured into safety.

* That a special man other than Christ can intercede for and forgive your sins.
— This is a HUGE lie. Christ in the book of John, amongst others, states that you communicate with through Him and Him alone.

The elites however, came up with all of those notions. Plato, Dante and the council of Trent amongst others thought up these very dangerous notions. The whole notion of hell was so nasty in scaring the willies out of ignorant Christians regardless of religion or doctrine. They were all scared into submission to the mother church and other man made institutions.

Satan knows the Bible better than any man alive. And knows that these fallacies will help destroy God’s Creation and convince you to separate yourself from God. Satan wants nothing more than to hurt God to the ultimate degree.

Also, the elite come up with all other kinds of crazy notions in order to confuse and direct you into control and into selfishness. The more selfish you are the easier you are to control. One of the great lies is “science says blah” and thus must be true. If the general public knew of the current and past rifts within the scientific community about such this as “theory” and how it is proven amongst other issues they would be a bit more skeptical of the mis-information that “man knows all” and theology and faith are all for naught.

11.wikity says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 6:56 pm
Notice that the elites constantly preach about submission in the name the “general welfare” or “common good.” The general population is sold on fake environmentalism and the relinquishment of individual freedom. Ironic indeed that these are the same men and women who print the money we rely on for survival, own millions of acres of land apiece, fly around the world in private jets, command entire national armies as their mercenary slaves, pollute our food, medicine and water, and LIE to us about everything under the sun. Yet these are the experts that we are supposed to trust with the future of the planet. How can more people not be awake to this by now??!!

I hope that your optimism is not unfounded Gio. Another great read. Keep on lighting fires in the minds of men!

12.NetRanger says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 7:23 pm
Hmmm. Looks like the global elite have lost a little more grip.

Little by little, they are losing because little by little people don’t trust the collusion, the bribed and the lobbied. It gives me the greatest amount of pleasure to see this.

There are examples of “green shoots” for humanity everywhere! This one at Canada Free Press is just another one. The elites think that they can force the US Populace into submission by crashing our economy. Emerging, even now, is a “we’re not going to play anymore” economy. They are losing and they no it. You pessimists out there, we’re going to put this thing back together with or without you. You defeatists can laugh later if I am wrong. But for now either shut up or get busy.

13.Salmandar says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 7:39 pm
GB disagrees with Plato and Strauss’ claim “that some people are simply born far more intelligent than others”.
I am not sure if I do disagree with that. Do we not have different IQ levels?

Other than that I find the article profoundly insightful and beautifully constructed.

14.Dr. Phibes says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 7:54 pm
Google Sampson option.
Nuclear blackmail and extortion.
It’s worked for them for over
60 years.
Why should they stop?

15.vilano says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 8:14 pm
Another awesome work bruno.

I hope your optimism is well founded. I see the comments about “positive christianity” (a term by hitler’s propagandists I believe) and I worry.

Jesus view of end times includes; wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, and then worldwide persecution, followed by the great falling away of many believers.

Undesireable as that is, at least we can attempt to wake up some and we can prepare to endure to the end.

16.I am not amused says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 8:21 pm
I’ll be honest I have never met an “elite”. I do know that generally the people with power are there because they went after it with a vengeance and power, money, lust ect. become appetites that devour that can never be filled. So - would not surprise me. I am aware of The Prince and Plato’s Republic ect. We need democracy because human nature is very bad and no one can be trusted with unchecked power. If you think you are fit to have it; it means you are not. Yes, I realized after I became and adult - true evil walks the face of this planet.

Jesus was god - He never played those games in the first place; he outlawed them himself. He just showed up in human form.

I will admit - I am not theologian and much of what I hear from the pulpit I just look up at heaven and think which bible did that come from? He was not a pacifist - he cleared that temple with a whip and he is the same god that did use violence when morally necessary in the Old Testament. Despite popular teaching - Turn the other cheek does not mean to get slapped - It means to with hold judgment and resentment and leave that up to God. Vengeance is mine says the Lord I will repay. I trust him enough - they will pay. Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you. He commanded it. It does not mean affection, it means treating them as Corinthinas 13 and caring about what is in their best interest - no matter how much I think they really deserve to be on death row. It also does not mean letting them get away with criminal behavior. This is good for no one. Eph: 5-11 Have no part in the unfruitful works of darkness; instead expose them. I am still working on all this on how to actually do it. It is harder than it looks to be honest. He really does mean what he says. Vengeance is forbidden to us - Self defense is not. Hell - sorry eternal - they chose it when they rejected God. He simply is honoring their choice.

What to make of the elite situation I don’t know. To be honest; in a sense they actually are really a non issue as far as I am concerned. I know who really runs things. See - I know my redeemer lives. The thing that really bugs the crap out of me; is all the people they hurt. God promises to make it right someday. In my head I know it is true; today just disgusted and dismayed and heartbroken.

Simple - The lord will raise up and put down whom he will. I know he really is still in control, despite how it looks he really is.

17.Sunnstarr says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 8:30 pm
Great article and great comments!

Having just enjoyed the movie ‘Avatar’ for its beautiful computer graphics, while at the same time being a little turned off by its subliminal, political, theological and anti-military manipulations, I can only add the following:

Elitist strategy does indeed date back centuries and a great plan is attempting to unfold. Understanding this grand plan requires one to research and understand the purpose of the three (3) City-States: 1) The Vatican, attempting to unite all religions behind a single earth worship religion, 2) The London-based international central banks, trying to lock the entire world into a single monetary system monopoly, and 3) The Washington D.C. military world police, directed by a dictatorial world government - assuming they can render our Constitution and Bill of Rights useless.

The article’s reasoning as to why this elitist power-hungry global domination effort will fail is both positive and inspiring.

It is rewarding to see how Christianity is nuanced among the responses. The sons of light speak up while the sons of darkness remain silent.

This enlightenment of the common man should also extend to the millions of victims under the spell of so many cults identifying themselves as religions.

An exodus from the bondage of Islam for instance, is happening as we speak. Jesus would want us to extend this light of truth and understanding to one and all.

In that spirit, I congratulate the author for shedding some light into this sometimes pessimistic and dark world.

America must regain control of its leadership and help its citizens to remember what it means to be American. America cannot lead the rest of the world into the light without correcting the mistakes made in recent years. Obama does not represent those values. The sooner we all realize that and take steps to correct it the better. Maybe we should start by thanking him for waking us up to what we have come perilously close to loosing.

The elitist self-appointed Masters of the World want to continue keeping us in perpetual debt, and through our ignorance of their plans, to maintain power and control over us while they feverishly try to reduce our numbers and take away our freedoms. Obama has clearly demonstrated his willingness to help them get us there. (i.e. giving away our sovereignty at the G-20, granting Interpol authority above and beyond our Constitution on ‘American soil’ and making preparations to place U.S. law under International Court jurisdiction. Not to mention an un-Constitutional ‘Health Care Takeover’ and a ‘Cap-and-Trade’ global tax scam, both designed to break the back of the American economy.) All of these actions are happening behind the lines without scrutiny from the press and are an insult to our collective intelligence. The elitist assume that the masses will never catch on to what they are doing and that most people are not smart enough to stop them.

Thank you for a very thoughtful and well written article that should help to prove otherwise.

18.Karen says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 8:37 pm

For a while now, I have had the feeling that things will not end well for the “elite” who have betrayed us so terribly. I don’t know why, it’s just this sense of calm, this knowing, that they will be outed, that they will not attain their goal of world domination. Their lies are being exposed on a daily basis now. The truth always wins because it doesn’t change.

All it takes is one person saying no.


19.Giordano says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 8:53 pm
Just a comment to those who feel our situation is dire;

I agree, things are bad. They have been bad for centuries. However, I have been working in the Liberty Movement for a while now and I can tell you from experience that things are getting better in terms of the public awareness.

Three years ago, almost NO ONE even knew what the Federal Reserve was, let alone why it was dangerous. Three years ago everyone thought man made Global Warming was an undeniable fact. Three years ago, nearly everyone thought vaccines were GOOD for you!

A lot has changed. Look at how many elitist programs have failed;
The Federal Reserve is on the verge of audit, according to polls most of the public is well aware that 9/11 was an inside job, the swine flu scam failed, and Copenhagen failed miserably! Its incredible how much we have accomplished in three short years. I have never seen so many people, millions of people, aware of the NWO than I have recently.

Economically, we have seen the Globalists ramping up their plans. Why? Because they are worried. They have lost primary control of the minds of the public. Will they do terrible things in response? Absolutely. Will it matter? I am starting to feel that they have already lost and they just don’t know it yet.

20.nink says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 9:06 pm
After reading the mind control essay and this treatise I just thought of something.

The twin towers (tower == archetype of striving, success, etc) have not been rebuilt. If Bush was a proper leader he would have made it of paramount importance to rebuild the towers immediately after 911. The supposed terrorists, all Saudis, had the intention of hitting those towers for the symbolic catastrophe it did on our psyches. Well that is what the MSM said at least, and perhaps the perpetrators did believe. But I find it disturbing, especially after those two essays, that the towers are not even close to being rebuilt (in whatever form, freedom tower or two towers at all). Also, the treatment of workers of the site after 911 who risked life and limb and caught major ailments, and the government left them out on a limb at best.

After Pearl Harbor, we immediately embarked on a purely symbolic mission of bombing Tokyo. A suicidal mission for some involved.

These elites are foolishly meddling with the powers and principalities that are not of God.

21.Scott says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 9:20 pm
The systematic destruction of American ideals and culture hangs by a thread. It is up to the few of us “ordinary” citizens, those who still understand the need to expand our range of knowledge and not simply accept the human condition who can stand up to those who pervert our freedoms for their own selfish ends.
We must not accept or allow the plague of ignorance that has swept the masses of this planet, we must stand up and realize that the only way that our global civilization may continue is to understand the universal truths and desires for man cross all borders and cultures. Live with modesty, take no more than you need, live in harmony with your neighbors, follow virtues of honesty and integrity. If these concepts are lost on the “elite,” I am proud to call myself a pauper.

22.NetRanger says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 9:33 pm

Ultimately, evil overstays its welcome. The elites end up destroying themselves. Like an over zealous parasite, the doers of evil eventually do evil to themselves and facilitate their own destruction.

In the quote below, there are actually two enemies: The Truth and The Pain. The problem the thieves of liberty have today is that they cannot shield the people from the pain any longer. They are losing that battle. …and, as such, are losing their grip on society.

Joeseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Can you say “Green Shoots”, “Recovery is just around the corner…” and the fake unemployment numbers? Yeah. We’re being lied to because truth is the ULTIMATE enemy. Which means only one thing: TRUTH is the ULTIMATE weapon for the war for our Creator endowed liberties.

Lock and load, people! Giordano is on the front line of this war. Packing his cannons of truth and turning it loose. We are his support. Spread the word. Spread the truth.

Others are out there too. I just think Giordano has either better aim or his cannon is rifled.

23.Silence Dogood says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 9:42 pm
I posted this once before here, for reasons unknown my post was replaced with another… at the same time.

Why must you silence my opinion?

I was raised to work for what I want.
“life isn’t fair, get used to it”

The problem today is that everyone works for what they want. (not always what is best for there fellow humans)
politicians don’t run for office unless people pay them. (Obama promised change, said he would make government more transparent)
“He folded the elitist to the masses imo”
people don’t think past there own selfish thought. We need a common goal. The elites try to force us to believe that something is wrong in the world, that we must fix it. They have no shame no morality. All they have is fear, fear of a time when the commoners say no.

The undeniable truth about this jumble of horrid words, all it takes is for one to laugh.

Oh, yes! fill the churches with dirty thoughts! Introduce honesty to the white house! Write letters in dead languages to people you’ve never met! Paint filthy words on the foreheads of children! Burn your credit cards and wear high heels! Asylum doors stand open! Fill the suburbs with murder and rape! Divine madness! Let there be ecstasy, ecstasy in the streets! Laugh and the world laughs with you!

24.Giordano says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 11:02 pm

Your comment was blocked automatically by our spamblocker, you were not censored. Ask Netranger, it happens all the time to normal comments. We try our best to keep an eye on it.

25.nink says:

January 3rd, 2010 at 11:30 pm
The lie I completely laugh at is, “We are having a jobless recovery.”

That has got to be the most pathetic ridiculous lie I have ever heard.

Oh, and Obama saying he never supported the public option in health care reform. Man you should hear Air America shows like The Ed Shultz (sp?) show. The progressives, or so they think they are, are livid with anger against Obama. Oh, and they just caught on that the pharmaceuticals (Big Pharma) made a deal long ago with Obama that they be able to dictate price and suppress competition from external sources. The whole rabid Obama movement were/are blind. They just don’t get it, Obama==elite!=them.

Oh, and an interesting note, I think it is roughly 70% of con-gress and senate combined are millionaires, yeah “they represent us, sure….”

26.D.T. says:

January 4th, 2010 at 12:10 am

Concerns about terrifying tactics such as “psychotronic weapons” may or may not be very real. You should attempt to free yourself of these oppressions by understanding how to be in an observant mode. To do this you must first come to a realization that this precious life of yours isn’t where your journey ends.

The way I see it if you complete a journey of love and right doings then material things, petty things, earthly things become secondary by nature.

For example. I love my family and friends, my neighbors and even acquaintances. Thats my contribution to the fight against all the evil tyranny. If they feel the need to do wrong onto my life and the lives of millions of innocent people worldwide… then my friend.. we have already won.

Karen describes my feelings well when she says, “I don’t know why, it’s just this sense of calm, this knowing, that they will be outed, that they will not attain their goal of world domination.”

Chemtrails won’t rain on my spiritual journy

Here David Icke discusses many interesting things, one of the topics being the importance of putting yourself in an observer mode to overcome life’s nasty little nuances.

I truly hope this helps.

27.Pax Verbum says:

January 4th, 2010 at 12:23 am
Good article. Great comments, mostly. Here’s my USD0.02…

1. Anything that seperates one from God is not of God, therefore, it is of the Fallen One (and its minions/servants).

2. The synagogue of satan…just about describes the powers that be, and their hordes of willing minions/servants.

3. Trust in God. He will never let one down. Make your peace with The Lord and have the faith of a child.

4. We’re all frightened…of the unknown; we know something is coming down the pike, we can feel it in the wynd…we just don’t know what it is, and that’s what’s terrifying. Is it the bad stuff the baddies prey for, or is it the good stuff the goodies pray for? The answer: see nos 1 and 3 above.

5. Remember, there are more of us than there are of them - and that truly terrifies them! Solzhenitsein (sp) suggested that it would have been much better to have turned the tables on their few oppressors in the mid of night rather than wait and tremble whislt they, the few, attacked their God-fearing neighbours: “If only we’d stood up, banded together, we could have routed them and their ilk”. Words to live by, methinks. For a more accurate reading, see the abridged version of the Gulag Archiapeligo (sp)

Pax Y’all

28.giordano says:

January 4th, 2010 at 12:30 am
Now see, there was a comment I actually did delete a moment ago. Any of that “Satanic Jew” stuff can stay on the white power sites and away from here. Most of it is posted by paid disinfo trolls anyway so that our site can somehow be connected to anti-semitic groups.

Yeah, there are Jews in the NWO, and there are also many other races and religions and various colors of people. They’re a regular all-inclusive club of doom. Let’s stop trying to blame Jewish people collectively for all our problems. Its just plain stupid.

29.Plamen Petkov says:

January 4th, 2010 at 2:53 am
“We are not gonna stand for it”, “all it takes is for one man to say no” and so on. Right. What fantasies of armchair revolutionary.
Lemme as you point blank: Whose money do you use? Yours or somebody elses? Then they got you by the balls pal. You aint going nowhere, you cant do sh*t. All you can do is write some silly articles.
Paying ALL of your taxes? Why dont you try NOT to and see far far you will get besides jail? They got you by the balls, the pair of them and you aint going nowhere.
All you are is another armchair revolutionary, a slave helplessly caught in the system and all you can do is scream impotently. Welcome to the real world buddy.

30.Giordano says:

January 4th, 2010 at 3:22 am

Thanks for the vote of confidence in the New World Order. You wouldn’t happen to be a troll, now would you?

So, by your logic, if we pay taxes, the elites have won? Hmmm, brilliant. I’m astounded by your powers of observation in the realm of global politics.

Maybe you need to be reminded that the Founding Fathers also paid taxes, for a while, until they didn’t, and then a war started, which they then won. Its taken the elites a couple centuries since to try to undo what those revolutionaries built.

I would also remind you that it took only 5% to 10% of the American population at the time of the revolution to send the elites packing. We have far greater numbers this time around.

This fight starts with information, Petkov. Throwing the term “armchair revolutionary” around only reveals your ignorance of the dynamics of this fight. Wars like this are won first with the exposure of the enemy by people like those that operate on these forums daily. Eventually, we may have to fight physically, but when we do, we will win because of the work we do now from our “armchairs”.

The “real world” is what WE make it. Your nihilism (whether legitimate, or just an act) is the only impotent and pathetic commentary made on this board so far. How does it feel to be a trained pet poodle for elitists, Petkov? Do you enjoy this? How do you live with yourself?

31.NetRanger says:

January 4th, 2010 at 10:30 am

There are some that are *ONLY* ARs (Armchair Revolutionaries). Thats OK. They serve the way they best know how. Everyone has different levels or courage and abilities.

I know this old guy, Nick. He’s on oxygen. He’s about 80 or so. He’s an AR. He goes around the net commenting on things, encouraging people, validating information and warning people. He can’t hardly get out of the house but he’s doing his part.

On a battlefield, who is the most effective? The sniper? The foot soldier? The tank driver? The gunner? The *COOK*? The fuel truck operator? The general? The sergeant? The captain? The private?

Does the general say, “You privates are just not as important as me!” or does the sniper say, “I have more courage than the cook!”. No. They are all part of the effort. I could go on and on.

What we really *DON’T* need are the whiners. They do nothing but confuse and demoralize. Could the ARs be doing more? Maybe. Maybe not. But, at least they are putting out SOME effort. Whiners, while putting out effort, could be viewed as working for the opposition.

So, Petkov, what are you doing to advance the struggle?

32.Les Visible says:

January 4th, 2010 at 11:16 am
Petkov is most definitely a troll. He comes around to my sites saying pretty much the exact same thing. He’s an extremely unhappy person besides whatever else is wrong with him.

I banned him a long time ago.

33.Scott says:

January 4th, 2010 at 12:06 pm
Giordano -

I only recently discovered your site here, you are extremely logical, factual and persuasive in your arguments and opinions. After reading most of your essays, I can say your articles and your readers comments (save for certain exceptions) have given me faith and thanks that there are others with this sense of awareness out there and that we have not so lost our hope for a substantial future.
As a member of the next generation (I am a young, idealistic 21 year old soon to be college grad), I realize that it is up to those in my generation to stand up to this greed and abuse and understand that the long-term survival of human civilization depends on a shift of priorities in life. I will recommend your reading to anyone who has any interest in making this world a better place.

Thank you,
Scott Byrne

34.Art Judd says:

January 4th, 2010 at 12:16 pm
larouchepac dot com —- can save you time.

35.Sunny Meadow says:

January 4th, 2010 at 1:30 pm
Some people are born smarter than others. Intelligence is determined by genetics. If genetics didn’t have anything to do with intelligence, then a dog would be as smart as a man.

Being psychopathic is separate from being intelligent. There are smart psychopaths and stupid psychopaths. The smart psychopaths end up in government.

Political correctness dogma insists that all races are equaly intelligent, which is plainly not true. Just look around the world and see. Also, some races are more prone to be psychopathic than others.

36.GreyLmist says:

January 4th, 2010 at 5:26 pm

If there was a group of people who formed a private club — Constitutionalists, let’s say — and they were willing to work amongst themselves all over the country to provide for their own needs as much as possible under the current circumstances but the only system of monetary exchange used was in stock certificates of a sort for actual hours of time invested in the self-sufficiency project, whose money would you rather use, theirs or the debt with interest based funny money that’s manufactured out of thin air? Before you answer that question, would you even be willing to discard the current valuation system indoctrinations of profits for profiteers and regardless of quality being the measure of a successful economy or not and replace it with standards of quality, improvement, mutual benefit, increasing goodwill, generating self-employment for yourself and others rather than corporate feudalism and that sort of thing instead as the values and goals to work for?

37.GreyLmist says:

January 4th, 2010 at 6:06 pm
NetRanger says: “TRUTH is the ULTIMATE weapon for the war for our Creator endowed liberties.”

Yes, and truly any wannabe trespassers and usurpers of our liberties who swore an oath to the Constitution can’t plead ignorance that it says: This far you shall go and no farther — words to that effect, anyway.

38.Giordano says:

January 4th, 2010 at 10:54 pm
Sunny Meadow:

Sorry, but I’ve studied every field of psychology over the past ten years and not a single one has found any proof that intelligence is specific to genetics. That belief is simply utter nonsense.

Also, there are many different kinds of intelligence. IQ tests for instance only measure a couple of these, and they are distinctly “left brained”; logic, spatial, mathematical. What about musical intelligence? What about Artistic and verbal intelligence? What about intuitive development? None of these are considered seriously in western schools of thought.

All people have the ability to be intelligent in more than one way. Anything you can learn, or an “elite” can learn, I or anyone else can learn, guaranteed.

What you don’t seem to understand is the difference between intelligence and WISDOM. Wisdom is a combination of intuitive and rational faculties developed with effort over time. Genetics has absolutely nothing to do with this and I defy you to show me the proof that it does. For every psychological study you produce to support your theory, I can produce ten that derail it.

39.Dale says:

January 5th, 2010 at 2:09 am
i have enjoyed reading this article.
I am learning about the elite’s plans for us, and the more i learn , the more I hate it.
Stand strong, and just say NO!

40.Pax Verbum says:

January 5th, 2010 at 2:22 am
Be Not Afraid.

Ad Veritas Liberte.

God Bless.

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