Here We Go Again With the Iranian Nuclear Scare

By Eric S. Margolis

March 09, 2009 "Khaleej Times" -- - While the United States was fighting for its economic life, Obama administration officials and the media issued a blizzard of contradictory claims over Iran’s alleged nuclear threat, leaving one wondering who is really charge of US foreign policy?

Much of the uproar over Iran’s so-far non-existent nuclear weapons must be seen as part of efforts by the Israeli lobby to block President Barack Obama’s proposed opening to Teheran, and to keep pressing the US to attack Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.

Israel’s supporters and most Israeli military experts insist Iran has secret weapons programmes. Israel knows about covert nuclear programs, having run one of the world’s largest and most productive.

The hawkish Hillary Clinton’s naming of veteran Israel supporter Dennis Ross as her special adviser on Iran and the Gulf suggest she is more interested in building future domestic political support than securing balanced advice.

Meanwhile, confusion over Iran grew sharply. New CIA director, Leon Panetta, said ‘there is no question, they (Iran) are seeking that (nuclear weapons) capability.’

Pentagon chief Adm. Mike Mullen claimed Iran had ‘enough fissile material to build a bomb.’ Fox News claimed Iran already had 50 nuclear weapons. While the American Rome burns, here we go again with renewed hysteria over MWMD’s - Muslim Weapons of Mass Destruction. Wars drums are again beating over Iran.

The czar of all 16 US intelligence agencies, Adm. Dennis Blair, stated Iran could have enough enriched uranium for one atomic weapon by 2010-2015. But he reaffirmed the 2007 US National Intelligence Estimate that Iran does not have nuclear weapons and is not pursuing them. Defence Secretary William Gates backed up Blair. So does the 
UN nuclear agency. Some of the confusion over Iran comes from misunderstanding nuclear enrichment, and lurid scare stories.

Iran is producing low-grade uranium-235 (LEU), enriched to only 2.5 per cent, to generate electricity. Teheran has this absolute right under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Its centrifuge enrichment process at Natanz is under 24-hour international inspection. Iran’s soon to open nuclear plant at Bushehr cannot produce nuclear weapons fuel. Its spent fuel will be 
returned to Russia.

Today, some 15 nations produce LEU U-235, including Brazil, Argentina, Germany, France, and Japan. Israel, India and Pakistan, all covert nuclear weapons powers, refused to sign the non-proliferation treaty. North Korea abrogated it. UN inspectors report Iran has produced 1,010 kg of 2-3 per cent enriched uranium for energy generation, insists Iran. Theoretically that is enough for one atomic bomb.

But to make a nuclear weapon, U-235 must be enriched to over 90 per cent in an elaborate, costly process. Iran is not doing so, say UN inspectors.

Highly enriched U-235 or plutonium must then be milled and shaped into a perfect ball or cylinder. Any surface imperfections will prevent achieving critical mass. Next, high explosive lenses must surround the core, and detonate at precisely the same millisecond. In the gun system, two cores must collide at very high speed. In some cases, a stream of neutrons are pumped into the device as it explodes.

This process is highly complex. Nuclear weapons cannot be deemed reliable unless they are tested. North Korea recently detonated a device 
that fizzled. Iran has never built or 
tested a nuclear weapon. Israel and South Africa jointly tested a nuclear weapon in 1979.

Even if Iran had the capability to fashion a complex nuclear weapon, it would be useless without delivery. Iran’s sole medium-range delivery system is its unreliable, inaccurate 1,500 km ranged Shahab-3. Miniaturizing and hardening nuclear warheads capable of flying atop a Shahab missile is another complex technological challenge.

It is inconceivable that Iran or anyone else would launch a single nuclear weapon. What if it didn’t go off? Imagine the embarrassment and the retaliation. Iran would need at least ten warheads and a reliable delivery system to be a credible nuclear power.

Israel, the primary target for any Iranian nuclear strike, has an indestructible triad of air, missile and sea-launched nuclear weapons pointed at Iran. An Israeli submarine with 
nuclear cruise missiles is on station off Iran’s coast. Iran would be wiped off the map by even a few of Israel’s 200 
nuclear weapons. Iran is no likelier to use a nuke against its Gulf neighbours. The explosion would blanket Iran with radioactive dust and sand.

Washington would do better to stop worrying about Iran and focus on its economic meltdown.

Eric S Margolis is a veteran US journalist who has reported from the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan for several years

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Comment by Marklar on March 12, 2009 at 11:39am
If DU is so benign I've got some land I can let you have cheap in Hanford Washington Roger. It would make a nice little homestead for you at a reasonable price.
Comment by Jeff on March 12, 2009 at 11:07am
Roger Helbig

See my latest post HERE where Roger Helbig is exposed as a tool of the Illuminati, big government, corporate America and everything else everyone on this site is AGAINST.

Mr. Helbig, you don't belong on this site, slunk away into a dark corner and disappear with your propaganda pal. No one here likes you.
Comment by Jeff on March 12, 2009 at 8:53am
Oh, and no icon! You are terribly busy aren't you?
Comment by Jeff on March 12, 2009 at 8:49am
Hey Roger, you have

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Something tells me you're quite like a ferret, showing up to defend Depleted Uranium wherever it rears it's ugly head. Rather you should go to Iraq and bury your head in a Depleted Uranium filled sand dune. It would benefit society to a far higher degree. Be a man little guy.
Comment by Jeff on March 12, 2009 at 8:45am
Roger, you're a crazed Nazi psychopath. That's enough to explain your agenda as well as your scientific knowledge. Time did a lengthy expose of soldiers affected by DU with pictures of American children, several, born with birth defects typical to DU exposure. Deformed left ears, no legs, no arms, etc. Children born here in the US. Just like Agent Orange and Gulf War Syndrome, the effects of DU will be denied until those capable of filing suit for compensation have died and are gone. You can present all of the evidence you'd like to against Rokke, and even disparage Leuren Moret. Oh, there's also Staff Sergeant Dennis Kyne, Dr, Jenan Hassan, Asaf Durakoviæ writing in the Croatian Medical Journal, and Felicity Arbuthnot, who you have personally attacked in 2006/2007.

You are a well known internet mugger and global supporter of DU and are little more than a common criminal. I question your appearance on this website.

You appear here not because you have opinions similar to those of us who have joined in solidarity against forces we abhor, but to disparage those of us that speak uncomfortable truths. You are a soldier Roger, but you've chosen the losing side. No one, and that means precisely what it says, NO ONE will believe a word you say. Your reputation for lies precedes you and you can be too easily Googled. It's time to change your name.

From the United Nations:
DU/RU dusts are a mixture of oxides of differing solubility, such that, if retained in the lung, partial dissolution occurs over the time scale of about a month. As DU has been shown to be capable of transforming human cells to a tumourigenic phenotype without the involvement of radiation, such particles present a unique radiological/chemical toxic hazard. The bystander effect may be of relevance where an alpha-particle emitter of low specific activity is distributed over the lung.

That's cellular alterations at an atomic level Roger.

Your a flippin' idiot Roger.
Comment by Roger Helbig on March 12, 2009 at 7:22am

What facts do you have to support your "DU is dangerous to the troops" comments - the people that don't care are the liars who have been feeding you all the misinformation and knowingly continuing the propaganda campaign begun by Saddam Hussein. The leadership has very little interest because the DU kinetic energy penetrator is nearing obsolescence as new and better types of armor plate are developed and because there has probably not been a DU shot fired anywhere since April 2003. The anti-DU crusaders, though, continue to trot out their photos of birth defects that have nothing to do with DU. These include hydrocephalus patients being treated and Harlequin Fetal Syndrome (Harlequin Ichthyosis) and even a couple of photos that appear to be of specimens in a jar at a Russian Czarist era museum. Go to to learn more about this intentional deception.
Comment by Roger Helbig on March 12, 2009 at 6:39am
Jeff -

Provide actual citations to the "volumes of claimed scientific evidence" - verify that these represent actual scientific research and not anti-DU crusaders pretending to be researchers and show that Time Magazine really had a link to DU in this article if there was such an article. Don't just throw out platitudes, provide some facts to back them up.
Comment by Roger Helbig on March 12, 2009 at 6:35am
You seem to think that scientist equals government - I presume you never took even a high school science class - that's sad. Your kids, if you have any, play with Uranium 238 (what Depleted Uranium actually is) every day - you eat, breathe and drink it in every day as well - one of the prominent anti-DU con artists, Dr Asaf Durakovic went on CNN and claimed that one of atom of DU could be fatal - he also made false claim about US being worried about Japan using DU in their balloon bombs when DU was not something that anyone was concerned about in 1944 or 45 (and DU munitions did not come into being until the 1970s) - Durakovic conveniently ignored or just was ignorant of the fact that every human being has several hundred thousand uranium atoms in their body at any given time. You just seem to be parroting the know nothing activists. Do you have a single fact to add to the discussion?
Comment by illuminated-dj on March 12, 2009 at 6:26am
if something is safe youd let you kids play away in it,so you said you would not like your kids playing within 50 meters of it,cant be safe then.the fluoride and apspartme in our water/food etc. is also safe,the government said so,so it must be.
Comment by Roger Helbig on March 12, 2009 at 4:42am
I thought I was leaving this here, but apparently it is on Vincent's own page - the same answer applies equally to illuminati-dj and pmartin28 - both of whom have accepted a steady diet of lies about depleted uranium that began with Saddam Hussein wanting out from under UN Sanctions in 1992 -
Vincent, you have been led by the primrose path. Douglas Lind Rokke is pretty close to a total fraud. He did serve as a First Lieutenant in the Gulf War and afterwards. He did serve with a group of mainly civilian specialists from Rock Island Arsenal and was the junior member of that group which included two active Army Captains senior to Rokke. He was the only officer left behind after the two Captains and civilians went home. As a result, he was temporarily made a Theater Health Physicist. If you review his records, as I have, you will note that he did not continue to serve as a Health Physicist after he returned to the States in July 1991. His release from active duty on July 1, 1991 is significant because Rokke has falsely claimed to have personal knowledge of the fire and explosions at Camp Doha, Kuwait and and the resulting cleanup effort there. Rokke was released at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin ten (10) days before this happened and Rokke never returned to Southwest Asia. Rokke also did serve as a Captain on a one-year, later extended by three months to 15 months, active duty tour at Fort McClellan, Alabama and had some responsibility for the development of training about depleted uranium. His principal job according to Col Ed Battle, USAF, his superior, was to be the contract liaison with a contractor that was preparing these training materials. Rokke also advised on an article about DU safety that was published in the Armor Magazine in 1995. That article is not something that Rokke talks about today because it thoroughly disputes Rokke's claims about sickness and death due to DU exposure and in particular Rokke's claim that the Army standard gas mask will not protect the soldier. In the Armor Magazine article that references Captain Rokke in the footnotes, is the following quote "Mechanics coveralls, BDUs, leather gloves, and BDOs won’t allow the alpha particles from DU to penetrate the skin. Protective masks should be worn for respiratory protection, or if only working around the equipment for a few minutes, a cravat (bandanna) over the mouth and nose or a dust mask will protect for short exposures.
If anyone is injured while working around DU equipment or wreckage, rinse out any cuts with water as soon as possible in addition to normal medical care and use a radiac meter to confirm any suspected DU contamination for appropriate additional medical treatment" I further commented after reading this that "This is from the man who claims to have been poisoned by DU and that the Army protective mask does not protect. The article matches what he he himself did when he treated soldiers who had been cut removing ammunition from a burning tank in Iraq in April 1991. (no, this was not during the war; this tank was being towed home when it caught fire – the war had been over for more than a month)". I have personally been researching Rokke since he smeared me in 2004. I FOIAed his Army Records in 2005 and began posting them to the internet. A number of his records have been posted to the Files Section of the Yahoo Groups DUStory, DU as well TheVeteran2. A guest user name and password have been established in DUStory so that anyone can read these records along with those on Leuren K Moret, Asaf Durakovic and others who have been lying to the American veteran, their families and the public at large all over the world. I certainly recommend that you read these documents. The only ones telling the lies are people who personally profit from them. Rokke goes around talking to veterans and at 9/11 Truth groups; Moret goes for the 9/11 groups because they pay better and Durakovic claims to test veterans for DU contamination when he probably reports naturally occuring uranium (Yes, Virginia, there is uranium in every single human being on Earth and has been since we evolved from other primates far back in pre-history. No, Virginia, that uranium did not come from nuclear testing or DU being fired at tanks in the Gulf War, Balkans or Iraq in 2003, but from the natural weathering of uranium mineral bearing rocks to sands and soils. It is even in the water that you drink and air that you breathe and it has always been there; there is not very much of it, but the results that Durakovic reports in quadrillionths of a gram are consistent with the natural uranium content of 1000 year old Antarctic ice that was tested by scientists a few years ago). To learn more about the actual science and not the hype that began with Saddam Hussein's wanting out from under the UN Sanctions in 1992, go to or to Message 88 that has links to a number of solid international scientific reports (Message 87 has an index of the Files Section and the guest user name and password) - you can also write me at - I will write back and enclose attachments. I can not enclose attachments here and not everything that I have is readily available just by clicking on a URL.


Illuminati - There is no such thing as a "depleted uranium shell" - a shell is a casing that contains high explosive - hence it goes "off" - depleted uranium penetrators are long thin metal rods and they do not explode. Their intense heat (what happens when a fast moving dense object comes to an abrupt stop for a nano-second or so) generally has caused the ammunition in the target tank to explode and has blown off the turret. Would I let my kids crawl around in a turret, of course not, would I want them eating dust within 50 meters of the target tank, no, but would I be afraid if they ate dust within 5 miles, no, not at all. Any scientist with no political axe to grind will tell you the same thing. The people that tell you differently are not scientists and are just repeating hearsay or mining the rubber chicken circuit around the world because pretending to be an expert is a great way to see the world on other poor suckers dollars.

pmartin28 - Your cousin most likely does not have anything linked to depleted uranium. Most of the claims are bogus. The NY National Guardsmen were tested by Durakovic and given their test results in "fentograms" according to the NY Daily News that paid for the testing. A "femtogram" or quadrillionth of a gram just happens to also be the unit of measurement commonly used with natural uranium levels. I will bet that anyone who claims to be back from Iraq and goes to Durakovic will test positive for DU because I have the strongest feeling and Durakovic never has disputed it that Durakovic reports natural uranium levels and calls them DU contamination because the soldier does not know the difference. Far as your lie, lie, lie, rant - remember, the IAEA told George Bush that Iraq did not have a viable nuclear weapons development program. Now, were they lying then? What about with their reports on Iran? Now, if they lie on their testing of depleted uranium residues in the Kuwaiti desert, why would they tell the truth otherwise? Their Kuwait report is at

Radiological Conditions in Areas of Kuwait With Residues of Depleted Uranium - this Includes Appendix III - Experiments to Examine Resuspension

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