My friends Dr. Paul Marco & his wife Mindy have outdone themselves with this well researched and jam packed program, full of truthful information about what is really happening to Our minds, Our Children and Our World. Once you see the circus Californians are being put through in terms of property rights, which are actually "wrongs" and connect the dots, you'll see that "Agenda 21;/20/30, or whatever else the controllers want to call it, is genocide. Look at what they've done already in terms of causing the drought, and if you don't believe me, just watch the full program and you can see for yourself.
Once you've heard the good news at the end, think about Self Ownership and Honorable Defense. Gerald Celente also has plans for Peace and said something that resonated with me. "Fight For Peace or Die in War".
It is coming, but it doesn't have to go the way the controllers want it too. Wake Up, share information, talk to your family. Then consider the ideas you'll find at United We Strike, where the marathon took place earlier today and is streaming now.
How does the predatory control system use their minions (read mind control slaves) in Hollywood to further the newly initiated Agenda 2030? How does Hollywood use fear and guilt to manipulate the population into acting in a way that is absolutely not in their best interest? Find out the mind con the trol tricks that are currently being employed by the satanic control system to make mankind the enemy of the planet and the planet (currently being destroyed by the control system) the victim of humanity. This week we take a closer look at the enslavement process called Agenda 21/2030. Also this week WBB delves deeply into the sham that is the California drought and the possible migration from that state that the system has in mind for all of its residents. We look at the real causes of the drought conditions in California along with secret information that should put an end to the illusion of lack of water in our most precious of American farming territory. For cheap thrills visit
InfoWars reporter Jamie White was “brutally murdered” near his Austin, Texas, home on Sunday night, according to the outlet.Alex Jones, the founder of InfoWa...
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