How Did you get Informationally Lobotomized?

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Perhaps for most of your life you have watched TV or listened to the radio hearing news with a hidden agenda and that was to intentionally misinform you. To get you insulated from the truth and replace that with false narratives. We have too many Americans who come home and pop a beer, make dinner, and put on the news channels if not some pointless or brainless show like “America Got Talent All Stars” or the “Survivor” series with nothing but useless information and  empty entertainment for empty heads, but that’s what they want isn’t it? Who are they? The Democrats, the globalists, the Democrat donors, the rebels who hate America, and, of course, our enemies who have invested in the 6 major broadcast corporations who own 90% of the news, social platforms, and programming that lobotomizes the apathetic audience.


How did we as a nation ever accept the kind of insanity going on now? Open borders, the illegal and unconstitutional persecution of a former president simply to keep him from running for office again in the aftermath of a stolen election, election interference, social engineering so you can get little Johnny medically transformed into little Jane because you always wanted a daughter? Get rid of those babies at a clinic that harvests those organs for stem cell and satanic rituals for the Democrats and Hollywood? Having a federal government so big and corrupt that it burdens the taxpayer with stifling taxes, an unwanted fraternity of overpaid federal employees, and police agencies that will not break your door down because you’ve been deemed a domestic terrorist threat for supporting Donald Trump for another term? All while you played video games, went to your sports bar for beer and chicken wings to watch your favorite sport, or listened to the adoration of those incredible celebrities and athletes who hate America and became multi-millionaires doing it.

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Look at yourself!

You’re informationally lobotomized just admit it! You think the Democrats are actually preserving Democracy in America. You think that blacks, Hispanics, and Asian are never racist since you’re a self-hating liberal neo-socialist who thrives on false narratives that can’t withstand the light of day, but still you cling to the absurd lies that have helped undermine American society because you’ve heard the rhetoric since you were a child in the public classroom, you’ve heard the lies purveyed from the supposedly busy newsrooms on the mainstream media TV channels, and you’ve been serenaded by the paid liars for the programs telling you that higher taxes are necessary, that you’re a domestic terrorist if you support Donald Trump, and that billions spent on the war between Ukraine and Russia is essential to NATO security! You have been passively programmed to believe in the very things that are destroying a once great Constitutional Republic. You’re even being told by people like Barack Obama that America is not “One Nation Under God!”

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A glance in the mirror

How does it feel to be a dumbed down puppy? A peasant that lives in fear or in the shadow of a tyrannical government prepared to squash you like a bug if you get out of line? Out of line, you mean thinking your own independent thoughts that don’t intersect with Democrat lies or the curtain cast upon the truth they don’t want you to know about? You thought only the Soviets lived this way, only North Korea does this to its people, that Cuba is the only oppressor, or that it was simply China that would be guilty of such oppression, or maybe Iran torturing women who dare to show their legs in public in a dress.

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You fell for the illusion

Guess again kids! It all happened on your watch with your low information voting, refusing to see the crooks who stand in front of the camera for who they are promoting more regulation, more invasion of your privacy, more police state pressure to comply, the Pelosi’s, the Schumer’s, the Kamal Harris’s, the Joe Biden’s, the Hillary Clinton’s, the Barack Obama’s of the world who will tell you to love the sword that shreds your liberty because they think you’re stupid enough to fall for their charisma. Because you are! Most politicians are not elected for their Congressional voting record or the validity of their policies, it’s their charm, the way the camera makes them appear, their seductive performances on the TV. Remember as you flitter through life grazing on the pastures of bliss that the slaughter house is gradually coming closer.

low-information-voter-thoughts | We are the drain the swamp people



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