How Do You Defeat The US Militarily? The Plan is Already Afoot

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One might think that with all the new weaponry that US defense contractors are devising for the American military such as high powered lasers for naval ship defense or aerial offense, Mach 6 jet fighter aircraft, and the US new hyper sonic missile that America is undefeatable. But, as Abraham Lincoln once stated America would never be defeated by a foreign invading army but by treason from within. The prediction is coming true as of the present.

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Billions more to Ukraine

With the constant drain on US stockpiles of ammunition sent to the Ukraine along with billions of dollars that are not being accounted for, once that money enters Ukraine, the drain on the cost of living for the average citizen of the US is immense. Lobbyists for those profiting on the military hardware and support for the Ukrainian war effort will not allow the opportunity for profiteering to get away from them. When Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House, signed the Continuing Resolution to avoid a government shutdown it wasn’t without billions more for Ukraine. This is why Matt Gaetz filed a motion to vacate the seat of the Speaker of the House.  But, if McCarthy can get 5 Democratic votes to keep him from getting a Senate majority in the house vote against him, he will be owned by the Democrats and then will subvert any chance the GOP has of turning the tables and stopping more deficit spending as well as a chance of prosecuting the Bidens for their crimes!

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Intentional weakening of our forces

During the Covid plannedemic President Biden continued the vaccine mandate that forced 7500 servicemen to resign rather than get the shot and the same thing happened in the US Navy to a comparable number of officers and sailors draining both branches of the military service of vitally seasoned men and women needed in the event of a major conflict. Enlistment is sorely lagging behind so this means that more members of the service are in retirement than are being replaced by new recruits. This could be catastrophic for America who has less infantry on the ground than the Communist Chinese, Iran, North Korea and Russia put together. One the technical superiority of the US stands between being at a total disadvantage to our enemies. Unfortunately, either by cyber-attacks or treasonous acts by US personnel from within which has been a serious problem, our technical advancement is being bought off by those who wish to hurt us.

Image result for Colony Ride in Texas full of illegal aliens

Colony Ridge

With the revelation that more than 60 thousand acres have been set aside in Texas near Houston for the colonization of large numbers of illegal aliens and that this area is being used by the major Mexican drug cartels as a base of operations, why isn’t this property being broken up and apprehended by the authorities? With new information on at least three gigantic migrant camps being supplied by the US Army in Panama, word is they are about to be transported. To guess where?

Image result for Chinese General builds wind farm in south central Texas

A foreign air base in Texas?

What about the acquisition of land in south central Texas by a former Communist Chinese general for a supposed wind farm that is not even in the compatible latitude for wind turbines so that there will have to be built at twice the height of normal masts. This facility consisting of a huge runway that can accommodate bombers, jet aircraft, and even space re-entry vehicles is tied to the Texas electrical grid. What could go wrong, right? Located near a US military base so they can tap into military communications? Why not? Why are Texas authorities not looking into this move?

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An outnumbered lion

Tom Clancy, in his military fictional novels was highly visionary and such a realistic storyteller being well educated in weapon systems that several of his books became movies such as “Clear and present Danger” and “Hunt for Red October”.  But, in one particular story Clancy compares the US to a lion. No animal will dare take a lion head on, but if several hyenas can attack from several different angles the lion will for forced to run with its attackers nipping at the lion’s balls. The analogy could be applied to the US responding to an invasion of Taiwan, North Korean attacks on South Korea, and Iran creating problems in the Middle East, and Russia’s escalation of war with Ukraine. The lion faces too many opponents, and with the timidity and incompetence of the Biden Administration, our enemies see opportunities that didn’t exist under Trump.

Image result for General Milley hugging his Communist Chinese countrparts

Compromised from within

With General Milley in the Pentagon allowing CRT, To be distributed among our troops, who admitted on TV that had the Trump White House declared war on Communist China, he would have warned his buddies, his counterparts, the Communist Chinese generals?  With the “Rainbow parades” and homosexual marriage now allowed in the armed services the decline in morale is more than plausible. Accounts of alcohol and drug fueled orgies on US Naval vessels one can see a discipline problem within the ranks of those who are supposed to protect America and its civilian population, but how does this behavior mitigate into an effective fighting force?

The unacknowledged invasion

There are already at least 7.6 million illegal aliens in the US now thanks to the Biden open borders policy, and contrary to the media manufactured image of the typical illegal alien being helpless women and children the vast majority of male illegal immigrants are enlistment aged men who have no allegiance to the United States. Now, we have US troops deployed in Ecuador? Is there any relief from the drainage of US resources? As Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society predicted, America would be drained of its power forced into the role of global policeman and taxation upon the US public would weaken the society. Is this not what is happening now?

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman Leader once said, “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.”

Will this end up being the legacy of America?

Image result for America betryed from within


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