How To Moderate Chat Rooms Successful.

How To Moderate Chat Rooms Successful.

This guide is to teach you the most effective way to be a chat room moderator and separates you from being a chatter with the power to silence people and convert you into a Popular person with out saying

The aim of a moderate is not to control the room but to guide it and keep chat flowing. Ideally most of the time is just sitting back and monitoring the conversation and throwing in wisdom and humor for the chatters to ponder on and comment on. Your Aim is to encourage and give new chatter the confidence to return and express there views and above all it is your responsibility to keep the room friendly and weed out trouble makers.

Banning People.

There will come a time when you have to ban individuals weather it is friends or hated enemies. You Do it for the good of the room. After you ban some one then you do not mention the ban or the individual again within the room as it is just throwing fuel on the fire they started. Banned Individuals should be contacted in another room as to explain why you did it but only if you feel the need to as after all some one that acts like an Idiot does not need an explanation "your an Idiot" but if they did some thing out of order like slagging some off when the slagged was right to have done what ever does not justify a slagging so the banning was to keep the peace.. Free speech is Free if it kept in order and not out to cause a fight. You can debate any thing under the sun but when it is a verbal fight then it is not good for the room.

3 Rule guide.

3 rules should be observed to give the impression that you are omnipotent..Be Godly.. Respect others at all times even when they give you grief and just silently ban them with nothing more said as to the other chatters in the room they have just fell from the face of the earth..

So what appears in chat

IdiotUser: "you MoFo!!!!"
you have just banned IdiotUser
YouAsModerator: "Thank you for your opinion"

1). Be first to greet people :- If possible with in a minute of first appearance of the user in the chat, as people have a short attention span.

2). Recognize a distress call in chat :- If some one is down/depressed it is your duty as a moderator to up lift them as a chatter is looking for some support so offer some form of solution or inspiration to build up there spirits regardless of how down you are.

3). Helpful & patient at all times :- Even if you know nothing on a subject Google is your friend and can make you look like a genius, do not assume chatters to know anything and you must start at the beginning.

Trolls - Do Not Feed them.

With the previous rules in mind the rest is basically about how to conduct situations as there are lots of different situations and I will cover them most common ones.

There are times when innocent people are mistaken for trolls because they come into the chat or forums seeking help and talk about disturbing situations regarding such things as family, relationships, or addictions. New chatters who are not accustom to chat etiquette can be mistaken for trolls. Once they learn our "chatiquette," they become assets to the online community.

Trolls love the domino effect. They will post a small offensive post, and the members of the chat community will grab it and run with it until the whole room is out of control. Meanwhile the troll is sitting behind the screen laughing his butt off, watching the community make fools of themselves. Trolls may also post negative remarks towards a race, gender or sexual preferences just for the pleasure of causing a ruckus.

A few signs a poster is a troll
~The spout off as if their ideas/opinions are facts.
~They seem to know exactly what to say to offend the largest number.
~They often don't post anything about themselves.
~The BIGGEST sign a person is a troll is their lack of ability to answer questions.

Cyber Sex Troll..

A/S/L.. Give them the humorous response like "Old enough/often/any were".. and then follow up with "This room is not asking for A/S/L behavior please do not do it." Having given the warning then ban them if they do not comply. Some chat rooms have an A/S/L on entry policy and if they do not have any other experience of normal chat rooms then we have to assume they just do not know it is not these room policies.

Attention seeking Troll (Geo)..

These types of trolls love to take over a chat with anger and profanity. They love when the other chatters feed into their games. Trolls will also break the chat room rules just to see if any action will be taken or just how far they can push the rules. Once identified Ban on site but do not ever mention there name again as they get the desired effect to act like ripple effect.

Boredom Troll..

For example, a bored teenager may begin talking about gross or sexually explicit things just to get a reaction from older chatters. Advise them that they are wasting there time as we are not amused ban them if they persist.

Time Killer Troll..

Wasting time is also something trolls do in chats and they do it with little effort. Try to engage them in some topical issue and if they fail to respond on it just leave them be and they will either get bored and wander off or try a new tactic which generally results in banning them.

Do's & Dont's.

Do Not's.

Do Not talk about chatters publicly even thou there not in room as the room has eyes.

Do Not be negative of the room or site affiliated to it as you should be supportive to make other chatter feel ther not wasting time.

Do Not give out details of yourself that you do not want every one to know about.

Do Not make or create an argument, if you see an argument occurring ask the offender a direct question that throws them off balance and off there topic of focus.

Do Not ask questions on a personal nature, they will tell you with out asking but memorise it so you do not need to keep wondering.


Do be supportive & sympathetic regardless of your stance unless it is totally Pro NWO.

Do be helpful if you can. Remember Google is your friend.

Do greet people and in the process of saying "Hi" you can asess there ability to communicate.

Do have patience with people as not all are good spellers and express there selves in text well and English is not every ones first language.

Moderator Team work.

There are 3 roles that moderators do in team.

1.) Greeter. welcomes people and is helpful.

2.) Chatter. Engages in conversation & directs it the theme of the room or topic of the day.

3.) Policeman. Uses an authoritative tone to put down unruly chatters.

when a room is very busy it helps that the moderators know which role they are playing for the day or stick that role if they are better at it than any of the other roles. What ever role your good at stick to it as it confuses regular chatters is one minute you sweet and the next you bad ass and they will tend to think of you as schizodilla.

Currently whist the rooms are not so popular this team work is not important but when the room have 20 + visitor at any one time it will become necessary to have eyes on it at all times.

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