I am just a man, who cares enough to try and help by sharing what is at hand. Just by chance I found this site in the tracking of, “The One” he was at one time a member here, as well as many other sites. Its really ironic, while he tracked my son to England and found me, I was tracking him to protect my son.
There is a war about to take place, it can be on the net, or what so many are calling for.
Internet Wars is by hope, what will / could take place, because another World War, will not be so lacking in insidious weapons.
Images for insidious weapons
The Network, is now being seen and supported, not by funds, but by a Freedom of Choice, their internet wars against issues, has destroyed so many sites, that it is noted as a part of history. You as a independent thinker, also a truth seeker is a way to be noted. This sites owner seeks recognition, of a opt.
My best to all from us here in England, to the Freedom Fighters, Truth Seekers, in America. The internet war is now in effect against foundation that hold no moral resolve.
Anonymous Internet Wars: Illuminati : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axl5nbqqjek - The attack against man's faith in God by a Illuminati Web Site, for the use of God,Demons,Anonymous,Wars sex and drugs. This video is Rated (R). For Mature Audiences, Parental Guidance Suggested.
identified site of the Illuminati Supporter is being tracked, data opt/enabled.
Aka Anonymous
They are indeed, so it would seem. My foundation is simply Me and the ideas I offer. Any who help share awareness have chosen of Their own accord and means. I have a few options to donate to keeping Me from homelessness, but I focus on sharing the ideas.
time will be a issue, but this time has past for you it would seem, The Network is checking into you as well as your foundation.
More interested in getting My work out there... But even the vids help! Thank You.
resistance is all ready at hand, and as for your videos, i will ask them to help.
As for expecting change out of any given One... I do not. I am here to get People talking about My ideas. If global discussion gets going, My job is done. All I want is for People to contemplate and share. I expect positive change if enough of Us are discussing what I offer. I figure better than even I bring could emerge. Awesome that if so!
The ideas need to hit the tipping point in Our general awareness. I expect resistance. LOL!
Well, My goal was to give All equal voice. Not sure what vid I have "rights" to that needs permission on... I have two on My YT channel which I openly state are given to be shared. Do You want to rework what I have? Or...?
I did direct the team to your page, before we can do a forum, the use of a video must be granted,embedding codes, are simple, but re-edited material in support.
look my friend, we all have issue we wish to be seen, but to be able to place what you wish on the net, is something I can not do, but he can, through a 10x10 interface program.
you stated- I say We withdraw consent and create better, that the problem, that some do not see, is to allow all the voices to be as one, and respect the creativity therein.
We must innovate, respect the different cultures and understand that even country, rock and roll, and hip hop has become a very powerful tool in getting the message out.
Formatting it within a movie platform with political music, well my friend welcome to a new dawn of internet warriors, and the messages are being seen.
I would not change the way you create, but i would innovate, to allow it to be known, and i would never try to get over 1200 members to change.
50 states 12 membes
each town will have soon 12 members and here in England there is just 37 in our forum.
Interesting vid. A presentation about the power (afforded by money) and plans of the psychopaths on this planet. I say We withdraw consent and create better. That is what My blog is about. That is what My forum is about. I have no fear. I will do what I do - sharing awareness of a way We can put these sad Beings out of control on this planet and instil Ethics as Our guiding principle.
For this will serve the principles of "America" - those principles of Individual freedom, pursuit of happiness (with the supplies, tools and materials We need to make that pursuit), the ability to fairly solve problems, allow compassion (a prime indicator of Humanity) to flow and not be traumatized out of Us.
Rather than "fight for Our country" (the idea of which is to provide divide so as to maintain control (conquest)), maybe We should focus on solutions to the global problem of psychopaths having effectively all the money and power on this gem We call home. They fabricate virtually all the "news" We are seeing, They spray nanoparticulates of aluminum, strontium, barium, blood cells, and who knows what other experimental crap. They push nuclear all the while having clean access to the power in the plenum, the aether energy. We now have radiation bombs built on fault lines...
We have gene drift from GMO, a horror in itself, and copious quantities of RoundUp and its ilk, being sprayed.
I am sure most of Us could add to this list of evidence of psychopathy here on this planet. Most of Us, the planet around want what We are taught is the true meaning of "America." What We are told "We" are spreading in the countries They are subjugating.
If We share awareness that We have the option to co-create much better on this planet, when enough of Us have decided that is where it will go, We will go there.
My blog here http://12160.info/profiles/blog/list?user=140qdp6r9v238
And I enter in again the link to My forum:
T.A.P. - You're It!
On Twitter @AmaterasuSolar
"Revolution in ideas, not blood."
"Did You give an oath and find it's bait and switch? Well, there is no oath then, is there?"
"ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap - THEY will do ANYTHING to get there."
"The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows..."
"If the universe is made of mostly "dark" energy...can We use it to run Our cars?"
"If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."
My prayers and hopes is there.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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