By:  Adam Moore  AlienAdam Reporter 6-17-2012

Here’s a mind blowing conspiracy for you.  Illuminati alien reptiles that control the earth.  Sounds crazy right, well some pretty credible people have stepped forward to defend these alligations including Christine Fitzgerald long time friend of princess Diana, who claims the princess told her “the entire royal family is made up of these shape shifting reptile aliens.”

There’s also BBC Reporter David Icke, who details how this is all possible and why it may not be so crazy, you can find the article here

I understand this is hard one to wrap your head around. I’ve included a great video that explains the whole thing and how it ties into the Illuminati.  I’ve also included a list of creatures through out history who are part human part reptile.

  • Moura Encantada from Portuguese and Galician folklore appears as a snake with long blonde hair.
  • The Gorgons: Sisters in Greek mythology who had serpents for hair.
  • The Lamia: a child-devouring female demon from Greek mythology depicted as half woman, half serpent.
  • Nüwa: serpentine founding figure from Chinese mythology
  • Wadjet pre-dynastic snake goddess of Lower Egypt – sometimes depicted as half snake, half woman
  • The White Snake: a figure from Chinese folklore
