Image result for Rod Serling


Imagine, of you will, an organization that confiscates your money under the aegis of taxes that violates its original constitutional contract with its people with no accounting for where and how that money will be spent. Imagine, if you will being fined and possibly jailed for asking for clarification or even lawfully resisting a collection agency’s authority to collect such (taxes). Imagine, if you will, that country being taken over through the banking system, when after more than 75 years America had no central bank and flourished, yet was reassured time and time again that it would need to have a central bank for a unified and stable system.

Image result for Rod Serling

Imagine the very government claiming to be for we people, by the people, and of the people about to crush the US dollar through never ending deficit spending regardless of the lawlessness that is involved. Imagine, if you will, the hard earned tax dollars confiscated by that rogue and ruthless agency, the IRS, harassing US citizens to finance illegal aliens by the millions for food, shelter, medicine, and more while our military veterans go homeless or without adequate health care as tent cities cover the major downtown streets of our greatest cities. Would you not be asking just what the hell is going on? Who the hell stole my government and mu country?

Image result for Rod Serling

Imagine, if you will, an entire economy operating on an illegal premise while participating in a conspiratorial fashion allowing political affiliations to be held unaccountable for violations that would land a normal citizen in jail for years? News media that lies for the sake of the corrupt political realm, the vicious circle is completed for the sake of those hidden from the public pulling the strings like puppet masters until the profits have been delivered at the expense of the people. Like a snake consuming its own tail and eating itself government, industry, and media have left the public in the dark as their land of milk and honey is being drained dry and you will be along with it.

Image result for Rod Serling

Imagine, if you will, huge camps of enlistment aged illegal immigrants kept supplied with US dollars by the US Army lying in wait for some order to invade the US border, creating havoc, and unrest while the military forces of the federal government are being focused on battles outside the US border leaving the streets unguarded as the rioters flood the cities. While the “Deer in the headlights” look on their faces, trying to lame someone else to blame, all those who sat on the fence or knew what was going to happen.

Image result for Rod Serling

Imagine if you will, a entire great nation plunged intentionally into domestic violence, social unrest, ideologically induced treason of its own people all for the bidding of the globalists, Communists, and leftist Americans who hate their own country for insane reasons. You now have the trajectory and course of America unless Donald Trump is re-elected and he can amass an administration powerful enough to stop the planned destruction happen.

Image result for Donld J. Trump

Submitted for your edification.



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