(Natural News) Many people don’t realize it, but the so-called humanitarian organization UNICEF (an arm of the World Health Organization) does not exist for the purpose of helping to save the poor and disadvantaged of our planet from poverty and plight. As evidenced with its “The Eliminate Project,” UNICEF is actually working covertly to eliminate the poor (mostly blacks) with vaccines and other harmful “medicine” that exist under the guise of humanitarian aid.
The Eliminate Project was first started back in 2010 with the help of Kiwanis International (another fake humanitarian aid group) with the stated purpose of helping to “eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) worldwide.” The stated goal of the project is to “put an end to this cruel, centuries-old disease” by administering tetanus vaccines to those who don’t have access to them – the implication being that these vaccines are a cure-all for tetanus.
It all sounds nice on the surface. But as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, explains in a one-hour video science lecture he recently published to YouTube and Vimeo, this UNICEF/Kiwanis joint effort to “eliminate tetanus” is all just a ruse to inject poor black people with sterilizing chemicals that prevent them from giving birth.
“There is a concerted effort to exterminate blacks in the name of ‘science’ and ‘medicine,'” Adams warns in his video, also revealing other methods of black extermination that include poisoning of the food and water supplies, medical experimentation, phony medical treatments, abortion, and so much more – nearly all of which is couched in terms of promoting “progress” and societal betterment.
The Eliminate Project also gives the UN and other globalist groups an IN to colonize poor, black areas of the world
What’s particularly interesting about UNICEF’s The Eliminate Project is that it doesn’t beat around the bush concerning its true intent (if you know how to read between the lines, of course). Helping poor black people overcome the plight of tetanus isn’t primarily what it’s for, in other words. Consider the following, which is taken directly from UNICEF’s website:
“This historic initiative, called The Eliminate Project, will protect the lives of babies and mothers all over the globe and aims to help put an end to this cruel, centuries-old disease. It will also help pave the way for the delivery of other lifesaving services, such as clean water, nutrition and other vaccines.”
Notice that, in the bigger picture, UNICEF wants to “pave the way” for entry into poor, African countries, where it can then gain full control over the water and food supplies, as well as “medicine” in the form of vaccines. In other words, UNICEF is using The Eliminate Project as a type of Trojan Horse to trick poor African people into accepting a handout, only to turn right around and seize control of these African countries.
The GAVI Vaccine Alliance project (also from the World Health Organization) has been pushing other vaccines throughout Africa for similar nefarious purposes. Back in February, GAVI published an article in a local Rwandan newspaper pushing the HPV vaccine for human papillomavirus. This same article also shilled for genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and other forms of biotechnology that would allow corporations like Monsanto to gain control over Rwanda’s food supply.
“The real racism in America (and in many other parts of the world) is not simply carried out by a small number of people in white pointy hats,” warns Adams about this evil agenda. “The real, deep racism is carried out by men in lab coats who are systematically pursuing an agenda to exterminate blacks through food, water, medicine, biological weapons and more.”
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