Iowa GOP moving vote-count to 'undisclosed location': to prevent a Ron Paul victory.

Threats to disrupt the Iowa Republican caucuses next week have prompted state GOP officials to move the vote tabulation to an "undisclosed location," POLITICO has learned. 

The state party has not yet told the campaigns exactly where the returns will be added up, only that it will be off-site from the Iowa GOP's Des Moines headquarters.  The 2008 caucus results were tabulated at the state party offices, which sit just a few blocks from the state capitol.

Activist groups including the Occupy movement have indicated that they'll attempt to interrupt rallies in the closing days before next Tuesday's caucuses. MORE

(TLS)- None of the counting is done by networked PC's they ARE DONE BY HAND AND CALCULATOR!! Totally a good reason to move the vote count to a secret location to avoid internet hackers...WTF?! do they think we are small children that they can just fool? Looks like they are planning to steal the vote guys.

Joseph Stalin said "He who votes decides nothing; he who counts the votes decides everything." How true.

Ron Paul Says Watch The Vote

Watch the Vote 2012 - Iowa Caucus

We need people at the 1000+ sites with cameras documenting everything. It would be good to hear the campaign has an office of people on Caucasus night working on this with lawyers ready.

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Comment by Cryptocurrency on January 3, 2012 at 3:14am

Comment by apeman2502 on January 1, 2012 at 8:55pm

  Ican't believe what I just heard. Somebody is giving up their voting rights to a bunch of crooked sissies in Iowa just like Carry conceded in Ohio before the  2004 election recount(which later determined he WAS the victior). Kill your TV sets before this chicken manure disease infects you.

Comment by apeman2502 on January 1, 2012 at 8:40pm

 Hang in there Pamela. Any good thing created or practiced is done well with devotion and integrity. Towns like Seattle feature so many of these ideas taken to fruition. The swine who move into the neighborhood to exploit this quality using filthy lucre to purchase it are the maggots in power that we see today. In Hawai'i where I now reside , i was so disappointed to find the entire police department dealing cocaine at the hotels. The locals were afraid of them and did not know who to tell because they know the FBI killed JFK and the FBI sets up the terror events and the Drug Enforcement Agency has been the armed guard for the Bush cabal drug trade. It still is.

  My grandfather was a minister who warned me to NEVER use the blood of Christ to go around  being a bad guy. Likewise, my religious training convinced me that Jesus lives to give us the strength to do right at serious risk. The devil was put on earth to rule, but not successfully. False priests do not turn the page to get the whole idea as God put it down. That's those people sitting on their butts that have been convinced through deceit that the Lord will return to do their work for justice, peace and a good life. The church does say that will happen because they get a cut of the action. A real teacher of Jesus' words and deeds would not wait for the Lord to show, but would clean house in expectation of His return.The Lord's prayer states, "Our Lord, who art EVERYWHERE... He has already returned, but the lying priests steal courage through their false acts, designed to bewilder and confuse, and keep secret the depravities of current leaders and themselves, for a cut of the action. God's graces come from doing His work. Hands that help are holier than lips that preach.

   Your TV-set is programmed by an entity loyal to the false church of England and not the United States. These controllers are The Council on Foreign Relations, and they are not your friends. The U.S. Supreme Court gave them permission to lie over public airwaves and call it news. They can lie through cable news, as well, and they commonly do lie to mislead and confuse the American people about the recent attacks against the U.S., military, financial, and through new cloud-seeding techniques called HAARP and chemtrails. If you want a detailed review of these recent attacks, devoid of theory and stating the  facts ONLY, just ask. We don't BS about crime. Smart guys do not do these attacks. Scientists who think they know EVERYTHING sell out to swine with too much stolen money. Like Bill Gates. I met him in Seattle when he was putting the University of Washington's billing sytem on computer for the first time. That guy is the hog's hog he sold out so blindly and often.

  Personally, after working misplaced technology, I prefer experiments(many of which fail), the internet, and home grown fruits and vegetables and chicken eggs and trading with neighbors. Pull the plug on your CFRtv. The net has funnier entertainment, and news through, and will give you 10 times the info and more accurately in half the time. A good soup needs fresh ingredients. No GMO rot. Animals in the wild avoid it if they have non-GMO food around.

Comment by Pamela Ida Prince on January 1, 2012 at 5:05pm

We used to look up to America & her leaders as straight, honest god fearing leaders, good moral example to the rest of the world.  Must have been a Hollywood Film I was watching, a propaganda show,  or is this subject the Nightmare horror movie?

Comment by apeman2502 on December 30, 2011 at 11:28pm

  Get to know your local election officials ASAP and see to it that they do their job BY THE BOOK. Or cower and lose.

Comment by TheLasersShadow on December 30, 2011 at 9:26pm

Wow just watched that Mike Rivero clip and thats the first time I've heard him put it like Mark Koernke and others. You know if they do in fact steal this from Ron they will be confirming that the ballot box option is no longer available. The Jury box will still be there but only 1% or less of the people know about Jury nullification so the Jury box is really useless today. That leaves one box left to us from the founders to check our Government. I REALLY HOPE RON PAUL WINS! I don't want to even think what our country would go through otherwise in a collapse / uncivil war.

Comment by ShivaShakti on December 30, 2011 at 2:59pm

If Ron Paul should suddenly not live to see the elections then who has been chosen to replace him? There should be a discussion about such things.

There should also be a discussion in case America does not get to have elections this year. Martial law is a funny thing and can also affect elections.

Comment by Friday Woodlans-Sprite on December 29, 2011 at 12:55am

Well, I do know my left from right, my up from lower, but it seems whomever was knocking at my chamber door (oh now I know why Vincent surmised I was gay) will remain anonymous for now.  Nothing in that area to click

Comment by truth on December 29, 2011 at 12:49am

chat room knock? sound icon lower left, click it

Comment by Friday Woodlans-Sprite on December 29, 2011 at 12:47am

How do I answer the persistent knocking on my computer door?  Like every five bloody seconds, is it from somewhere else?  I never had this occur before

and not a fan of it

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