Ireland: Bankers Bury Their Snouts Deeper in the Trough as Assets to be Plundered with OUR Money!

By Neil Foster, July 29 2010

Don’t you find it a bit strange that a bank being investigated for fraud, which the taxpayer is bailing out with billions of Euro is now taking over one of the oldest biggest department stores in Dublin with
your money?

How can this happen when these crooks won’t even tell us where all the money went that we kindly handed over to them thus ensuring utter slavery for generations to come?

The truth is, we’re being screwed but then I probably don’t have to tell you that. I think it’s pretty obvious even to the Fine Fail coterie of partisan voters out there who must surely be starting to realise
that they are going to lose everything too as the IMF crooks rape the
country of even more wealth, including state assets to fill the coffers
of their criminal mafia bosses, namely the international bankers.

Even David McWilliams, you know, the guy who can do no wrong when it comes to predicting the collapse of the economy and now a climate change guru to boot, is now saying that to sell state assets at bargain
basement prices is a mistake.

Well, I might not be an ‘economic expert’ like Mr. McWilliams but to be honest I don’t have to be to see that selling state assets at bargain basement prices is a mistake. But let’s face facts here it isn’t a
mistake at all. It’s a deliberate act of plundering which has been
planned for some time by the IMF, World Bank etc to ensure that every
nation is raped of its wealth and brought to its knees in line with the
plans of the elite bankers who have deliberately crashed the world

McWilliams, and other so called ‘economic experts’ have lied through their teeth, mixing half truths with outright distortions and misinformation regarding the economy. They are nothing but shills put
out there for public consumption. If they were really that bothered
about explaining the economy they would be telling us truthfully that
the whole money system is a fraud and that the so called ‘debt’ we owe
to the as yet unidentified creditors is illegal as the thing called
‘money’ we apparently borrowed never existed to be borrowed in the first

The politicians have betrayed this country in a despicable act of treason. They are ultimately responsible for the rape of the country and will of course sell those state assets at bargain basement prices to
their masters of the international banking world who are nothing but
gangsters salivating over the spoils of the economic war they’re engaged
in on the ordinary people. Our politicians, every single one of them,
regardless of whether you think they’re that nice bloke next door or not
are complicit in this treason and should be arrested and punished to
the full extent of whatever law still stands in this country for acts of
treason. In my opinion, hanging is too good for them.

Why can’t we start arresting them? We are the true holders of the power in this country and must realise that politicians, police and judges work for us, not the other way around and that if any of these
bodies is breaking the law then we as citizens of this country have a
right to hold them accountable and that includes arresting them.

I’m not suggesting for minute that we go out in lynch mobs and string them up, although I’m sure it’s a fitting punishment for these scumbags, but we really need to start taking the law, not so much into
our own hands but simply taking it back. The law, not just in this
country but also across the world, is not used to punish criminals but
is implemented at a high level to protect the establishment by
controlling the people through the abuse of the legal system by a select
few including senior politicians who obviously act criminally but are
never punished.

One simple example would be expense claims made by, let me suggest the majority of politicians, which is simply called FRAUD. These crooks don’t get punished for this crime against the people and are simply
allowed to carry on regardless earning extortionate salaries and
expenses whilst securing lucrative index linked pension schemes after 5
years in the job. The ‘job’ they hold, with no qualifications, is just
as unaccountable to the public as their expenses claims whereby they do
not have to perform to any preset standards and most of whom simply do
nothing for 5 years and are never heard of again.

Not too bad when they’ve then got a lifelong pension courtesy of you and I, the slaves, filling these parasite’s pockets to the brim.

When are we going to get sick of being abused by these morons? Are we going to carry on struggling while these leeches continue to suck us dry and laugh all the way to the bank?

Orwell was right when he pointed out in Animal Farm that some animals are more equal than others.

It must be obvious, even to the most hard-line party supporter that these pigs have certainly got their snouts deep in the trough and they’ll not stop gobbling up everything in sight until this country is a
Third World nation with a compliant slave population to lick their
boots . WAKE UP!

Surce: OneWorldScam

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