April 14, 2012

collins33.jpegIs "Hunger Games" author Illuminati? 

"Numerous animals have lost their lives at my hands, but only one human. I hear Gale saying, "How different can it be, really?"  - Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games 

by Myles Davidson

Plenty is being said about the Hunger Games book and movie written by Suzanne Collins at the moment. This is the story of 24 children aged 12-18, competing to kill each other in a gladiatorial game set up by the ruling class, televised for the whole nation to watch. 

People are talking about how it is predictive programming getting us used to the idea of a dictatorial government. How it is a description of the UN's Agenda 21. How it is a description of the elites agenda for us all.

But who is Suzanne Collins and how does she have such a deep insight into the Illuminati agenda? It has already been pointed out that her surname 'Collins' is also one of the 13 Illuminati bloodline families. Do we have any evidence that she may be from the Collins? As I have found out... yes we do!

Fritz Springmeier has had many Illuminati members give him information. One was Tom Collins, a defector, who described the Mothers Of Darkness (a level within the Illuminati structure on the female side) and the castle in Belgium where they do their rituals. 

This castle was exposed in the 'Dutroux affair' in Belgium where the top levels of Belgium society were involved in pedophilia, torture and child sacrifice during the 90's. Here is an excerpt from Springmeiers book as told to him by Tom Collins who was present at this particular ritual:

"The year is 1955, and all the Mothers of Darkness level families are attending this ritual. Besides the Collins family, other Illuminati bloodlines such as the Rothschilds are represented. The Grande Dame on the throne is called Queen Mother and she is a Collins... Seven children from generational Satanic families who are dressed in white are presented to the Queen Mother Collins, and then lay prostrate and worship her... After approving the candidates, seven other children where then sacrificed and the blood of the dead child would be used to write the approved child's name on a parchment using a quill pen."

As The Hunger Games is all about ritual sacrifice via the elites, are these connections coincidence? Is Suzanne Collins a member of the Illuminati Collins family? Is her deep knowledge of the 'agenda' a result of this connection? Is the Hunger Games really a piece of very dark magic projected onto and into the minds and souls of our young people?

I'll leave you with a quote from the book, where Katniss is pondering her first kill in the games and comparing it to the animals she used to hunt, illegally, at home in District 12. "Numerous animals have lost their lives at my hands, but only one human. I hear Gale saying, "How different can it be, really?" "

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Comment by honeygirl on April 21, 2012 at 3:35pm

the answer is yes , Suzanne Collins is illuminati NWO and yes these luciferians have a vision like that for

humanity . Evil Hollywood thrives on the blood of babies .


Comment by Robert Carobene on April 20, 2012 at 10:30pm

Indeed there is since all Hollywood movies are influenced by the nwo one way or another!

Comment by suzie on April 20, 2012 at 9:51pm

smooth move James..  @Robert there is an influence of the Nwo  agenda absolutely for us it is very clearly indoctrinational and getting people used to the idea of this kinda of thinking.. the glorification of death.. the districts are very Agenda 21ish.. My sister in law told me it was mandatory reading in her sons school.. 

Comment by truth on April 20, 2012 at 6:58pm

"Destroying the New World Order"



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