Giants Were Among Us

             Giants have been well documented not only in myth and legend, but also in the historical and archeological record. More than just children's stories, many giants were real people, living with close associations in real societies and even ruling ancient kingdoms. The giant, Goliath, was only one of many giants the Bible speaks of and, owing to the "best seller in history” status of the Bible, he is the most famous. There is the giant of "Jack and the Beanstalk" fame and, of course, it is almost a crime not to include a giant in any fantasy film or video game. 
            Gigantopithecus and Meganthropus are names given to giant hominids found by paleontologists, but since they don't fit too well in the imaginary evolutionary chain, they don't get much attention. Meganthropus is the giant Java man who inhabited Southeast Asia over a million years ago. He stood12 feet tall and weighed several hundred pounds. Java man was found with stone implements consisting of hand axes, clubs, pounders, adzes, knives, and other tools often ranging in weight from 8 to 36 lbs or more. Artifacts, identical to those used by Meganthropus, have been found in Australia. Gigantopithecus is often suspected of being the elusive Bigfoot or Yeti. 
            Outside the scientific theater, there are a number of skeletons, skulls, and footprints of giants as tall as 30 feet. They appear in almost every culture's folklore and legend, most of them the "big bully" variety, and a hero dispatches almost all. Theories about the builders of pyramids, stone circles, and other monolithic examples of ancient construction find giants as a possible answer. Big blocks mean big builders. 
            Even the Catholic patron saint of travel, St. Christopher, was, by all accounts, a giant. Jacques de Voragine, in The Golden Legend, wrote of St. Christopher: "He was of gigantic stature, had a terrifying mien, was twelve coudees tall.” A coudee is equal to or larger than the English foot. According to this ancient account, St. Christopher stood from 12 to 18 feet tall, a fact that was erased from church history. While Western icons don't picture St. Christopher as a giant, those of the Eastern churches do. His story, in brief, is that his name was originally Offro or Offerus and he was a giant of great strength, but of a sensitive nature, traveling in search of the greatest god.He was possibly of royal birth. His search eventually led him to a strange occupation as a human ferry, hiring out to literally carry people across rivers too deep for a normal human to cross. The legend has Jesus as one of his customers. Jesus blessed him and told him that he had carried on his shoulders all the sins of the world. He then asked St. Christopher to plant his great walking-staff in the ground. At once, a wonderful tree miraculously sprang up. This was not the first time Jesus made a living tree grow from a staff.
            The lack of the presence of giants in orthodox history, academia, and anthropological studies is appalling in light of the true historical records form every part of the globe. Were one to undertake a thorough study of giants and record all in detail it would certainly be a life's work. Even more mysterious is the seemingly unanimous decisions by the keepers of the world's museums and archeological treasures to keep the physical evidence of giants hidden from public view. Only a smattering of the evidence is available in obscure locations. Thousands of skeleton's and hundreds of historical reports are ignored.
             The accepted knowledge among the world's peoples is that giants are the creatures of myth and folklore, relegated to children's fairy tales and B grade horror movies. The reality is that giants were present throughout our history from ancient biblical accounts and historical Roman military campaigns to the relatively modern genocide of the natives of North America.

 A Giant Cover-up
The Smithsonian Giants

            Rumored to be beneath the Vatican lie many levels of secret, impregnable vaults that make up the legendary Vatican Archives.  Supposedly containing the plunder of millennia and the secrets of the ages, their contents have filled the imaginations of countless generations.  Perhaps not equal in quality, but certainly rivaling in quantity, are the archives of the Smithsonian Institution.  And in those archives, open only to government officials, lie the bones of many thousands of corpses dug up, described and stored without study, many for over a century and a half.  Scores, if not hundreds, of these skeletons are considered giants and yet, they lie deteriorating, not finding the slightest interest from anthropologists.  Wanting no part in rocking the neatly defined, religiously correct American prehistory model, the researchers ignore them now and there is no sign this will ever change.  
            Hidden in dark, inaccessible storage is a sad example of scientific domination over social understanding and cultural history.  Not to be found in the history books, the science references or the classroom is undeniable evidence that a race of giants had a prominent presence on the North American continent.  Also hidden from public understanding is the fact that giants were among the native people who fell before the colonial eradication crusade.  Only the fortunate cultural conscience of amateur historians, writing about the prominent events of their individual communities, preserved easily accessible evidence of giants in our North American past.
            Though there is much evidence in the written record of the Smithsonian it is an overwhelming and disorganized system typical of a rapid and misguided mass internment project.  Meant more to verify the inferiority of the accepted view that the natives standing in the way of economic progress and religious dominance were a more savage and primitive race of sub humans than a relevant culture, the die was cast.  All evidence, showing anything not fitting a Stone Age culture better eliminated than trifled with or indicating anything that might warrant serious study, was quietly filed away and warehoused in obscurity.   
            We have glimpses of a great society thriving on the North American continent in total contradiction to historical propaganda.  Throughout the entire continent there were many great societies living from the land while maintaining a high level of stewardship over it for thousands of years.  A harmony of cultural beliefs that paid homage to the biosphere that so generously provided their needs, the value of life and love and gods that ruled their existence, was their religion.  But, the colonial interlopers, who wanted to reap the generous harvest in the name of profit, considered the moderate use of the land inefficient and the natural way of life only a hindrance to progress.  Even offers from the native population to share the bounty was not enough.  The religious crusaders considered the native beliefs heathen, pagan, and in need of change.
            To the invaders, the concept of living from the land without farms and fences was totally impractical. The ridiculous practice of taking only what was needed without any regard to profit was simply a sign of native stupidity.  The only thing the religious zealots understood about the native beliefs was that they had to be changed at all cost, as quickly as possible.  And, as proof of all the colonial views, the natives actually resisted the change, resulting in the entire race being labeled as savages.  
            When science studied the indigenous population they found exactly what the religious and commercial wanted them to find.  Not only did the natives act like primitives, they actually were primitives.  Their physical nature was classified as less developed then their European superiors, their mental capacity was consider as woefully inadequate, and even the color and shape of their eyes was considered as evidence of primal and ferocious passions.  Science justified the genocide by lowering the value of the victims.
            With this racist mindset as the focus of research eventually done by the Smithsonian, anything that might question the inferiority of the indigenous peoples was not considered valid.  Anything not dark skinned, dark haired or dark eyed didn’t fit the mold, so it was discarded.  Any signs that these savages may have had contact with other civilized societies might indicate they may possess some cultural diversity, so that also was discarded.  And the evidence of giants posed the worst of all possible problems; they could create interest, which might produce investigation, and could possibly expose the racist conspiracy.   Blond haired, blue eyed, white skinned or giant corpses needed to quietly disappear, and they did, deep into the vaults of the Smithsonian.  Only the low browed, angle eyed, stocky corpses fit the mold and only they were studied.
            The sad result is that the evidence of giants on the North American continent is in storage in the dark warehouses of the Smithsonian.  We know of their presence from the catalog records that were kept by the people who dug them up and boxed them away.  For the present they are only accessible to government officials with no explanation of the secrecy.  There is no interest in exploring this enigma because the racist mindset toward the indigenous peoples of North America has only changed from fear to pity.  True understanding of the nature of these proud people and the giants they lived with will never be achieved until their culture comes out of the quaint gift shops and off the new age bookshelves and into the scientific journals and the classroom.
            The evidence of giants in North America is extensive, but woefully simplistic, mainly the discovery of skeletons and skulls.  They were mainly dug up, described in local history journals or newspapers, and then shipped off to museums, never to be seen again.  A few are still in the public domain.  It is the simple record of the discoveries and a few privately held skeletons, bones or skulls that provide the only evidence available.

Tribes of Giants 
In the Bible and Around the World

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Comment by Robert Carobene on April 20, 2012 at 2:15pm

Thanks I know so much is hidden and they want it to remain hidden!

Comment by Nikki on April 20, 2012 at 2:04pm

Excellent post, Robert. There is so much they are covering up and don't want us to know about.

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